The house met at 10:05 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker.
The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Record 42).
Present — Mr. Speaker(C); Allen; Allison; Anchia; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Beckley; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Biedermann; Bonnen; Bowers; Buckley; Bucy; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Cason; Clardy; Cole; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Crockett; Cyrier; Darby; Davis; Dean; Deshotel; Dominguez; Dutton; Ellzey; Fierro; Frank; Frullo; Gates; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Harris; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hull; Hunter; Israel; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J.D.; Johnson, J.E.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Larson; Leach; Leman; Longoria; Lopez; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Middleton; Minjarez; Moody; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morales Shaw; Morrison; Muñoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Noble; Oliverson; Ordaz Perez; Ortega; Pacheco; Paddie; Parker; Patterson; Paul; Perez; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rodriguez; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Slaton; Slawson; Smith; Smithee; Spiller; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson; Talarico; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Toth; Turner, C.; Turner, J.; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener.
The invocation was offered by Representative Talarico as follows:
Holy mystery, you have so many names. The Torah calls you creator. The Koran calls you peace. The Gita calls you destroyer. The dharma calls you truth. And the First Epistle of John calls you perhaps the most beautiful name of all, love. You are the strange love uniting all things––the love that drew elements together after that big bang, the love that drew life itself from those primordial oceans, the love that drew us all to this exact moment, the love we were born of, the love we exist in, and the love we will one day return to.
In my faith, you expressed yourself through a barefoot rabbi who embodied your perfect love, a crucified carpenter who gave only two commandments, love God and love neighbor, because there is no love of God without love of neighbor. Help us love not just in word but in action. Help us honor not just the name of Jesus but the way of Jesus. Help us free the oppressed, feed the hungry, house the homeless, heal the sick, release the prisoner, welcome the stranger, forgive the enemy, and above all, protect your creation.
The word of God is love. Let us not be hearers of your word but doers of your word in our families, in our communities, and in this chamber––not just with prayers but with policies, not just personal love but political love. Because democracy is not just a constitution; democracy is a covenant. Holy mystery, open our minds, open our hearts, open our hands, so that we may build a new world in the shell of the old––a world that is more just, more free, more whole, and more in love with you. In all your many names we pray. Amen.
The chair recognized Representative Ordaz Perez who led the house in the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 1).
The following committee meeting was announced:
Environmental Regulation, upon final adjournment/recess or during bill referral, if permission is granted, today, 1W.14, for a formal meeting, to consider pending business.
The following bills were laid before the house and read second time:
(by S. Thompson)
HB 867, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the issuance of a qualified domestic relations order for the payment of spousal maintenance and child support obligations.
Amendment No. 1
Representative S. Thompson offered the following amendment to HB 867:
Amend HB 867 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 6, strike "8.057(b) and (c)" and substitute "8.057(a), (b), and (c)".
(2) On page 1, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following:
(a) The amount of maintenance specified in a court order or the portion of a decree that provides for the maintenance [support] of a former spouse may be modified [reduced] by the filing of a motion in the court that originally rendered the order. A party affected by the order or the portion of the decree to be modified may file the motion.
(3) Strike page 1, line 17, through page 2, line 1, and substitute the following:
(c) After a hearing, the court may modify an original or modified order or portion of a decree providing for maintenance or a maintenance qualified domestic relations order under Subchapter H on a proper showing of a material and substantial change in circumstances that occurred after the date of the order or decree, including circumstances reflected in the factors specified in Section 8.052, relating to either party or to a child of the marriage described by Section 8.051(2)(C)[, if applicable]. The court:
(1) shall apply the modification only to payment accruing after the filing of the motion to modify; and
(2) may not increase maintenance to an amount or duration that exceeds the amount or remaining duration of the original maintenance order.
Amendment No. 1 was adopted.
Amendment No. 2
Representative S. Thompson offered the following amendment to HB 867:
Amend HB 867 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 5, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
Sec. 8.359. CONFLICTS WITH OTHER LAW. (a) To the extent of a conflict between this subchapter and Chapter 804, Government Code, Chapter 804, Government Code, prevails.
(b) To the extent of a conflict between this subchapter and federal law, the federal law prevails.
(2) On page 9, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following:
Sec. 157.508. CONFLICTS WITH OTHER LAW. (a) To the extent of a conflict between this subchapter and Chapter 804, Government Code, Chapter 804, Government Code, prevails.
(b) To the extent of a conflict between this subchapter and federal law, the federal law prevails.
Amendment No. 2 was adopted.
Amendment No. 3
Representative Slaton offered the following amendment to HB 867:
Amend HB 867 on page 3, line 22, and page 7, line 16, by inserting at both places the following language:
(c) If at the time the petition is filed there exists a dispute between the parties to the order with regard to the issue of funds under the order being used for therapies, drugs, or surgery for the purpose of allowing a child to present themself as a sex other than their biological sex, the court shall stay all proceedings with regard to such petition until the dispute is resolved.
Amendment No. 3 - Point of Order
Representative S. Thompson raised a point of order against further consideration of Amendment No. 3 under Rule 11, Section 2, of the House Rules. The point of order was sustained and the speaker submitted the following ruling:
on Amendment No. 3 to House Bill 867
Announced in the House on March 24, 2021
Representative Thompson of Harris raises a point of order against further consideration of the Slaton Amendment under Rule 11, Section 2, on the grounds that it is not germane.
The Slaton Amendment would stay all proceedings in connection with the entry of qualified domestic relations orders to ensure the satisfaction of amounts due and owing under an existing order if the parties have a dispute over certain medical procedures to be performed on a child of the parties.
The subject of the bill is the procedure by which amounts already due and owing under a qualified domestic relations order are satisfied. As Ms. Thompson notes, the undisputed purpose of the bill is to update state law to align it with the federal law governing these types of court orders.
The subject of the Slaton Amendment is to authorize litigation over the purpose for which amounts already ordered to be paid may be used. The Slaton Amendment is not germane because it addresses a different subject that is not the same subject as the bill. 86 H. Jour. 2480-2481 (2019).
The point of order is well-taken and sustained.
The ruling precluded further consideration of Amendment No. 3.
HB 867, as amended, was passed to engrossment.
(by Minjarez and Canales)
HB 682, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to notifying an alleged perpetrator of child abuse or neglect of the person's right to request an administrative review of the department's findings after an investigation by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
Amendment No. 1
Representative Vasut offered the following amendment to HB 682:
Amend HB 682 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 11, strike "verbally notify" and substitute "provide written notice to".
(2) On page 1, line 13, after "Section 261.309." add "The person shall sign the written notice to acknowledge receipt of the notice."
Amendment No. 1 was adopted.
HB 682, as amended, was passed to engrossment.
(by Geren, Holland, S. Thompson, Parker, Pacheco, et al.)
CSHB 1024, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the pickup and delivery of alcoholic beverages from certain premises for off-premises consumption.
Amendment No. 1
Representative Geren offered the following amendment to CSHB 1024:
Amend CSHB 1024 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 4, strike lines 19-23 and substitute the following:
beverages from the club premises, except:
(1) as authorized by:
(A) Section 28.10(b) or 32.155; or
(B) Chapter 57, as added by Chapter 441 (SB1450), Acts of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019; or
(2) for the purpose of removing unused inventory the person brought onto the premises under Section 14.07, as added by Chapter 792 (HB1997), Acts of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, or 37.01(d).
(2) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. Section 32.17(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, as effective September 1, 2021, is amended to read as follows:
(a) The commission or administrator may cancel or suspend for a period of time not exceeding 60 days, after notice and hearing, an original or renewal private club registration permit on finding that the permittee club has:
(1) sold, offered for sale, purchased, or held title to any alcoholic beverage so as to constitute an open saloon;
(2) refused to allow an authorized agent or representative of the commission or a peace officer to come on the club premises for the purposes of inspecting alcoholic beverages stored on the premises or investigating compliance with the provisions of this code;
(3) refused to furnish the commission or its agent or representative when requested any information pertaining to the storage, possession, serving, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on club premises;
(4) except as authorized under Section 32.15, permitted or allowed any alcoholic beverages stored on club premises to be served or consumed at any place other than on the club premises;
(5) failed to maintain an adequate building at the address for which the private club registration permit was issued;
(6) caused, permitted, or allowed any member of a club in a dry area to store any liquor on club premises except under the locker system;
(7) caused, permitted, or allowed any person to consume or be served any alcoholic beverage on the club premises:
(A) at any time on Sunday between the hours of 1:15 a.m. and 10 a.m. or on any other day at any time between the hours of 12:15 a.m. and 7 a.m., if the club does not have a retailer late hours certificate, except that an alcoholic beverage served to a customer between 10 a.m. and 12 noon on Sunday must be provided during the service of food to the customer; or
(B) at any time on Sunday between the hours of 2 a.m. and 10 a.m. or on any other day at any time between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m., if the club has a retailer late hours certificate, except that an alcoholic beverage served to a customer between 10 a.m. and 12 noon on Sunday must be provided during the service of food to the customer; or
(8) violated or assisted, aided or abetted the violation of any provision of this code.
Amendment No. 1 was adopted.
CSHB 1024, as amended, was passed to engrossment.
(by Landgraf, J. Turner, White, Holland, et al.)
HB 119, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to prohibiting organ transplant recipient discrimination on the basis of certain disabilities.
Amendment No. 1
Representative Landgraf offered the following amendment to HB 119:
Amend HB 119 (house committee report) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. This Act may be cited as Daniel's Law.
Amendment No. 1 was adopted.
HB 119, as amended, was passed to engrossment.
(by Harris and Anderson)
HB 1070, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the performance of pest control work by persons who hold a commercial or noncommercial applicator license issued by the Department of Agriculture.
HB 1070 was passed to engrossment.
Bills and joint resolutions were at this time laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 1.)
Representative Jetton moved that the house adjourn until 10 a.m. tomorrow.
The motion prevailed.
The house accordingly, at 11:23 a.m., adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow.
Pursuant to Section 4.02(a) of HR 3, the Housekeeping Resolution for the 87th Legislature, I appoint the following supervisory administrative employees of the house for the 87th Legislature:
Scott Siebert
Manager, Accounting
Ruben Aguillon
Manager, Payroll/Personnel
Monti Perkins
Manager, Photography
Vernon Green
Manager, Post Office
Pat Mills
Manager, Property
Amy Cadenhead
Manager, Purchasing/Supply
Scott Williams
Manager, Reproduction
Gabe Reyes
Manager, Special Services
Mike Blackwell
Manager, Video/Audio
Laura Hendrickson
Director, House Research Organization
The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions were today laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chair today corrected the referral of the following measures:
List No. 1
HB 3851 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to the creation of a health insurance risk pool for certain health benefit plan enrollees; authorizing an assessment.
To Insurance.
HB 3852 (By Raney), Relating to requiring the disclosure of information by certain third-party sellers of consumer goods sold through an online marketplace.
To Business and Industry.
HB 3853 (By Anderson), Relating to middle mile broadband service provided by an electric utility.
To State Affairs.
HB 3854 (By Rogers), Relating to animal disease control by the Texas Animal Health Commission; providing an administrative penalty.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 3855 (By Rogers), Relating to the control of diseases of swine.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 3856 (By Rogers), Relating to administrative penalties imposed by the Texas Animal Health Commission.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 3857 (By Shaheen), Relating to requirements to file a property owners' association assessment lien.
To Business and Industry.
HB 3858 (By Ordaz Perez), Relating to the provision by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of certain information in a language other than English.
To Environmental Regulation.
HB 3859 (By Guillen), Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for recipients of certain Texas military awards.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.
HB 3860 (By J. González), Relating to the prohibition of certain discrimination; authorizing civil penalties.
To State Affairs.
HB 3861 (By Howard), Relating to the establishment of a task force to study the effect of delayed school start times on students.
To Public Education.
HB 3862 (By VanDeaver), Relating to the removal of a member of the board of trustees of an independent school district.
To Public Education.
HB 3863 (By Klick), Relating to exemptions from licensing requirements to operate an end stage renal disease facility.
To Public Health.
HB 3864 (By Murr), Relating to excused absences from public school for certain students to visit a professional's workplace for a career investigation day.
To Public Education.
HB 3865 (By Murr), Relating to the verification of the status of certain driver's licenses before renting a motor vehicle.
To Business and Industry.
HB 3866 (By Murr), Relating to the offense of operating or loading an overweight vehicle.
To Transportation.
HB 3867 (By Shaheen), Relating to information contained in the annual financial audit of certain regional transportation authorities.
To Transportation.
HB 3868 (By Murr), Relating to the presidential electors of this state.
To Elections.
HB 3869 (By Crockett), Relating to affirmative defenses to possession of child pornography.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 3870 (By Dutton), Relating to the program requiring dyslexia screening and testing in public schools.
To Public Education.
HB 3871 (By J.E. Johnson, Larson, Allison, Kacal, and Huberty), Relating to the development and implementation of the Live Well Texas program to provide health benefit coverage to certain individuals; imposing penalties.
To Human Services.
HB 3872 (By Dutton), Relating to local school health advisory councils and health education provided by school districts, including requirements regarding human sexuality instruction.
To Public Health.
HB 3873 (By Bucy), Relating to the use of an accessible absentee mail system by certain voters.
To Elections.
HB 3874 (By Bucy), Relating to the transmission of balloting materials to certain disabled voters.
To Elections.
HB 3875 (By Crockett), Relating to narrowing the definition of the offense of compelling prostitution.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 3876 (By Dutton), Relating to the permissible uses of the compensatory education allotment under the Foundation School Program.
To Public Education.
HB 3877 (By Israel), Relating to the prima facie speed limit in certain urban districts.
To Transportation.
HB 3878 (By Hinojosa), Relating to economic development and workforce retraining opportunities in the transition to the use of clean energy sources.
To International Relations and Economic Development.
HB 3879 (By Allen), Relating to corporal punishment in public schools.
To Public Education.
HB 3880 (By Dutton and Guillen), Relating to a student's eligibility for special education services provided by a school district.
To Public Education.
HB 3881 (By Goldman), Relating to the creation of an advisory committee by the Railroad Commission of Texas to facilitate the movement of natural gas to high priority customers during periods of emergency.
To Energy Resources.
HB 3882 (By Lopez), Relating to a landlord's duty to inspect for and treat bedbugs in residential rental units.
To Business and Industry.
HB 3883 (By Biedermann), Relating to development regulations for certain unincorporated areas located within the Hill Country Priority Groundwater Management Area; authorizing a fee; authorizing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.
To Land and Resource Management.
HB 3884 (By Biedermann), Relating to the authority of a county to regulate lot frontages on certain roads.
To Land and Resource Management.
HB 3885 (By Raney), Relating to liquified petroleum gas cylinder licensing.
To Energy Resources.
HB 3886 (By Morales Shaw), Relating to the definitions of bullying and harassment and the behavior of students in public schools.
To Public Education.
HB 3887 (By Morales Shaw), Relating to college preparatory courses for public high school students.
To Public Education.
HB 3888 (By Morales Shaw), Relating to the resignation of a public school teacher employed under a term contract.
To Public Education.
HB 3889 (By Morales Shaw), Relating to the cost for certain public school students of a broadband Internet access program offered by the Texas Education Agency.
To Public Education.
HB 3890 (By Button), Relating to the creation and maintenance by an appraisal district of a publicly available Internet database of information regarding protest hearings conducted by the appraisal review board established for the district.
To Ways and Means.
HB 3891 (By Morales Shaw), Relating to the inclusion of compensation received by teachers under the teacher allotment incentive in salary and wages under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 3892 (By Capriglione), Relating to matters concerning governmental entities, including cybersecurity, governmental efficiencies, information resources, and emergency planning.
To State Affairs.
HB 3893 (By Hinojosa and Cyrier), Relating to the modification of a 99-year lease of certain state property.
To Land and Resource Management.
HB 3894 (By Hinojosa), Relating to the creation by the Texas Workforce Commission of a program to assist with transitioning certain workers to clean energy jobs.
To International Relations and Economic Development.
HB 3895 (By Wu), Relating to guardians ad litem for children who are in the juvenile justice system and the child protective services system.
To Juvenile Justice and Family Issues.
HB 3896 (By Smithee), Relating to access to certain financial records by the guardianship abuse, fraud, and exploitation deterrence program.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 3897 (By S. Thompson), Relating to fees levied by municipalities and counties for alcoholic beverage permits and licenses.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 3898 (By Anchia), Relating to the funding of public retirement systems.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 3899 (By Sanford), Relating to the applicability of certain rating plan prohibitions for automobile insurance to county mutual insurance companies.
To Insurance.
HB 3900 (By Pacheco), Relating to the appointment of a deputy clerk to County Court at Law No. 2 or 3.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 3901 (By Hefner), Relating to prohibited restrictions on occupancy capacity for places of worship.
To State Affairs.
HB 3902 (By Anchia), Relating to the resumption of employment by certain retirees within the Texas Municipal Retirement System.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 3903 (By Wu), Relating to the confidentiality of eviction case information.
To Business and Industry.
HB 3904 (By Martinez), Relating to the creation and continuation of a county fire marshal position.
To County Affairs.
HB 3905 (By Frank), Relating to the creation of a program for assisting certain recipients in achieving self-sufficiency.
To Insurance.
HB 3906 (By Goldman), Relating to the regulation of political funds, campaigns, and lobbying, including certain functions and procedures of the Texas Ethics Commission.
To State Affairs.
HB 3907 (By Goldman), Relating to a franchise or insurance tax credit for certain housing developments.
To Ways and Means.
HB 3908 (By Pacheco), Relating to the appointment of a deputy clerk to each statutory probate court.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 3909 (By Harris), Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to regulate certain activities.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 3910 (By Romero), Relating to the authority of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district to consider sales of property to governmental units when using the market data comparison method to determine the market value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes.
To Ways and Means.
HB 3911 (By Romero), Relating to the eligibility of certain groups or associations that include self-employed individuals to participate in a multiple employer welfare arrangement.
To Insurance.
HB 3912 (By Hinojosa), Relating to the weather emergency preparedness of gas facilities and facilities for providing electric service.
To State Affairs.
HB 3913 (By Ramos), Relating to continuing judicial training regarding family violence victims.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 3914 (By Ortega), Relating to the inclusion of adults with mental illness in reduced-fare programs of public transportation providers.
To Transportation.
HB 3915 (By Goldman), Relating to the designation of certain premises as critical load.
To Energy Resources.
HB 3916 (By Goldman), Relating to prohibiting restrictive regulation of distributed power generation.
To State Affairs.
HB 3917 (By A. Johnson), Relating to the rights of victims of sexual assault.
To Public Health.
HB 3918 (By Romero), Relating to motor vehicle muffler noise requirements.
To Transportation.
HB 3919 (By Dean), Relating to the eligibility to vote an early voting ballot by mail on the ground of disability.
To Elections.
HB 3920 (By Dean), Relating to signature verification on an early voting ballot voted by mail; creating a criminal offense.
To Elections.
HB 3921 (By Bailes), Relating to the use of certain drugs in bovine breeding stock by or on the prescription of a veterinarian.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 3922 (By Oliverson), Relating to information provided by health care providers and hospitals to certain patients regarding pharmaceutical manufacturer patient assistance programs for insulin.
To Insurance.
HB 3923 (By Oliverson), Relating to multiple employer welfare arrangements.
To Insurance.
HB 3924 (By Oliverson), Relating to the operation of and coverage by a nonprofit agricultural organization.
To Insurance.
HB 3925 (By Collier), Relating to pedestrian use of a sidewalk.
To Transportation.
HB 3926 (By Hefner), Relating to the inclusion of temporary vehicle tags in the offense of tampering with a governmental record.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 3927 (By Hefner), Relating to the issuance and use of certain temporary motor vehicle tags and the classification of temporary motor vehicle tags as governmental records for purposes of certain criminal offenses.
To Transportation.
HB 3928 (By Bernal), Relating to additional service credit for certain members of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 3929 (By Bernal), Relating to the loss of benefits of and the payment of certain employer contributions for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who resume service.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 3930 (By Bernal), Relating to the compensatory education allotment for homeless students or students in foster care under the Foundation School Program.
To Public Education.
HB 3931 (By Raney and Guillen), Relating to the establishment of the Texas Competency-Based Education Grant Program for certain students enrolled in competency-based baccalaureate degree programs and to formula funding and dropped and repeated course restrictions for students enrolled in those degree programs at public institutions of higher education.
To Higher Education.
HB 3932 (By Bernal and Guillen), Relating to the establishment of the State Advisory Council on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
To Public Education.
HB 3933 (By T. King), Relating to the review of river authorities by the Sunset Advisory Commission.
To Natural Resources.
HB 3934 (By Slawson), Relating to enhancing the punishment for certain conduct constituting the criminal offense of aggravated assault.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 3935 (By Slawson), Relating to the distribution of municipal sales and use tax revenue to a municipality that reduces the funding allocated to law enforcement agencies.
To Ways and Means.
HB 3936 (By Sanford), Relating to the governing body and corporate officers of the independent organization certified to manage the ERCOT power region.
To State Affairs.
HB 3937 (By Sanford), Relating to the legislature's goals for renewable electric generating capacity.
To State Affairs.
HB 3938 (By K. Bell), Relating to the establishment of the industry-based certification advisory council and the transfer of certain duties to that advisory council.
To International Relations and Economic Development.
HB 3939 (By Talarico), Relating to a requirement that a purchaser of commercial real property disclose the sales price of the property to the appraisal district and to the use of that information by the appraisal district; creating a criminal offense.
To Ways and Means.
HB 3940 (By Cain), Relating to discrimination against or burdening certain constitutional rights of an applicant for or holder of a license to practice law in this state.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 3941 (By Guillen), Relating to surcharges imposed for the use of a credit card.
To Business and Industry.
HB 3942 (By Slaton), Relating to requiring a voter to be affiliated with a political party to vote in that party's primary election or otherwise participate in that party's affairs; creating a criminal offense.
To Elections.
HB 3943 (By Slawson), Relating to the offense of providing an alcoholic beverage to a minor; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 3944 (By Klick), Relating to the provision of initial health risk assessments for Medicaid recipients.
To Human Services.
HB 3945 (By Herrero), Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit to waive penalties and interest on delinquent ad valorem taxes imposed on property located in a disaster area.
To Ways and Means.
HB 3946 (By Goldman), Relating to prohibited relationships between holders of certain alcoholic beverage licenses and permits.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 3947 (By Muñoz and Guillen), Relating to health care cost transparency by health benefit plan issuers.
To Insurance.
HB 3948 (By T. King and Guillen), Relating to the production and regulation of hemp and consumable hemp products; providing administrative penalties; imposing and authorizing fees; creating a criminal offense.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 3949 (By Martinez), Relating to the conveyance or transfer of a portion of a state highway road to an airport, land port, or sea port.
To Transportation.
HB 3950 (By Crockett), Relating to the determination of a person's eligibility to receive compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
To Appropriations.
The following messages from the senate were today received by the house:
Message No. 1
Austin, Texas
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The Honorable Speaker of the House
House Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken the following action:
Relating to the transfer of certain probate proceedings to the county in which the executor or administrator of a decedent's estate resides.
Relating to eminent domain reporting requirements for certain entities.
Patsy Spaw
Secretary of the Senate
Favorable reports have been filed by committees as follows:
March 23
Defense and Veterans' Affairs - HB 33, HB 139, HB 739, HB 1081
Homeland Security and Public Safety - HB 786
Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence - HB 262, HB 365, HB 411, HB 654, HB 976
Juvenile Justice and Family Issues - HB 80, HB 868, HB 1013, HB 1227, HB 1372
Public Education - HB 690, HB 773, HB 1147
State Affairs - HB 10, HB 11, HB 12, HB 13, HB 16, HB 17, HB 1600