The house met at 10:27 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker.

The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Record 53).

Present — Mr. Speaker(C); Allen; Allison; Anchía; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Bumgarner; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Cunningham; Darby; Davis; Dean; DeAyala; Dorazio; Dutton; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gámez; Garcia; Gates; Gerdes; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Harris, C.E.; Harris, C.J.; Harrison; Hayes; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Howard; Hull; Hunter; Isaac; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J.D.; Johnson, J.E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Lalani; Lambert; Landgraf; Leach; Leo-Wilson; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Moody; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morales Shaw; Morrison; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Noble; Oliverson; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Paul; Perez; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Slaton; Slawson; Smith; Smithee; Spiller; Stucky; Swanson; Talarico; Tepper; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Toth; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener.

Absent, Excused — Capriglione; Holland.

Absent — Martinez Fischer.

The invocation was offered by the Reverend Jakob N. Hurlimann, chaplain, as follows:

Eternal Father, we give you thanks for this day, for the gift of our lives, by which we may know, serve, and love you. Grant to us your spirit so that our minds may be enlightened, our hearts enlivened, and that we ourselves may walk always in your ways, drawing ever closer to you, in whom we find the fulfillment of all our desires. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The chair recognized Representative Longoria who led the house in the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.


The following member was granted leave of absence for today because of important business:

Capriglione on motion of Frank.

The following member was granted leave of absence for today and the remainder of the week because of a death in the family:

Holland on motion of Landgraf.


A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 1).


The chair presented Dr. Diana Cook of Round Rock as the "Doctor for the Day."

The house welcomed Dr. Cook and thanked her for her participation in the Physician of the Day Program sponsored by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.


On motion of Representative Metcalf and by unanimous consent, the reading and referral of bills was postponed until just prior to adjournment.


At 10:31 a.m., the following committee meetings were announced:

Appropriations, scheduled to meet at 8 a.m. Thursday, March 23, will convene at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 23, in the posted location.

Higher Education, upon final adjournment or during bill referral, if permission is granted, today, 1W.14, for a formal meeting, to consider pending business.

(by Martinez)

Representative Martinez moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 597.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 597, In memory of Texas firefighters who have died in the line of duty and recognizing March 21, 2023, as Firefighter Appreciation Day at the State Capitol.

HR 597 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

On motion of Representative Landgraf, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 597 as signers thereof.

(by Smithee)

Representative Smithee moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 609.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 609, In memory of Preston Henry Ralston of Dalhart.

HR 609 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

(by Goodwin)

Representative Goodwin moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 599.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 599, In memory of Natalia Monet Cox of Melissa.

HR 599 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

On motion of Representative Rose, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 599 as signers thereof.


The chair recognized Representative Murr who introduced Robert Earl Keen and members of his family and friends.

(by Ashby)

Representative Ashby moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 585.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 585, Recognizing the Texas Forestry Association on the occasion of its seedling giveaway.

HR 585 was adopted.

(by Moody, M. González, Cain, Landgraf, and Craddick)

Representative Moody moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 570.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 570, Recognizing March 21, 2023, as World Down Syndrome Day at the State Capitol.

HR 570 was adopted.

On motion of Representative Vasut, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 570 as signers thereof.

(by Jetton)

Representative Jetton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 595.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 595, Recognizing March 21, 2023, as Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers Day at the State Capitol.

HR 595 was adopted.

(by Shaheen)

Representative Shaheen moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 594.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 594, Recognizing the first full week in April as Gifted and Talented Students Week.

HR 594 was adopted.

(by Lalani)

Representative Lalani moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 596.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 596, Recognizing Nowruz on March 21, 2023.

HR 596 was adopted. (Slaton recorded voting no.)

On motion of Representative Hunter, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 596 as signers thereof.

(by C. Morales)

Representative C. Morales moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 586.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 586, Commemorating the 217th anniversary of the birth of Benito Juárez and honoring Latino businesses in the Lone Star State.

HR 586 was adopted.

(by C. Morales)

Representative C. Morales moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 604.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 604, Commemorating the reopening of Villa Arcos in Houston.

HR 604 was adopted.


Representative Hunter moved that the house grant permission for all committees and subcommittees to meet while the house is in session, today, pursuant to their committee postings or recess motions, and for purposes of this motion, those committees and subcommittees scheduled to meet or reconvene upon adjournment today are authorized to meet upon adoption of today's adjournment motion.

Permission to meet was granted.


At 11:33 a.m., Representatives Martinez and Goodwin moved that, at the conclusion of the reading of bills and resolutions on first reading and referral to committees, the house adjourn until 10 a.m. tomorrow in memory of Texas firefighters who have died in the line of duty since 2019 and Natalia Monet Cox of Melissa.

The motion prevailed.

(C.E. Harris in the chair)


Bills and joint resolutions were at this time laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 1.)


In accordance with a previous motion, the house, at 12:28 p.m., adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow.



The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions were today laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chair today corrected the referral of the following measures:

List No. 1

HB 4101 (By Shine), Relating to the matters that may be the subject of limited binding arbitration to compel compliance with procedural requirements related to protests before appraisal review boards.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4102 (By Guillen), Relating to prohibiting the acquisition or use of certain unmanned aircraft by a governmental entity.
To State Affairs.

HB 4103 (By Raymond), Relating to the prohibition of housing discrimination on the basis of a person's source of income and to the enforcement of that prohibition.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4104 (By A. Johnson), Relating to a nursing dual credit pilot program.
To Higher Education.

HB 4105 (By Dean), Relating to the registration of large electrical loads.
To State Affairs.

HB 4106 (By Dean), Relating to the procedure for resolving certain customer complaints before the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4107 (By Canales), Relating to examination requirements for purposes of certain guardianship proceedings.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4108 (By Guillen), Relating to the modification of model subdivision rules.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4109 (By Troxclair), Relating to the information maintained by the Texas Education Agency regarding postsecondary education and career opportunities.
To Higher Education.

HB 4110 (By Guillen), Relating to certain administrative penalties and procedures associated with aging, community-based, and long-term care service providers.
To Human Services.

HB 4111 (By Plesa), Relating to access to and the provision of behavioral and mental health care services and trauma-informed care in the Medicaid managed care program.
To Human Services.

HB 4112 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to the availability of free prekindergarten programs in public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4113 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to installment payments of ad valorem taxes imposed on residence homesteads.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4114 (By Harrison), Relating to unlawful employment practices with respect to the exercise of the right of free speech, right to petition, and right of association.
To State Affairs.

HB 4115 (By S. Thompson and C. Bell), Relating to eligibility for membership on and the regulation of horse and greyhound racing by the Texas Racing Commission; creating a criminal offense.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4116 (By Rogers), Relating to requiring a school district or open-enrollment charter school to post information regarding parental rights on the district's or school's Internet website.
To Public Education.

HB 4117 (By Turner), Relating to the adequacy of service provided by gas utilities.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4118 (By Turner), Relating to service provided to residential customers by certain gas utilities during weather emergencies; authorizing a civil penalty.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4119 (By Guillen), Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4120 (By Guillen), Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4121 (By Guillen), Relating to motor vehicle windshield sunscreening devices.
To Transportation.

HB 4122 (By Guillen), Relating to the operation and movement of motorcycles on a roadway laned for traffic.
To Transportation.

HB 4123 (By Guillen), Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4124 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of terroristic threat and unlawful possession of a firearm; creating a criminal offense.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4125 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to inaugural contribution limits and the disclosure of inaugural contributions and expenditures.
To State Affairs.

HB 4126 (By Raney), Relating to the regulation of future listing right purchase contracts; imposing a fee; requiring an occupational registration.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4127 (By Raney), Relating to the initial registration and inspection period for certain rental vehicles; authorizing fees.
To Transportation.

HB 4128 (By Murr), Relating to associate judges for guardianship proceedings and protective services proceedings in certain courts.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4129 (By Slaton), Relating to prohibiting certain erotic performances; creating a criminal offense; authorizing a civil penalty.
To State Affairs.

HB 4130 (By Hefner), Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property owned by certain electric cooperatives.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4131 (By Bailes), Relating to the use of funds awarded under the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4132 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to requiring the Department of Family and Protective Services to adopt a process to allow a foster parent to donate a foster care payment to the department.
To Human Services.

HB 4133 (By Rogers), Relating to the streamlined expedited release of certain areas from a certificate of public convenience and necessity.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4134 (By Guerra), Relating to publication of national organ transplant waiting list information on the Department of State Health Services' Internet website and donors included in the anatomical gift registry.
To Public Health.

HB 4135 (By Guerra), Relating to a statewide literacy improvement plan for public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4136 (By Guerra), Relating to publication of national organ transplant waiting list information on the Department of State Health Services' Internet website and donors included in the anatomical gift registry.
To Public Health.

HB 4137 (By Plesa), Relating to the provision of contraceptive methods at public institutions of higher education.
To Higher Education.

HB 4138 (By Schatzline), Relating to the establishment of the Texas Adoption Assistance Program.
To Human Services.

HB 4139 (By Raney), Relating to a pilot program to study implementation of a split-benefit life insurance plan for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4140 (By Lujan), Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to provide department services on federal military property.
To Transportation.

HB 4141 (By Guillen), Relating to eligibility for membership and funding of benefits for certain law enforcement, custodial, and other peace officers.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4142 (By E. Thompson), Relating to the award of attorney's fees in an action to enforce a motor vehicle mortgagee's lien.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4143 (By Lambert), Relating to the operations of certain local health care provider participation programs.
To County Affairs.

HB 4144 (By Zwiener), Relating to the regulation by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the discharge of preproduction plastic.
To Environmental Regulation.

HB 4145 (By Clardy), Relating to salaries for staff of a private vendor contracting with the Texas Board of Criminal Justice for the operation, maintenance, or management of a correctional facility.
To Corrections.

HB 4146 (By Clardy), Relating to the regulation of health care employment agencies; authorizing a fee; providing an administrative penalty.
To Public Health.

HB 4147 (By S. Thompson), Relating to the eligibility of certain first responders for workers' compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4148 (By Dutton), Relating to the transfer of students between public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4149 (By Hefner), Relating to restrictions on candidacy in the general election.
To Elections.

HB 4150 (By Schofield), Relating to the procedure for closing a polling place.
To Elections.

HB 4151 (By Leo-Wilson), Relating to the method of filling a vacancy on the board of trustees of a school district.
To Public Education.

HB 4152 (By Schofield), Relating to the administration of a temporary restraining order under the Election Code.
To Elections.

HB 4153 (By Button), Relating to strategies to increase the availability of child-care and prekindergarten programs.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4154 (By Frank), Relating to the establishment of the Texas Mental Health Care Enterprise Fund and the granting of license reciprocity to certain mental health professionals.
To Public Health.

HB 4155 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to policies and procedures of the Department of Family and Protective Services, including regarding service plans and post-removal assessments.
To Human Services.

HB 4156 (By Allen), Relating to the licensing of a psychologist as a licensed specialist in school psychology; authorizing a fee.
To Public Health.

HB 4157 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the notification of certain persons concerning certain events related to children in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Human Services.

HB 4158 (By Schofield), Relating to the determination and reporting of the number of residence homesteads of elderly or disabled persons that are subject to the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed on the properties by school districts.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4159 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the procedures for the removal of certain children in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services and monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain relative or designated caregivers.
To Human Services.

HB 4160 (By Guillen), Relating to the creation of the Alzheimer's Research Collaborative of Texas.
To Public Health.

HB 4161 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the procedures for providing notice to certain individuals on placement of a child in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Juvenile Justice and Family Issues.

HB 4162 (By Wu), Relating to housing between academic terms for certain students at public institutions of higher education who were formerly under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Higher Education.

HB 4163 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to an external audit of investigations conducted by the Department of Family and Protective Services; authorizing a civil penalty.
To Human Services.

HB 4164 (By Cortez), Relating to the improper use and treatment of an assistance animal or service animal; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4165 (By Frazier), Relating to the possession of a knife, knuckles, or a switchblade knife on the grounds or in the building of a public school; creating a criminal offense.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4166 (By Klick), Relating to the packaging requirements for certain donated prescription drugs.
To Public Health.

HB 4167 (By Price), Relating to the confidentiality of certain information concerning persons licensed by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council.
To State Affairs.

HB 4168 (By Campos), Relating to prevention and early intervention services by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Human Services.

HB 4169 (By Price), Relating to providing prevocational services under certain Medicaid waiver programs.
To Human Services.

HB 4170 (By Campos), Relating to enforcement actions taken against a child-care or child-placing agency administrator's license.
To Human Services.

HB 4171 (By Campos), Relating to county and municipal regulation of automated external defibrillators.
To County Affairs.

HB 4172 (By Price), Relating to the authority of the governing body of a hospital district to vote for candidates for director of the appraisal district in which the hospital district participates.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4173 (By Klick), Relating to state overdose prevention and control efforts and the defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving possession of small amounts of controlled substances, marihuana, dangerous drugs, or abusable volatile chemicals, or possession of drug paraphernalia for defendants seeking assistance for a suspected overdose.
To Public Health.

HB 4174 (By Hefner), Relating to qualifications for certain individuals for veterans benefits.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.

HB 4175 (By C.J. Harris), Relating to the provision of full municipal services to a property in a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction following the municipality's denial of or refusal to permit an activity or structure on the property.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4176 (By Howard), Relating to the summary annulment of a nursing license in connection with a fraudulently or unlawfully obtained diploma, license, or other document.
To Public Health.

HB 4177 (By Walle), Relating to the acquisition of park land by the Texas parks and wildlife department: making an appropriation
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

HB 4178 (By Schofield), Relating to the jurisdiction of the supreme court and the court of criminal appeals.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4179 (By Garcia), Relating to assertion of immunity and application of certain laws in certain actions brought against peace officers.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4180 (By Frazier), Relating to the prosecution of organized criminal activity involving obstructing a highway or other passageway by engaging in a reckless driving exhibition or street racing on a highway.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4181 (By Muñoz), Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a military service member who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4182 (By Oliverson), Relating to the authorization of disbursements by the board of directors of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4183 (By Price), Relating to a waiver of the waiting period for a marriage ceremony.
To Juvenile Justice and Family Issues.

HB 4184 (By Toth), Relating to the removal from office of a member of the board of directors of certain special purpose districts.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4185 (By Bailes), Relating to a pilot program to award grants for personalized treatment protocols for veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.

HB 4186 (By Garcia), Relating to the provision of affordable housing by certain housing authorities for youth aging out of foster care.
To Urban Affairs.

HB 4187 (By Schofield), Relating to the jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4188 (By Dutton), Relating to the rights, certification, and compensation of public school educators, including financial and other assistance provided to public schools by the Texas Education Agency related to public school educators and to certain allotments under the Foundation School Program.
To Public Education.

HB 4189 (By Paul), Relating to the allocation of proceeds from the issuance of general obligation bonds by political subdivisions.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4190 (By Zwiener), Relating to voting a limited ballot following the change of the county of residence by a voter.
To Elections.

HB 4191 (By Burns), Relating to changes to certain long-term care facilities' essential caregiver policies and procedures.
To Human Services.

HB 4192 (By Burns), Relating to the overnight parking of a commercial motor vehicle in or near certain residential subdivisions.
To Transportation.

HB 4193 (By Zwiener), Relating to educational materials regarding fentanyl substance abuse.
To Public Health.

HB 4194 (By Perez), Relating to an appraisal procedure for disputed losses under certain property and casualty insurance policies.
To Insurance.

HB 4195 (By Zwiener), Relating to the installation by a residential tenant of an electric vehicle charging station in a parking space assigned to the tenant.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4196 (By Frazier), Relating to disciplinary action against a peace officer for failure to comply with certain arrest and charging procedures for violations of the rules of the road.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4197 (By Flores), Relating to the adoption of cats and dogs previously used for research.
To Public Health.

HB 4198 (By Toth and Anderson), Relating to conduct constituting the criminal offense of illegal voting; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Elections.

HB 4199 (By Flores), Relating to the provision of menstrual products at public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4200 (By Ramos), Relating to the provision of services by nonphysician mental health professionals at school districts.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4201 (By Ramos), Relating to recording the results of certain home studies performed by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Human Services.

HB 4202 (By Ramos), Relating to requiring the posting of certain information on an open-enrollment charter school's Internet website regarding the school's governing body.
To Public Education.

HB 4203 (By Ramos), Relating to the public accessibility of open-enrollment charter school annual financial statements.
To Public Education.

HB 4204 (By Smithee), Relating to wind energy rights and wind energy development agreements.
To State Affairs.

HB 4205 (By Ramos), Relating to the medical accuracy of informational materials given to a woman seeking an abortion.
To Public Health.

HB 4206 (By DeAyala), Relating to a notice of the delivery of provisional ballots.
To Elections.

HB 4207 (By Troxclair), Relating to municipally owned utility vegetation management.
To State Affairs.

HB 4208 (By Troxclair), Relating to the management and control of certain municipal electric utility systems.
To State Affairs.

HB 4209 (By Troxclair), Relating to electricity service provided by certain municipally owned utilities.
To State Affairs.

HB 4210 (By Lujan), Relating to the appointment and terms of members of a board of trustees of a military reservation school district.
To Public Education.

HB 4211 (By Troxclair), Relating to participation in the wholesale electric market by a municipally owned utility.
To State Affairs.

HB 4212 (By Troxclair), Relating to competition in the electric utility market of certain municipalities.
To State Affairs.

HB 4213 (By Troxclair), Relating to rates for electricity charged by certain municipally owned utilities and to the use of revenue from the rates.
To State Affairs.

HB 4214 (By Isaac), Relating to conducting certain contested case hearings under the Texas workers' compensation system by remote communication.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4215 (By K. Bell), Relating to the maximum size of a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4216 (By C. Morales), Relating to certain notifications related to the rights of crime victims.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4217 (By Troxclair), Relating to the powers of certain public utility agencies; granting the power of eminent domain.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4218 (By Leach), Relating to civil actions involving commercial motor vehicles.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4219 (By Lambert), Relating to increasing the interest rate of certain consumer loans.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4220 (By Clardy), Relating to the office of the state long-term care ombudsman.
To Human Services.

HB 4221 (By Hefner), Relating to a veterans treatment court program operated by a justice of the peace court.
To Corrections.

HB 4222 (By Longoria), Relating to Medicaid reimbursement rates for certain ground ambulance services.
To Human Services.

HB 4223 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to youth injury mitigation and information training for coaches and youth athletics personnel.
To Public Health.

HB 4224 (By Ramos), Relating to eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.
To Human Services.

HB 4225 (By Zwiener), Relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4226 (By Raney), Relating to certain temporary motor vehicle tags.
To Transportation.

HB 4227 (By Goldman), Relating to the repeal of a municipal civil service system for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities.
To Urban Affairs.

HB 4228 (By Bryant), Relating to the system for appraising property for ad valorem tax purposes.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4229 (By Buckley), Relating to an entity's election to participate in or discontinue participation in the uniform group coverage program for active school employees.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4230 (By Talarico), Relating to class size limits for certain grade levels in public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4231 (By Talarico), Relating to a one-year moratorium on the collection of tolls.
To Transportation.

HB 4232 (By Shine), Relating to publication of public improvement district service plans and assessments on certain public Internet websites.
To Urban Affairs.

HB 4233 (By Zwiener), Relating to training regarding runaway prevention for certain individuals who provide care for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Human Services.

HB 4234 (By Talarico), Relating to establishing an account to create a program to pay off certain outstanding debts attributed to medical expenses; making an appropriation.
To Appropriations.

HB 4235 (By Smith), Relating to storing data received from a centrally counted optical scan ballot.
To Elections.

HB 4236 (By Noble), Relating to the establishment of an interagency child protection database.
To Human Services.

HB 4237 (By Raymond), Relating to retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who resume certain employment with a school district.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4238 (By Klick), Relating to the production, sale, distribution, delivery, and regulation of consumable hemp products.
To Public Health.

HB 4239 (By Vasut), Relating to property owner liability for personal injury claims arising from insurance restoration projects in which a contractor or subcontractor does not maintain workers' compensation insurance coverage.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4240 (By Harrison), Relating to the effectiveness of state-funded homelessness programs at helping beneficiaries advance toward self-sufficiency.
To State Affairs.

HB 4241 (By Davis), Relating to the act of profiling by a peace officer.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4242 (By Harrison), Relating to standardizing definitions of homelessness.
To Urban Affairs.

HB 4243 (By Talarico), Relating to a one-year moratorium on the collection of registration and inspection fees for certain motor vehicles.
To Transportation.

HB 4244 (By J. Jones), Relating to halting construction, demolition, or development work after the discovery of human remains, grave, a grave marker for human remains.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4245 (By Allen), Relating to the revision of the essential knowledge and skills of the public school social studies curricula to include instruction relating to the history of persons with disabilities.
To Public Education.

HB 4246 (By Orr), Relating to delivery of certain unclaimed money for scholarships for rural students, rural economic development, and energy efficiency assistance.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4247 (By Zwiener), Relating to requiring notice regarding the potential eligibility to vote of certain persons convicted of a felony and the duties of a sheriff or jailer relating to elections.
To Elections.

HB 4248 (By Harrison), Relating to the employment of certain executive heads of state agencies and employees reporting to those executive heads.
To State Affairs.

HB 4249 (By E. Morales), Relating to a law enforcement agency's use of deadly force by means of a drone.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4250 (By Lalani), Relating to the right of the clerk of a court to deduct from the amount of the excess proceeds from an ad valorem tax sale of property the cost of postage for sending to the former owner of the property a notice of the owner's right to claim the proceeds.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4251 (By Cook), Relating to the provision of postsecondary education to certain inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
To Corrections.

HB 4252 (By Talarico), Relating to certain public school instructional requirements and prohibitions.
To Public Education.

HB 4253 (By Campos), Relating to a study on the coverage of certain infants under Medicaid.
To Human Services.

HB 4254 (By Harrison), Relating to decisions of an administrative law judge of the State Office of Administrative Hearings in contested cases.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4255 (By Gerdes), Relating to term limits for certain contracts regarding airports and associated air navigation facilities operated by or on behalf of a local government.
To Transportation.

HB 4256 (By Murr), Relating to establishing and funding a grant program to plug leaking water wells in certain counties.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4257 (By Raney), Relating to the reimbursement allowed for the collection of sales and use taxes.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4258 (By Harrison), Relating to meetings of a county election board.
To State Affairs.

HB 4259 (By Gerdes), Relating to the members on an early voting ballot board.
To Elections.

HB 4260 (By Harrison), Relating to the establishment of the Legislative Economic Analysis Unit and the expiration of certain state agency rules.
To State Affairs.

HB 4261 (By Cook), Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of the residence homesteads of military veterans, individuals who are disabled or 65 years of age or older, and their surviving spouses.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4262 (By Klick), Relating to requirements for and prohibited uses of information contained in the immunization registry.
To Public Health.

HB 4263 (By Cook), Relating to the waiver under certain circumstances of the late-correction penalty if an appraisal roll is changed as a result of the filing of a motion with the appraisal review board to correct an error that resulted in an incorrect appraised value for an owner's property.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4264 (By Button), Relating to the eligibility of certain events for funding under the Major Events Reimbursement Program.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

HB 4265 (By Raney), Relating to issuance of specialty license plates to honor Texas Sheriffs' Deputies.
To Transportation.

HB 4266 (By Herrero), Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to use certain tax revenue to fund convention center facilities, multipurpose arenas, venues, and related infrastructure.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4267 (By Klick), Relating to the procedures for removing names from the central registry of child abuse and neglect.
To Human Services.

HB 4268 (By Herrero), Relating to the period during which an employee may file a claim for unpaid wages with the Texas Workforce Commission.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4269 (By Klick), Relating to the procedures and notice required before an individual's name is added to the central child abuse or neglect registry.
To Human Services.

HB 4270 (By Smithee), Relating to the classification of and regulation of the taking of aoudad sheep as game animals.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

HB 4271 (By Leach), Relating to the use of hypnotically induced statements in a criminal trial.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4272 (By Leach), Relating to the disclosure of certain documentation and records concerning victims of sexual assault and other sex offenses.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4273 (By Oliverson), Relating to transportation procedures for certain end stage renal disease facility patients during a declared disaster.
To Public Health.

HB 4274 (By Raney), Relating to the form of ballot propositions in an election seeking voter approval for the issuance of school district bonds.
To Public Education.

HB 4275 (By Rogers), Relating to territory in an emergency services district that is annexed by a municipality.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4276 (By Goldman), Relating to the amendment of a certificate of convenience and necessity to provide electricity service to certain water control and improvement districts.
To State Affairs.

HB 4277 (By Longoria), Relating to the right of a purchaser to terminate a contract of purchase and sale of real property for failure to provide notice that the property is located in a public improvement district.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4278 (By Longoria), Relating to the establishment by the Railroad Commission of Texas of the orphaned well Bitcoin mining partnership program.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4279 (By Longoria), Relating to business entities and nonprofit entities.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4280 (By Vasut), Relating to the sale of dogs or cats for a for-profit business.
To State Affairs.

HB 4281 (By Longoria), Relating to an instrument that names a trust as a party.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4282 (By Longoria), Relating to the confidentiality of certain information maintained by state licensing agencies.
To State Affairs.

HB 4283 (By R. Lopez), Relating to a study on the recidivism rate of defendants who complete a veterans treatment court program.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4284 (By Vasut), Relating to the establishment of the On-Site Load Mitigation Grant Program to mitigate the demand for energy on the electric grid.
To State Affairs.

HB 4285 (By Rogers), Relating to enforceability of municipal prohibitions of outdoor signs in the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4286 (By V. Jones), Relating to the qualifications and term of the presiding officer of the Texas Funeral Service Commission.
To Public Health.

HB 4287 (By Metcalf), Relating to the use of customer-sited distributed generation facilities owned by certain non-ERCOT electric utilities.
To State Affairs.

HB 4288 (By Raymond), Relating to a study on the use of alternative therapies for treating post-traumatic stress disorder.
To Public Health.

HB 4289 (By Flores), Relating to the establishment of a ketamine treatment grant program for veterans, active-duty military, and first responders.
To Public Health.

HB 4290 (By Schofield), Relating to restrictions on political contributions by out-of-state contributors; creating a criminal offense.
To Elections.

HB 4291 (By Swanson), Relating to the treatment of a patient by a physical therapist without a referral.
To Public Health.

HB 4292 (By Schofield), Relating to the entitlement of persons not residing in this state to public information.
To State Affairs.

HB 4293 (By Dean), Relating to applications for the establishment of certain new open-enrollment charter school campuses.
To Public Education.

HB 4294 (By Gates), Relating to certain regulations adopted by governmental entities for the building products, materials, or methods used in the construction of residential or commercial buildings.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4295 (By Gates), Relating to the authority of a municipality to annex area qualified for agricultural or wildlife management use or as timberland.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4296 (By Gates), Relating to the authority of a petitioner to pay off a certificate holder's federal loan to facilitate decertification of a certificated area.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4297 (By Gates), Relating to municipal solid waste management services contracts; limiting the amount of a fee.
To Environmental Regulation.

HB 4298 (By Gates), Relating to certain municipal requirements imposed on a landlord of a dwelling or a multiunit complex.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4299 (By J. Lopez), Relating to the provision of financial assistance by the Texas Water Development Board for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4300 (By Guillen), Relating to expedited credentialing of certain physician assistants and nurse practitioners by managed care plan issuers.
To Insurance.

HB 4301 (By Schofield), Relating to deadlines and time of inception for mechanic's and materialman's liens.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4302 (By J. Lopez), Relating to the appeal of certain decisions concerning student participation in extracurricular activities.
To Public Education.

HB 4303 (By Gates), Relating to exceptions to municipal plat requirements for certain property developments.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4304 (By Gates), Relating to the contents of the annual child fatality report published by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Human Services.

HB 4305 (By Dorazio), Relating to purchasing gold and silver bullion for this state to hold in the Texas Bullion Depository; making an appropriation.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4306 (By Dorazio), Relating to a study by the attorney general on the feasibility of linking debit card transactions to bullion in the Texas Bullion Depository.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4307 (By Gerdes), Relating to the creation of the Maxwell Municipal Utility District No. 1; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4308 (By Schofield), Relating to deadlines and time of inception for mechanic's and materialman's liens.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4309 (By Neave Criado), Relating to prohibiting certain nondisclosure or confidentiality provisions in employment agreements.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4310 (By Turner), Relating to the taxable items exempt from sales and use taxes.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4311 (By Turner), Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain energy-efficient products for a limited period.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4312 (By Turner), Relating to the exemption from sales and use taxes for certain snack items.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4313 (By Raymond), Relating to the safety standards of certain rail employees; requiring an occupational permit.
To Transportation.

HB 4314 (By Schofield), Relating to a tribunal declaring an election void.
To Elections.

HB 4315 (By Hefner), Relating to the participation of the medical school at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler in the Joint Admission Medical Program.
To Higher Education.

HB 4316 (By Goldman), Relating to regulation of residential service contract providers, sellers, and administrators.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4317 (By Dutton), Relating to the incentive for public schools that provide additional instructional days for certain students and the early education allotment under the Foundation School Program.
To Public Education.

HB 4318 (By Walle), Relating to a grant program for crime victim notification systems.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4319 (By Schofield), Relating to the form of a constitutional amendment on a ballot.
To State Affairs.

HB 4320 (By Morales Shaw), Relating to the disclosure of certain chemicals included in hydraulic fracturing treatments.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4321 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to public acknowledgment of donations made to the Texas Department of Transportation.
To Transportation.

HB 4322 (By Dutton), Relating to the establishment of a STEM and computer science strategic advisory committee.
To Public Education.

HB 4323 (By Bhojani), Relating to providing free full-day prekindergarten for certain children.
To Public Education.

HB 4324 (By C. Bell), Relating to the purchase of service credit in the Employees Retirement System of Texas by members of the Texas military forces.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4325 (By C. Bell), Relating to the eligibility of land taken by condemnation for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4326 (By Bonnen), Relating to the direction of utilization review by physicians.
To Public Health.

HB 4327 (By C. Bell), Relating to the renewal of a license to carry a handgun.
To Select Community Safety.

HB 4328 (By C. Bell), Relating to rates established by municipalities for water or sewer service for certain entities.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4329 (By Schofield), Relating to the residence address of an applicant for purposes of voter registration.
To Elections.

HB 4330 (By Bhojani), Relating to the establishment of the Texas Promise Grant Program for certain students at two-year public institutions of higher education.
To Higher Education.

HB 4331 (By Klick), Relating to the donors of certain unused prescription drugs.
To Public Health.

HB 4332 (By Klick), Relating to the redistribution of donated prepackaged prescription drugs.
To Public Health.

HB 4333 (By Garcia), Relating to the extension of a family violence pretrial diversion pilot program in Bexar County.
To Corrections.

HB 4334 (By Thierry), Relating to the provision and delivery of certain health, mental health, and educational services in this state, including the delivery of those services using telecommunications or information technology.
To Public Health.

HB 4335 (By Shine), Relating to certain requirements applicable to certain municipal economic development programs and grants.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4336 (By Hayes), Relating to the prohibition of a person who is the subject of a family violence protective order or arrested for or charged with an offense involving family violence to surrender firearms owned by the person.
To Select Community Safety.

HB 4337 (By Canales), Relating to the definition of a governmental record.
To State Affairs.

HB 4338 (By Canales), Relating to the license or permit issued by other jurisdictions.
To State Affairs.

HB 4339 (By Frank), Relating to the establishment of the Education Savings Account Program to allow certain disadvantaged children and their siblings to use public money to pursue educational alternatives to public schools and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program.
To Public Education.

HB 4340 (By Frank), Relating to the establishment of the Education Savings Account Program to allow certain children to use public money to pursue educational alternatives to public schools and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program.
To Public Education.

HB 4341 (By Harrison), Relating to promoting, prescribing, administering, or dispensing prescription drugs for off-label use.
To Public Health.

HB 4342 (By Plesa), Relating to courses in personal finance literacy and economics for high school students in public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4343 (By Bonnen), Relating to health benefit plan preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and the direction of utilization review by physicians.
To Public Health.

HB 4344 (By M. González), Relating to the state assistance with the payment of debt under the public school finance system.
To Public Education.

HB 4345 (By Dorazio), Relating to the reallocation of funding or resources for certain county law enforcement agencies.
To State Affairs.

HB 4346 (By Allison), Relating to joint practice by certain health care professionals.
To Public Health.

HB 4347 (By Harrison), Relating to the application of prescription drug price reductions; imposing a civil penalty.
To Select Health Care Reform.

HB 4348 (By Harrison), Relating to the right to try cutting-edge treatments for patients with life-threatening or severely debilitating illnesses.
To Public Health.

HB 4349 (By Noble), Relating to compensatory time off for certain state employees.
To State Affairs.

HB 4350 (By Harrison), Relating to prohibited health care discrimination based on vaccination status.
To Public Health.

HB 4351 (By Noble), Relating to the training program required for certain employees of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
To Human Services.

HB 4352 (By Harrison), Relating to hospital-owned outpatient facilities, including the adoption of site-neutral reimbursement rates under Medicaid.
To Select Health Care Reform.

HB 4353 (By Thierry), Relating to taxes on e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products; imposing taxes; imposing reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4354 (By Lozano), Relating to mitigation preparedness incentives for Texas Windstorm Insurance Association policyholders.
To Insurance.

HB 4355 (By Wu), Relating to the interview of a child in a suit affecting a parent-child relationship.
To Juvenile Justice and Family Issues.

HB 4356 (By Talarico), Relating to the dissolution of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and the creation of the Office of Youth Safety and Rehabilitation.
To Juvenile Justice and Family Issues.

HB 4357 (By Garcia), Relating to the persons who must be physically present for certain remote meetings under the open meetings law.
To State Affairs.

HB 4358 (By Allison), Relating to including digital teaching in the micro-credential certification program for public school educator continuing education.
To Public Education.

HB 4359 (By Frazier), Relating to the regulation of accounts receivable purchase transaction actions.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4360 (By Rogers), Relating to the inventory and inspection of certain converted wells.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4361 (By Rosenthal), Relating to Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for certain cancer-related treatments or items.
To Human Services.

HB 4362 (By A. Johnson), Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.
To Corrections.

HB 4363 (By Kuempel), Relating to the establishment of a scholarship program for aspiring classroom teachers.
To Higher Education.

HB 4364 (By A. Johnson), Relating to prohibiting certain sales and purchases of firearms; creating criminal offenses; providing a civil penalty.
To Select Community Safety.

HB 4365 (By A. Johnson), Relating to the adoption and implementation of a surgical smoke evacuation system policy at certain health care facilities.
To Public Health.

HB 4366 (By Howard), Relating to the eligibility for and provision of benefits under Medicaid or the child health plan program for certain individuals committed, placed, or detained in certain facilities and settings.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4367 (By Cortez), Relating to the preauthorization of medical or health care services by a health maintenance organization or an insurer.
To Insurance.

HB 4368 (By Hayes), Relating to the protection of this state and its citizens from border invasion or imminent danger from border security breaches; creating a criminal offense.
To State Affairs.

HB 4369 (By Cortez), Relating to continuing education requirements for dentists regarding pain management with certain prescription medications.
To Public Health.

HB 4370 (By Toth), Relating to the abolishment of the State Energy Conservation Office and the transfer of its functions to the comptroller.
To State Affairs.

HB 4371 (By Shine), Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain items used by or for certain life sciences campuses.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4372 (By Oliverson), Relating to the commissioning of peace officers by certain private schools.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4373 (By Canales), Relating to the procedure by which a regional water planning group is required to provide notice of certain public meetings or hearings.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4374 (By Lujan), Relating to substance abuse awareness programs in public schools and public institutions of higher education.
To Public Health.

HB 4375 (By VanDeaver), Relating to instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator in public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4376 (By VanDeaver), Relating to self-settled asset protection trusts.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4377 (By Harless), Relating to the relationship between managed care plans and optometrists, therapeutic optometrists, and ophthalmologists.
To Insurance.

HB 4378 (By Toth), Relating to a cause of action for drag performances performed in the presence of a minor.
To State Affairs.

HB 4379 (By Reynolds), Relating to citations and arrests for criminal offenses and pretrial detention and release.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4380 (By Davis), Relating to the renewal, expiration, and suspension of driver's licenses; increasing a fee.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4381 (By DeAyala), Relating to the suspension of a money judgment pending appeal in a civil action.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4382 (By Guillen), Relating to the timely reporting of criminal case dispositions to the Department of Public Safety and to the allocation of certain grant money.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4383 (By Lambert), Relating to measures to assist small and rural school districts in implementing a collegiate model and expanding broadband access, including the establishment of the Rural Schools and Communities Technical Assistance Center and a grant program.
To Public Education.

HB 4384 (By Price), Relating to the computation of the cost of goods sold by television and radio broadcasters for purposes of the franchise tax.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4385 (By Guillen), Relating to the provision of sewer service without a certificate of public convenience and necessity.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4386 (By Allen), Relating to certain improvements of the state highway system in certain census tracts.
To Transportation.

HB 4387 (By Leo-Wilson and Oliverson), Relating to content ratings for books and other written materials used in public schools.
To State Affairs.

HB 4388 (By Flores), Relating to certain procedures for civil suits brought by local governments or certain other persons for violations of certain laws under the jurisdiction of, or rules adopted or orders or permits issued by, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
To Environmental Regulation.

HB 4389 (By Cole), Relating to the funding mechanism for the regulation of workers' compensation and workers' compensation insurance; authorizing surcharges.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4390 (By Button), Relating to the Texas Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs Grant Program.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4391 (By Cole), Relating to a prohibition on the University Interscholastic League requiring certain information from students.
To Public Education.

HB 4392 (By Paul), Relating to election precinct boundaries and the establishment of polling places.
To Elections.

HB 4393 (By Hayes), Relating to the practices and procedures related to early voting by mail.
To Elections.

HB 4394 (By Bryant), Relating to increasing warehouse worker protections.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4395 (By Romero), Relating to a restriction on an employee's responsibility for certain training and education expenditures required by an employer.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4396 (By Hayes), Relating to the members on a signature verification committee.
To Elections.

HB 4397 (By Cain), Relating to enforcement of the regulation of social media platforms.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4398 (By Kitzman), Relating to the powers and duties of a personal bond or personal bond and pretrial supervision office.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 4399 (By Hayes), Relating to the plan for the operation of a central counting station.
To Elections.

HB 4400 (By Cortez), Relating to a cardiac arrest registry for information on the incidence and causes of cardiac arrest among certain persons; providing an administrative penalty.
To Public Health.

HB 4401 (By Hayes), Relating to notice requirements for a public test of logic and accuracy of a voting system.
To Elections.

HB 4402 (By K. Bell), Relating to the changes to the high school graduation requirements and accountability rating system for assessing campus and district performance.
To Public Education.

HB 4403 (By Davis), Relating to requirements for and prohibitions on certain telemarketing calls.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4404 (By Guillen), Relating to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact.
To Public Health.

HB 4405 (By Dutton), Relating to the information that must be included in a school district bond election proposition.
To Public Education.

HB 4406 (By K. King), Relating to creating the State School Safety Fund to provide financial support for projects that enhance the safety of schools in this state.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4407 (By Bhojani), Relating to authorization and reimbursement for certain examination fee and other required cost subsidies paid for public school teachers and students.
To Public Education.

HB 4408 (By Slaton), Relating to the establishment of a strategic fuel reserve program in this state.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4409 (By Dutton), Relating to an annual student discipline review by the commissioner of education and student discipline plans submitted by public schools.
To Public Education.

HB 4410 (By Dutton), Relating to the creation of a Texas Commission on High School Outcomes.
To Public Education.

HB 4411 (By Dutton), Relating to the apprenticeship system of adult career and technology education.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4412 (By Slawson), Relating to online agreements between certain minors and certain digital service providers.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4413 (By Guillen), Relating to the establishment of a task force to make recommendations for updating the livestock brand registration process.
To Agriculture and Livestock.

HB 4414 (By Slaton), Relating to crosswalk marking requirements.
To Transportation.

HB 4415 (By Tepper), Relating to the transfer of certain real property from the Health and Human Services Commission to the StarCare Specialty Health System.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4416 (By Goldman), Relating to the regulation of auctioneers at the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4417 (By Goldman), Relating to the administration of court-ordered programs regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4418 (By Anchía), Relating to the creation of a revolving loan program to fund the purchase by historically underutilized businesses of certain bonds required for public work contracts.
To State Affairs.

HB 4419 (By Goldman), Relating to the promotion of the film and television production industry in this state.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

HB 4420 (By Goldman), Relating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections for noncommercial vehicles and the imposition of replacement fees.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4421 (By Wilson), Relating to qualifications for and limitations on awarding the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.

HB 4422 (By Canales), Relating to a study on enhancing border security outcomes through public safety, technological, and transportation infrastructure improvements near Texas-Mexico border crossings.
To Transportation.

HB 4423 (By Garcia), Relating to the establishment of the Psilocybin Research Advisory Council.
To Public Health.

HB 4424 (By Raney), Relating to an exception to the titling requirement for certain motor vehicles; creating a criminal offense.
To Transportation.

HB 4425 (By Talarico), Relating to a temporary exemption from sales and use taxes for household goods.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4426 (By Frazier), Relating to the delivery of alcoholic beverages from certain premises to the ultimate consumer.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4427 (By Wilson), Relating to access to certain records of a property owners' association.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4428 (By Garcia), Relating to the scheduling of certain controlled substances in response to certain actions by the United States Food and Drug Administration with respect to those substances.
To Public Health.

HB 4429 (By Landgraf and E. Morales), Relating to certain school district tax abatements for power system reliability projects.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4430 (By Talarico), Relating to driver's license office appointments.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4431 (By Wilson), Relating to municipal regulation of structured sober living homes.
To Urban Affairs.

HB 4432 (By Hayes), Relating to authorizing certain election precincts to consolidate.
To Elections.

HB 4433 (By Anchía), Relating to the treatment of certain residence homesteads for purposes of the Tax Increment Financing Act.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4434 (By Kuempel), Relating to the establishment of certain programs to facilitate early high school graduation and enrollment at public institutions of higher education and to the repeal of the Early High School Graduation Scholarship program.
To Higher Education.

HB 4435 (By Schatzline), Relating to the registration, ownership, and operation of certain motor vehicles.
To State Affairs.

HB 4436 (By Plesa), Relating to an advisory council on the needs of LGBTQ older adults.
To Human Services.

HB 4437 (By Kuempel), Relating to the confidentiality of student records held by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
To Higher Education.

HB 4438 (By Hunter), Relating to access to and the security of certain critical infrastructure.
To State Affairs.

HB 4439 (By Moody), Relating to the production, sale, distribution, delivery, and regulation of consumable hemp products; creating a criminal offense.
To Public Health.

HB 4440 (By Hunter), Relating to state and local government responses to a pandemic disaster, including the establishment of the Pandemic Disaster Legislative Oversight Committee.
To State Affairs.

HB 4441 (By Meyer), Relating to reporting requirements for municipalities and counties that impose a hotel occupancy tax.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4442 (By Longoria), Relating to the capture or use of a biometric identifier.
To State Affairs.

HB 4443 (By Cunningham), Relating to the allocation of certain federal money provided under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act.
To Urban Affairs.

HB 4444 (By T. King), Relating to the conservation and waste of groundwater.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4445 (By Gerdes), Relating to water loss in water delivery systems for certain municipally owned water utilities.
To Natural Resources.

HB 4446 (By Landgraf), Relating to certain licensing and permitting requirements for game rooms; authorizing an occupational permit or license; authorizing a fee.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4447 (By Cook), Relating to impoundment, storage, and notification fees for vehicles stored at vehicle storage facilities; authorizing fee increases and decreases; requiring the adjustment of authorized fees.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

HB 4448 (By Reynolds), Relating to the establishment of the Texas Promise Grant Program for certain students at two-year public institutions of higher education.
To Higher Education.

HB 4449 (By Reynolds), Relating to the establishment of a task force to study disciplinary practices and policies in public schools.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4450 (By A. Johnson), Relating to the establishment of an adult high school pilot program for certain inmates and defendants in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
To Corrections.

HB 4451 (By Bhojani), Relating to a report by the Texas Workforce Commission regarding apprenticeship opportunities in this state for emerging and high-demand industries.
To International Relations and Economic Development.

HB 4452 (By Hayes), Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
To Select Community Safety.

HB 4453 (By Bhojani), Relating to the college, career, or military readiness outcomes bonus under the Foundation School Program.
To Public Education.

HB 4454 (By Howard), Relating to the administration of the Texas Innovative Adult Career Education (ACE) Grant Program by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
To Higher Education.

HB 4455 (By DeAyala), Relating to the regulation by a property owner's association of the installation of solar energy devices and certain roofing materials on property.
To Business and Industry.

HB 4456 (By C.J. Harris), Relating to the calculation of the no-new-revenue maintenance and operations rate for school districts.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4457 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the functions and duties of the University Interscholastic League.
To Public Education.

HB 4458 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the administration of the University Interscholastic League.
To Public Education.

HB 4459 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the hearings held by or involving the University Interscholastic League.
To Public Education.

HB 4460 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the transfer for an athletic participation purpose of a student from the school district of the student's residence to another district.
To Public Education.

HB 4461 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the requirements for hearings conducted by the University Interscholastic League.
To Public Education.

HB 4462 (By Frank), Relating to transferring data analysis and certain reporting functions from the Department of Family and Protective Services to the Texas Tech University System.
To Human Services.

HB 4463 (By Shine), Relating to the authority to file an application for certain ad valorem tax exemptions after the filing deadline if an exemption for the property was previously canceled because it was erroneously granted.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4464 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle passing a person operating a bicycle; creating a criminal offense.
To Transportation.

HB 4465 (By Isaac), Relating to the use of a public school as a polling place.
To Elections.

HB 4466 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to the offering of certain high school courses for which students may earn college credit.
To Public Education.

HB 4467 (By Price), Relating to the establishment or expansion of behavioral health centers or jail diversion centers in certain local mental health authority service areas.
To Corrections.

HB 4468 (By Dutton), Relating to the inclusion of chronically absent students as students at risk of dropping out of school and the collection and reporting of data regarding those students.
To Select Youth Health and Safety.

HB 4469 (By Talarico), Relating to prekindergarten programs provided by public schools, including through partnerships with certain community-based child-care providers.
To Public Education.

HB 4470 (By Isaac), Relating to school marshals, including eligibility for appointment as a school marshal, and licensure and training requirements.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4471 (By Moody), Relating to the issuance by certain conservation and reclamation districts of bonds for the development and maintenance of recreational facilities.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.

HB 4472 (By Dutton), Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas School Safety Center to provide information and resources regarding safe firearm storage to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools for distribution to the parents or legal custodians of students.
To Select Community Safety.

HB 4473 (By C.J. Harris), Relating to the calculation of ad valorem tax rates by certain taxing units that participate in one or more reinvestment zones for tax increment financing.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4474 (By Gervin-Hawkins), Relating to qualifications for participation in the moving image industry incentive program.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

HB 4475 (By Isaac), Relating to a program to serve students who's safety at school is in jeopardy.
To Public Education.

HB 4476 (By Campos), Relating to the provision of certain information about Medicaid benefits in relation to newborn children.
To Human Services.

HB 4477 (By Landgraf), Relating to the scheduling of University Interscholastic League competitions.
To Public Education.

HB 4478 (By Button), Relating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a county may impose on the residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4479 (By Isaac), Relating to freezing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4480 (By Rosenthal), Relating to the prosecution and punishment of a criminal offense relating to making false statements or reports of child abuse or neglect.
To Human Services.

HB 4481 (By Smith), Relating to a directory of e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products sold in this state, and regulation of the sale and distribution of e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products; imposing fees; creating criminal offenses; imposing a civil penalty; imposing administrative penalties.
To Public Health.

HB 4482 (By Moody), Relating to a franchise tax credit for a taxable entity that employs certain former offenders.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4483 (By Lozano), Relating to the Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas.
To Transportation.

HB 4484 (By Bonnen), Relating to the ownership of the pore space underlying the surface of land and to the use of that space for the geologic storage of carbon dioxide; authorizing a fee.
To Energy Resources.

HB 4485 (By Muñoz), Relating to the inclusion of instruction promoting the achievement of certain comprehensive environmental, economic, and social goals in the social studies curriculum for public school students.
To Public Education.

HB 4486 (By Bhojani), Relating to design and use of a model criminal citation.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4487 (By Smith and Ashby), Relating to student loan repayment assistance for prosecutors and certain criminal lawyers practicing in rural counties.
To Higher Education.

HB 4488 (By Wu), Relating to preventing discrimination in foster care.
To Human Services.

HB 4489 (By C.J. Harris), Relating to complaints regarding odors emanating from poultry facilities.
To Environmental Regulation.

HB 4490 (By Garcia), Relating to educational benefits for eligible persons attending a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program for students with intellectual disabilities
To Higher Education.

HB 4491 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to the treatment of certain improvements for the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4492 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to the expansion of the territory of an emergency services district into the territory of a municipality.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4493 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to the creation of political subdivisions in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of certain municipalities.
To Land and Resource Management.

HB 4494 (By Vasut), Relating to eligible coastal municipalities for purposes of the municipal hotel occupancy tax.
To Ways and Means.

HB 4495 (By Gerdes), Relating to the authority of certain counties to order the microchipping of dogs; providing a civil penalty.
To County Affairs.

HB 4496 (By Bailes), Relating to the authority of a county commissioner to employ and commission a peace officer.
To Homeland Security and Public Safety.

HB 4497 (By K. Bell), Relating to the creation of an additional judicial district composed of Kaufman County.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

HB 4498 (By Cook), Relating to the transfer and statutory novation of policies from a transferring insurer to an assuming insurer by way of an insurance business transfer.
To Insurance.

HB 4499 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to the view of the state capitol.
To State Affairs.

HB 4500 (By C.E. Harris), Relating to electronic verification of health benefits by health benefit plan issuers for certain physicians and health care providers.
To Insurance.


The following messages from the senate were today received by the house:

Message No. 1

Austin, Texas
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Honorable Speaker of the House
House Chamber
Austin, Texas

Mr. Speaker:

I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken the following action:


SB 610
Relating to an unauthorized vote by a delegate or alternate delegate to a federal Article V convention; creating a criminal offense.

SB 740
Relating to an election to approve a reduction or reallocation of funding or resources for certain county prosecutors' offices.

SB 1004
Relating to creating the criminal offense of tampering with an electronic monitoring device and to certain consequences on conviction of that offense.

SJR 44
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under some circumstances to a person accused of a violent or sexual offense or of continuous trafficking of persons and requiring a judge or magistrate to impose the least restrictive conditions of bail that may be necessary to ensure the person's appearance in court as required and the safety of the community, law enforcement, and the victim of the alleged offense.

Patsy Spaw
Secretary of the Senate



Favorable reports have been filed by committees as follows:

March 20

County Affairs - HB 608, HB 2183

Criminal Jurisprudence - HB 28, HB 180, HB 205, HB 727

Defense and Veterans' Affairs - HB 542, HB 587

Public Education - HB 131, HB 699

State Affairs - HB 390, HB 537, HB 584, HB 821, HB 1817

Urban Affairs - HB 149, HB 183, HB 349, HB 997, HB 1248, HB 1440, HB 1472