The house met at 11:48 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker.
The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Record 2267).
Present — Mr. Speaker(C); Allen; Allison; Anchía; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Bumgarner; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Cunningham; Darby; Davis; Dean; DeAyala; Dorazio; Dutton; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gámez; Garcia; Gates; Gerdes; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Harris, C.E.; Harris, C.J.; Harrison; Hayes; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Hull; Hunter; Isaac; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J.D.; Johnson, J.E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Lalani; Lambert; Landgraf; Leach; Leo-Wilson; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Moody; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morales Shaw; Morrison; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Noble; Oliverson; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Paul; Perez; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Slawson; Smith; Smithee; Spiller; Stucky; Swanson; Talarico; Tepper; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Toth; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener.
Absent — Martinez; Meza.
The invocation was offered by the Reverend Fernando Ricaud, chaplain, as follows:
Almighty God, you are the Lord and giver of life. On this Memorial Day, we thank you first for our lives, a gift we do not deserve but one which you bestow on us with great love.
We also thank you in a special way, Lord, for the many people that gave up their lives so that we could enjoy the gift of life more abundantly. In particular, we remember the many soldiers of our nation who laid down their lives to protect their loved ones and secure a better future for us.
Lord, you have revealed to us that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. For the many courageous people who have loved us so, we thank you, Lord. We take a moment of silence to remember them in our hearts and to commend them to your mercy.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through your mercy rest in peace.
And finally, Lord, we commend to you our work here in the house of representatives, thanking you especially for those who day by day choose to lay down their lives by pursuing the common good, by choosing what is best not for them but for the people that they serve, even when it's hard, and even when it comes at great personal cost. For what does it profit someone to gain the whole world if they lose their soul? Lord, may we never be afraid to do what is right and good and perfect in your eyes. Help us not to be afraid to die to ourselves so that we may live for you and for our loved ones. Amen.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who led the house in the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
(Meza now present)
A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 1).
Representative C.J. Harris moved to suspend all necessary rules to allow the chair of the Committee on Resolutions Calendars to prepare and distribute a suspension congratulatory and memorial calendar to be considered later today at a time to be determined by the speaker.
The motion prevailed.
(C.J. Harris in the chair)
Resolutions were at this time laid before the house and referred to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 1.)
(Leo-Wilson - House Sponsor)
The following privileged resolution was laid before the house:
SCR 61, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make a correction in SB 1725.
SCR 61 was adopted by (Record 2268): 141 Yeas, 1 Nays, 2 Present, not voting.
Yeas — Allen; Allison; Anchía; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Bumgarner; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Cunningham; Darby; Davis; Dean; DeAyala; Dorazio; Dutton; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gámez; Garcia; Gates; Gerdes; Geren; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Harris, C.E.; Harrison; Hayes; Hefner; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Hull; Hunter; Isaac; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J.D.; Johnson, J.E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Lalani; Lambert; Landgraf; Leach; Leo-Wilson; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morales Shaw; Morrison; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Noble; Oliverson; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Paul; Perez; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Rose; Rosenthal; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Slawson; Smith; Smithee; Spiller; Stucky; Swanson; Talarico; Tepper; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Toth; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener.
Nays — Gervin-Hawkins.
Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Harris, C.J.(C).
Absent — Hernandez; Manuel; Martinez; Moody; Romero.
When Record No. 2268 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I would have voted yes.
When Record No. 2268 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would have voted yes.
When Record No. 2268 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I would have voted yes.
Representative Hayes moved to print all remarks on HB 3452 from Sunday, May 28.
The motion prevailed.
(by Dutton)
Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2060.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2060, In memory of George Herman McGowan of Houston.
HR 2060 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
(by Dutton)
Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2103.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2103, In memory of Erica Nicole Patterson Hicks.
HR 2103 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 37 and Senate List Nos. 33, 34, and 35).
(by Dutton)
Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2505.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2505, Commemorating the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker honoring Congressman Mickey Leland.
HR 2505 was adopted.
(by Dutton)
Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2424.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2424, Congratulating C. P. "Buck" Sloan of Houston on his 99th birthday.
HR 2424 was adopted.
(by Dutton)
Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2228.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2228, Congratulating Maxine Curvey of Houston on her 90th birthday.
HR 2228 was adopted.
(by Reynolds)
Representative Reynolds moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2185.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house and read:
HR 2185, Honoring State Representative Senfronia Thompson for 50 years of service in the Texas House.
The chair recognized Representative Reynolds who addressed the house, speaking as follows:
Members, I know that took a long time, but it would not have happened if she would not have had a long tenure of exemplary service. She truly is the embodiment of Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman. She truly is someone whose shoulders we stand on, someone who's been a pioneer, a trailblazer, and someone who is unapologetic about her passion and advocacy, not just for her constituents but all Texans—for the underserved and for those who often don't have a voice. She walks softly and carries a big stick. She's probably going to kill me that I got nervous and butchered her name, but she really is the conscience of the house. She's known and respected and admired, not just in this body, not just in Texas, but as Toni reminded us, all over the country. There are people all over the country that marvel at how active she still is. She can run circles around a lot of freshmen members in this house at 50 years.
Ms. T, we want you to know we love you and we stand on your shoulders. We're truly grateful that God chose you to serve in the Texas House and that you never quit and that you never gave up. Through the ups and the downs, all the adversities, the trials, the tribulations, the persecutions, you always press forward. And I know there are many children, including my own—I have them here today because I wanted them to see and witness what women could achieve by breaking glass ceilings, never giving up, and never giving in. Even though during that time in 1973 when you came in, it was rough. That was the year that I was born. And I know that we've come a long way, and we owe a lot of it because of the fight and tenacity of you. And we owe an extra special gratitude to you for being one of the eight founders of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus. Thank you so much.
She didn't know about this today. Sometimes they say it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission. So Ms. T, I hope you will forgive me for this indulgence. All of our caucus and all of the members really wanted to give you your flowers while you can smell them. Because far too often, we wait until people are dead and gone before we let them know how much we appreciated them. But no more. We are letting you know right now that we love you and that we appreciate you. This Texas House of Representatives is better because of your 50 years of exemplary service. Thank you.
HR 2185 was adopted.
On motion of Representatives Craddick, Dutton, and Rose, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 2185 as signers thereof.
Representative Craddick addressed the house, speaking as follows:
Fifty years is a short period of time. I've got 54. I told her she needs to kind of move along here. This is a wonderful activity you did—you did it for me four years ago, and I appreciated it. In 1989 ,you remember the whole thing we did, and we talked about it a lot of times, and a lot of people have given us pictures that they took, which is a lot of fun.
Senfronia and I are really close friends. I've told this story, but kind of where Representative Gates is standing, I sat there, and she sat in this front chair. One session, I think it was her first session, she wandered back there one day and she said, "You know anything about the oil and gas business?" I said, "Oh, a little bit." And she said, "Well, I'm going to court this afternoon to defend somebody on an oil and gas bill, and I don't know anything about it." She dumps all this stuff on my desk and says, "Could you write what I'm supposed to say?" So about 2:30 or 3 p.m. she comes back and says, "Well, we won." That's how we got to be good friends. But she wanted me to do them from then on, and I'm not an attorney, so I didn't.
She's been great to work with, and it's fun both being deans of the house. I think mainly it's a relationship, and I think that's what the house is all about. Whether you're a democrat or a republican, conservative or liberal, it all comes down to most everybody in here are friends. Everybody has a disagreement now or then. I've been known to have one or two. But it's all about friendship and respect for each other, and I have 100 percent respect for Senfronia. I think most people do. When she gets up here, it gets quiet in the house, and people listen because of respect. Thank you all for doing this for her, and thank you for doing it for me several years ago. And Senfronia, God bless you. I hope that we both continue to add years to our knowledge of what we're doing. Thank you very much.
Representative J. Jones addressed the house, speaking as follows:
Ms. T, I had to get up here and say something. As a freshman legislator, you've been invaluable to me, just helping me navigate things. But even before I came to this body—when I was on the city council and when I was on the school board, I could always call you and talk to you and help figure things out. As a criminal defense lawyer, I'll just say this: The Michael Morton Act changed the game for criminal defense where at least the defense knew what the state had so we could try to have a fair fight in trial. The things that you've done as a legislator are super important to Texas and to humanity. I hope to be able to learn from you continually. I hope that I know these rules as good as you do before this is over because it was brilliant to watch you just shut things down while the rest of us are like, "What rule is that? How did she do that?" It's just beautiful to watch, and I'm just really thankful that I got elected before your time here ended so that I could learn from you and you could be a mentor to me. And I also want to thank you because we are sorority sisters. To Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, you represent us well as well.
Representative Manuel addressed the house, speaking as follows:
I'll keep it short. I just want to say Ms T—she is more than just an amazing legislator, she is an amazing person. She always goes out of her way to make sure that everyone knows what they're doing. She's always a knowledgeable book that you can never get enough from. I just want to thank you for always being there for Jefferson County and for my family personally. I just want to say that we are all blessed to be able to be here with her, serving with her. Ms. T, thank you, as I have said before, for making me a better man and a better legislator. We are all beyond grateful without words for everything that you've done for this state, for people and men and women in general. So thank you, Ms. T.
Representative Anderson addressed the house, speaking as follows:
Let me say it's been a tremendous benefit for me to be sitting right next to Ms. T. You can almost hear what she's thinking from time to time. It's been tremendously rewarding and very educational. Ms. T, I love you, and I love what you've done for this house and this state. God bless you.
(Speaker in the chair)
Representative Allen addressed the house, speaking as follows:
Ms. T is a very special person. From first grade to the state house, thank you, Senfronia. They will never know the connection we have. Thank you.
Speaker Phelan addressed the house, speaking as follows:
I would just like to say that there's a common saying around this body that we all just end up on a composite down in the basement at some point. Ms. T will be on every composite in the chamber and in the basement, along with Dean Craddick and Mr. Dutton. They just reminded me there's 150 years of experience right here on the dais right now. I'll just end with the house is a better place with Ms. T in it. I think we all agree with that, so congratulations, Ms. Thompson.
Representative S. Thompson addressed the house, speaking as follows:
I'm very humbled by this resolution today, and I was very impressed to hear all of the things that I've been able to accomplish. But none of those things that I accomplished were without the support and help of legislators like you and those in the past. It just shows you what can be accomplished when we work together. The thing that I like about the house is we know how to put partisanship aside on many issues and work on the issues themselves. Those bills that were passed is a testimony to the leadership of the speakers that I was so privileged to serve. I want to thank the good Lord for blessing me to be here, my constituents for being intelligent enough to send me, and my colleagues being patient enough to tolerate me. Thank you.
Representative Raymond moved to print all remarks on HR 2185.
The motion prevailed.
(C.J. Harris in the chair)
(by Reynolds)
Representative Reynolds moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2182.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2182, Honoring the Texas Legislative Black Caucus on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.
HR 2182 was adopted.
On motion of Representative Rose, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 2182 as signers thereof.
(by Dutton)
Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2382.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2382, Honoring Laura G. Tamez of San Antonio for her contributions to the legal profession and to public policy.
HR 2382 was adopted.
(by J. Jones)
Representative J. Jones moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2235.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2235, Commending the 2023 University of Houston Hobby Fellows.
HR 2235 was adopted.
Resolutions were at this time laid before the house and referred to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 2.)
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2296.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2296, Commending Region VII of the Texas Department of Public Safety for its service to the Capitol Complex during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2296 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced officers and staff of Region VII of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
(Speaker in the chair)
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2297.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2297, Commending Katherine Lindley for her service as Capitol nurse practitioner during the 88th Texas Legislature.
HR 2297 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced Katherine Lindley.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2300.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2300, Commending Stephen Brown and the staff of the Chief Clerk's Office for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2300 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the House Chief Clerk's Office.
(by Zwiener)
Representative Zwiener moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2165.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2165, Congratulating Stephanie Reyes on becoming the first female city manager of San Marcos.
HR 2165 was adopted.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2522.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2522, Commending the House Business Office staff for its work during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2522 was adopted.
On motion of Representative Geren, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 2522 as signers thereof.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the House Business Office.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2298.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2298, Commending the staff of the Legislative Reference Library for their work during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2298 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the Legislative Reference Library.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2293.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2293, Honoring the Legislative Budget Board for its work during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2293 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the Legislative Budget Board.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2294.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2294, Recognizing the staff of the Texas Legislative Council.
HR 2294 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the Texas Legislative Council.
(by Kuempel)
Representative Kuempel moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2411.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2411, In memory of Robert Irwin "Bob" Kelly, former House parliamentarian and director of the Texas Legislative Council.
HR 2411 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2295.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2295, Commending the staff of the State Preservation Board for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2295 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the State Preservation Board.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2299.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2299, Commending Jennifer Teigen Doran and the staff of the House Journal Clerk's Office for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2299 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the House Journal Clerk's Office.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2303.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2303, Commending the Office of the House Sergeant-at-Arms for its work during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2303 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the House Sergeant-at-Arms' Office.
(by Metcalf)
Representative Metcalf moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2301.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2301, Commending the members of the House Committee Coordinator's Office for their work during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2301 was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Metcalf who introduced the staff of the House Committee Coordinator's Office.
REPRESENTATIVE S. THOMPSON: Did I indicate to my colleagues that I am running for reelection this morning, and I want to tell them that I appreciate the staff that I've had over the years?
SPEAKER PHELAN: If you say so, Ms. Thompson. You said it.
S. THOMPSON: Can we tell you that we would like to show some appreciation to the greatest speaker that we know, who has been an excellent leader this session?
SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms. Thompson.
REPRESENTATIVE MORRISON: Does the speaker know that we've been trying to sine die today?
SPEAKER: The speaker is very, very well aware that we've been trying to sine die today, but we have some unfinished business that we hope to wrap up if our friends in the senate would want to work with us.
MORRISON: So we're still waiting to sine die, and we're trying to find out what's going on, but what we want to say is thank you for the effort. You're trying to get us out of here, and you know that we need to go home. We're ready to go home, and we appreciate all the work that you're doing to try to get us out of here. We have no control across the hall from us.
SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms. Morrison. I appreciate that.
REPRESENTATIVE ROSE: Mr. Speaker, can I suspend the parliamentary inquiry and just make my comments?
SPEAKER: You can do whatever you want to, Ms. Rose.
ROSE: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On opening day, I stood before this body and did a seconding speech for you. I know a lot of people probably took issue with that being that I am a democrat and that I do represent the most democratic house district in the State of Texas. What I've learned since the moment you walked through these doors is I've been able to work with you on a lot of issues. We worked on issues as far as helping families, transportation for those individuals on Medicaid, and on other issues. One of the things that you've always been committed to is issues, you know, and that's evidenced by the fact of how you created the Select Committee on Health Care Reform as well as the Youth Health and Safety Committee.
I just didn't want to leave this 88th Legislative Session without thanking you—especially for your solid commitment, as I stated to this body yesterday, on maternal health issues and women's health. I want to thank you. Because of that, now women in Texas can have—well, I guess we've got to wait for the governor to sign it before I get too excited, but I do believe that he will because it was one of his priorities. But I just wanted to thank you for your support of that. All during the interim, I received so many phone calls that every conversation you had, you talked about us getting that across the finish line, and we've done it, Mr. Speaker. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and for all of the future mothers of Texas. Thank you.
SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms. Rose.
REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER: Blow off the parliamentary inquiry. I just have a comment. On behalf of the sugar daddy and mama club right back here, we want to tell you thanks.
Everybody knows the speaker and I have known each other for many, many years. We met in the 90s, and he's always kept his word, he's always been there, and I want you to know I appreciate our very, very long friendship. We've gone through turbulence—that's just the nature of the legislature—but you held firm. You're here. We've made it to the last day, and I want to tell you thanks for taking care of Texas. Thanks for taking care of the coast. I want to make sure everybody heard that––the coast.
And since my good friend Rafael's down there, a slogan from South Texas, which I think represents the house with your leadership: "Trabajando juntos hacemos las cosas." And members, that's working together with this speaker, we get things done. Thank you.
SPEAKER: Amen, Mr. Hunter. Thank you.
REPRESENTATIVE BUCY: Just wanted to acknowledge that this past interim, I was appointed after requesting to get more involved in health care space, the Select Health Care Committee. We worked through the interim, and I brought a bill idea to this chamber for express lane eligibility to help kids get enrolled in health care. This institution, this body, embraced that idea and in a bipartisan way under your leadership. We made a commitment to that. It's one of the first bills we sent over there. Unfortunately, that institution never took up that bill, but after watching how you, Mr. Speaker, Representative Toni Rose, and so many others make a commitment here, I know we follow through. Even if it's a commitment delayed, I'm excited to know that we will not back down on fighting for these kids and fighting for their access to health care as we move on into the next session. I thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I thank this entire body for having that commitment.
SPEAKER: Mr. Bucy, we'll get that done next session. Thank you, sir.
REPRESENTATIVE PATTERSON: Parliamentary inquiry.
SPEAKER: I think your microphone is off. Does anyone else want to speak?
PATTERSON: Mr. Speaker, we come from diverse districts across the State of Texas. We have diverse ideas and opinions on the issues. You allow us a fair playing field by the rules that we adopt as a body, and you don't put your thumb on the scale. You allow us to fight for the issues that we believe are important to our constituents. For that, I want to say thank you. This last summer, I came to you in your office about an issue that I found out about in an interim hearing to better protect our national and state guardsmen on state active duty. You welcomed that conversation. You put the full weight of your office behind that effort, and now our troops—our Texas troops—are better protected for that. So Mr. Speaker, I want to say thank you so much for your service to this state.
SPEAKER: Thank you, sir. Appreciate you.
REPRESENTATIVE HOWARD: Do you know that I'm a democrat?
SPEAKER: I'm well aware, Ms. Howard.
HOWARD: And I believe you're a republican? I think so.
SPEAKER: That's what I'm told sometimes and sometimes I'm told I'm not.
HOWARD: That is my point. Mr. Speaker. Do you have any suggestions about how we talk about this in such a way that we can, as democrats, thank you for working with us and allowing us to work as a body without it somehow impugning your character for someone like me to be able to say that? Do you have a suggestion?
SPEAKER: My suggestion to every house member who walks on this floor is: members, vote your district.
HOWARD: We appreciate so much you're allowing us to work together. I think, especially the new people here are learning quite quickly I assume, that this is a body that we all care about and that we want to protect. It's all about the relationships that we have here, but we need the leadership that allows that to happen. I thank you very much for your leadership.
SPEAKER: Its been my pleasure, Ms. Howard.
REPRESENTATIVE MOODY: Which member served as the chair of State Affairs in 2019?
SPEAKER: That would be Representative Dade Phelan.
MOODY: I'm going to dispense with the parliamentary inquiries because I couldn't think of any other way to do this. I wanted to thank you, because, in that session, you stood right here as a member of the body and as the chair of State Affairs while I was standing at the front microphone, attempting to close the dead suspect loophole. No one asked you, I didn't ask you, and the body didn't demand that the chair of State Affairs talk about the bill that had come before his committee. But you arrived at this microphone to support that legislation because it was important and it was the right thing to do. While it didn't pass that session, yesterday that bill has been sent to the governor. I want to thank you for that. Because there is a lesson that I try to tell my kids every time that I talk to them about the work here and how hard it is. That lesson is if it's important, you don't quit. Thank you for not quitting when it comes to criminal justice reform, for bringing transparency to our systems, and for bringing justice to families. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr. Moody. I've only been to the back microphone twice in nine years now, and it was a pleasure to be at the back microphone for that bill, Mr. Moody.
REPRESENTATIVE LOZANO: Just want to thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this session and the sessions before—continuing to bring this giant family of 149 other members together—each session closer and closer, even in times of extreme division. This house has withstood the pressures from the outside and stayed close together. Whether we're republican or democrat, we are all one in this giant family. Mr. Speaker, I want to formally invite you to the coast at any point to teach us all how to surf.
SPEAKER: Surfs up, Mr. Lozano.
REPRESENTATIVE THIERRY: Could you remind us of the statement you said about the Texas House of Representatives not being like Congress?
SPEAKER: Yes. We are nothing like Washington, D.C., nor should we ever strive to be like Washington, D.C., Ms. Thierry.
THIERRY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would just like to make a statement to say that—as you've heard from everybody in this body—that we really strive to work together in this body, and we have been very effective at doing that. We don't allow partisan politics to rise over the importance of people. As we've heard before, as you can see today, all of our families are here, and we've been fellowshipping in the back hallway—eating and dining together. It is my understanding that does not happen in D.C. So I want to thank you for not D.C.-ing our Texas.
SPEAKER: It's been my pleasure, Ms. Thierry.
REPRESENTATIVE LANDGRAF: Mr. Speaker, you have led by example for this body. For those members who are new, before you had that position on that dais, I never saw a member who worked his bills and worked for his district—or her district or her bills—better than you did as a rank-and-file member of this body. When that gavel was placed in your hands by the members of this body, you continued to lead by that example about fighting for your district. You encouraged every member of this body, as other members have said, you have provided leadership in a body that allows that to happen. I think that is where the functionality of this place—on behalf of the people of this great state—can occur and can take place and where we can all be successful.
The only other thing that I want to add, Mr. Speaker, is that not only do you allow that to happen in this wonderful building and in this amazing chamber, but you also, in the interim that we may or may not be embarking upon shortly, also put in the time and the effort at great expense to yourself and to your family to make sure that you understand every corner of Texas. Whether it's the Panhandle, the Permian Basin, the Lower Rio Grande Valley, the coast, out to El Paso, in the Piney Woods of East Texas—you have an idea of what is important to every member of this body because it's important to you, and you make sure that you see it with your own two eyes. I just want to say that the work that you put in—in the interims before and as a rank-and-file member—is paying dividends for you as speaker. We all, as members of this beloved house, get to benefit from that leadership. I just want to say thank you, Mr. Speaker.
SPEAKER: Thank you. Mr. Landgraf. It's been an honor of a lifetime. Thank you, sir.
REPRESENTATIVE LALANI: Mr. Speaker, I would be remiss if I would end the day without thanking you and, through you, thanking the members of this house. At times, in my first session, it has been intriguing and challenging, but overall, it has been a blessing while learning. I want to thank you all—being a newbie; we've never felt that we are a freshmen class. We've been heard, valued, and respected as any other veteran members, and thank you all so much for all of your trust and mentorship. Thank you.
SPEAKER: It's been my pleasure, sir. Thank you. Members, I'll just briefly take this opportunity to thank you for placing your trust in me as speaker for this session. After last session, I had a bingo card made up—ran out of spots on the bingo card. This session, if you would have told me it would be even more interesting and more challenging than last session, I would not have believed you, but it has been. It's been a very interesting, challenging session—for not just the Texas House, but for the State of Texas. What happened this week is nothing I take pride in. It is not anything that I was proud of, but it was necessary, and it was just. The Texas House spoke and we sent a strong message for the future of Texas.
I don't want to leave this session on that note. We have so many wonderful things that we've accomplished this session that we can be so proud of. We probably have the opportunity to accomplish more in the, hopefully, coming months, not days. But we are going to do it together, and we are going to do it as the Texas House. Again, it is just a pleasure and an honor to serve with you and for you.
REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ FISCHER: I just wanted to echo that we really appreciate having the opportunity to both work with you and work through things with you in a respectful manner. Thank you.
SPEAKER: I thought you were going to call a point of order on everything that was just said Mr. Martinez Fischer.
MARTINEZ FISCHER: Well, since you asked—
SPEAKER: The point of order is well-taken and overruled. Thank you, members.
Representative Martinez Fischer moved to print remarks between the chair and Representatives S. Thompson, Morrison, Rose, Hunter, Bucy, Patterson, Howard, Moody, Lozano, Thierry, Landgraf, Lalani, and Martinez Fischer.
The motion prevailed.
Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 38).
Representative C.J. Harris moved to suspend all necessary rules to consider and adopt the congratulatory and memorial resolutions listed on the suspension congratulatory and memorial calendar, which will be entered in the journal, and that the journal indicate the memorial resolutions on the calendar were adopted by a rising vote.
The motion prevailed.
The following congratulatory resolutions were submitted for inclusion in the journal and were adopted:
HCR 120 (by Landgraf), Commemorating the 50th anniversary of The University of Texas Permian Basin on the occasion of UTPB Day at the State Capitol on May 3, 2023.
HCR 125 (by Craddick), Congratulating Dr. Jeff P. Ripley on his retirement as associate director for county operations at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
HR 2047 (by Price), Congratulating Tiffany Ryals of Amarillo ISD on being named the 2022 Elementary Teacher of the Year by the Region 16 Education Service Center.
HR 2048 (by Turner), Commending Emily Amps for her service as chief of staff in the office of State Representative Chris Turner.
HR 2049 (by Price), Congratulating Matt Ammerman of Borger High School on being named the 2022-2023 Region 16 High School Principal of the Year by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.
HR 2053 (by Kacal), Congratulating Sam Bennett of Texas A&M University on winning low amateur honors at the 2023 Masters golf tournament.
HR 2054 (by Price), Commemorating Armed Forces Day on May 20, 2023.
HR 2055 (by Bumgarner), Congratulating Kathleen Long on her retirement as a mathematics professor at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus.
HR 2056 (by Bumgarner), Honoring Pat Stone for her many years of service as a crossing guard in Lewisville.
HR 2057 (by Price), Commemorating Armed Forces Day on May 18, 2024.
HR 2058 (by Price), Commemorating Memorial Day 2024.
HR 2062 (by Leo-Wilson), Congratulating Kellie Stanford on receiving the Employee Excellence Award for April 2023 from the La Marque Police Department.
HR 2063 (by Leo-Wilson), Congratulating Kelli Rollo on her selection as one of the "44 Under 40" honorees for 2023 by the Baytown Sun.
HR 2064 (by Flores), Congratulating Meanwhile Brewing Company in Austin on its success at the 2022 and 2023 World Beer Cup competitions.
HR 2065 (by Moody), Commending the Logan Sunrise Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2066 (by Moody), Commending the Del Norte Acres Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2067 (by Moody), Commending the Mountain View Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2068 (by Moody), Commending the Irvin Sky Desert Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2069 (by Moody), Commending the North Hills Neighborhood Pride Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2070 (by Moody), Commending the Mountain Park Community Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2071 (by Moody), Commending the Castner Heights Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2072 (by Moody), Commending the Mountainside Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2073 (by Moody), Commending the Sandstone Ranch Estates Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2074 (by Moody), Commending the Thunderbird Estates Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2075 (by Moody), Commending the Coronado Hills Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2076 (by Moody), Commending the Sunrise Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2077 (by Moody), Commending the Star City Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2078 (by Moody), Commending the Upper Mesa Hills Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2079 (by Moody), Commending the Los Nogales Acres Homeowners Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2080 (by Moody), Commending the Franklin Hills No. 7 and No. 8 Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2081 (by Moody), Commending the Upper Valley Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2082 (by Moody), Commending the Zach White Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2083 (by Moody), Commending the Love Road Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2084 (by Moody), Commending the Redd/Mulberry Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2085 (by Moody), Commending the Country Place Community Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2086 (by Moody), Commending the Montoya Gardens Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2087 (by Moody), Commending the Tennis West Neighborhood Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2088 (by Moody), Commending the Montoya Heights Community Improvement Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2089 (by Moody), Commending the Borderland Community Improvement Association for its service to the El Paso community.
HR 2090 (by Walle), Commending Saul Armando Fontes for his service as a Fellow of the Moreno/Rangel Legislative Leadership Program and as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Armando Walle.
HR 2091 (by Thierry), Congratulating Ellery A. Richard of Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on his 19th pastoral anniversary.
HR 2092 (by Meyer), Congratulating the Highland Park High School boys' lacrosse team on winning the 2023 THSLL Class AA state championship.
HR 2095 (by Gámez), Recognizing the eBridge Center for Business and Commercialization for its contributions to Brownsville and the Rio Grande Valley.
HR 2096 (by Gámez), Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Camille Lightner Playhouse in Brownsville.
HR 2097 (by Bumgarner), Congratulating the Marcus High School girls' soccer team on winning the 2023 UIL 6A state championship.
HR 2098 (by Gámez), Recognizing May 21 through 27, 2023, as National PEO Week.
HR 2099 (by Lozano), Commending Jon Whatley for his service to the Odem-Edroy Independent School District Board of Trustees.
HR 2101 (by R. Lopez), Congratulating the members of Team Spicy Ketchup of Universal City on their performance at the FIRST Tech Challenge World Robotics Championship in Houston.
HR 2102 (by Bernal), Congratulating the Wolfbots robotics team from San Antonio on its success at the 2023 FIRST Lego League state championship.
HR 2104 (by Flores), Congratulating Pinthouse in Austin on winning a silver award at the 2023 World Beer Cup competition.
HR 2105 (by Ordaz), Commending Eric Hale for his service as a policy aide in the office of State Representative Claudia Ordaz.
HR 2106 (by Lozano), Congratulating Brandon W. Barrera on his election as the Kleberg County justice of the peace for Precinct No. 2.
HR 2108 (by Ordaz), Commending Patricia Newman for her service as legislative director in the office of State Representative Claudia Ordaz during the 88th Legislature.
HR 2109 (by E. Morales), Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Willow Creek Adult Day Care.
HR 2110 (by E. Morales), Recognizing Julio's Seasoning & Corn Chips in Del Rio for its contributions to the community.
HR 2111 (by J.E. Johnson), Congratulating the Coppell High School girls' golf team on its participation in the 2023 UIL Golf State Tournament.
HR 2112 (by Smithee), Congratulating the tennis team from Randall High School in Amarillo on its success during the 2022-2023 fall and spring seasons.
HR 2113 (by Romero), Congratulating Henry Cagigal on being named a head golf professional with the City of Fort Worth Golf Division.
HR 2119 (by Hinojosa), Congratulating the Highland Park Elementary School archery team on winning the national championship at the 2023 NASP Western Nationals.
HR 2120 (by Spiller), Congratulating members of the Nocona High School girls' track team on their performances in the 2A competition at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2121 (by Herrero), Congratulating Judy Nikol Gonzalez on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Robstown Early College High School.
HR 2122 (by Herrero), Congratulating Lupe Lionel Herrera on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Robstown Early College High School.
HR 2123 (by Herrero), Congratulating Nikolai Conor Steen on graduating as co-valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus Christi.
HR 2124 (by Herrero), Congratulating David Christopher Matl on graduating as co-valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus Christi.
HR 2125 (by Herrero), Congratulating D'Schon Leon Simmons on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at West Oso High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2126 (by Herrero), Congratulating Rubi Ann Amaya on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at West Oso High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2127 (by Herrero), Congratulating Alex Akire Fuentes on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Tuloso-Midway High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2128 (by Herrero), Congratulating Andrea Herrero on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Tuloso-Midway High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2129 (by Herrero), Congratulating Angela Abigail Avila on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Collegiate High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2130 (by Herrero), Congratulating Jonathon Ryan Jimenez Jr. on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Collegiate High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2131 (by Herrero), Congratulating Kiara La'Rose Miller on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Harold T. Branch Academy in Corpus Christi.
HR 2132 (by Herrero), Congratulating Brenden Carlos Galvan on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Harold T. Branch Academy in Corpus Christi.
HR 2133 (by Herrero), Congratulating Gabriel Roman Del Gallo on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Calallen High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2134 (by Herrero), Congratulating Miguel Antonio Arizmendi on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Calallen High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2135 (by Herrero), Congratulating Jace Wilson on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Bishop High School.
HR 2136 (by Herrero), Congratulating Joseph Luke Riddell on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Banquete High School.
HR 2137 (by Herrero), Congratulating Ahmi Mikayla Robertson on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Banquete High School.
HR 2139 (by Thimesch), Congratulating Emma Sralla of Marcus High School on winning the 6A discus championship at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2140 (by Thimesch), Congratulating Mike Donnelly on being named mayor emeritus of Double Oak.
HR 2141 (by Paul), Congratulating Saad Nadeem on his graduation from the University of Houston.
HR 2142 (by E. Thompson), Congratulating the Berry Miller Junior High School Honors Band of Pearland ISD on receiving the Sudler Silver Cup from the John Philip Sousa Foundation.
HR 2143 (by Herrero), Congratulating MaKenzie E. Uribe on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Foy H. Moody High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2144 (by Herrero), Congratulating Lindsey A. Guerra on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Foy H. Moody High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2145 (by Herrero), Congratulating Delwin Y. Kim on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at W. B. Ray High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2146 (by Herrero), Congratulating Joanna B. Wang on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at W. B. Ray High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2147 (by Herrero), Congratulating Nicole Salman on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Mary Carroll High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2148 (by Herrero), Congratulating Isaiah Gomez on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Mary Carroll High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2149 (by Herrero), Congratulating Sara Bowles on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Richard King High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2150 (by Herrero), Congratulating Meygan Garcia on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Richard King High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2151 (by Herrero), Congratulating Maharshi J. Patel on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Veterans Memorial High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2152 (by Harrison), Congratulating Leonard "Junior" Evans and Martha Evans of Ovilla on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 2153 (by Herrero), Congratulating Zara G. Borkowski on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Veterans Memorial High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2154 (by Herrero), Congratulating Alondra G. Garza Ramos on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Roy Miller High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2155 (by Herrero), Congratulating Isabella B. Alonso-Cantu on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Roy Miller High School in Corpus Christi.
HR 2156 (by Leo-Wilson), Congratulating Dr. Tara Marshall of Chambers County on being selected as one of the "44 Under 40" honorees for 2023 by the Baytown Sun.
HR 2157 (by ), Congratulating Samantha Humphrey on being selected as one of the "44 Under 40" honorees for 2023 by the Baytown Sun.
HR 2158 (by Leo-Wilson), Congratulating Dr. Emma Edwards of Chambers County on being selected as one of the "44 Under 40" honorees for 2023 by the Baytown Sun.
HR 2159 (by Leo-Wilson), Congratulating Dr. Todd Adkins of Chambers County on being selected as one of the "44 Under 40" honorees for 2023 by the Baytown Sun.
HR 2164 (by Zwiener), Congratulating the San Marcos High School boys' basketball team on its success during the 2022-2023 season.
HR 2166 (by Walle), Commending Esmeralda Ledezma for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Armando Walle.
HR 2167 (by Walle), Commending Jesha Magee for her service as a policy analyst in the office of State Representative Armando Walle.
HR 2168 (by Neave Criado), Honoring Kristina N. Kastl for her service as president of the Dallas Bar Association.
HR 2170 (by Longoria), Commending Joel A. Garza and the All Star Theatre for their contributions to the Rio Grande Valley.
HR 2172 (by Holland), Congratulating Texas Products and its president, Frank Conselman, for receiving a 2023 Longhorn 100 award from Texas Exes.
HR 2173 (by Holland), Congratulating Trace Johannesen on being sworn in as mayor of Rockwall.
HR 2174 (by Morrison), Commemorating the 175th anniversary of Yorktown.
HR 2176 (by Turner), Commending Nicole Hawkins for her service as constituent services and outreach manager in the office of State Representative Chris Turner.
HR 2177 (by Leo-Wilson), Congratulating Danny Campbell of Chambers County on his selection as one of the "44 Under 40" honorees by the Baytown Sun.
HR 2179 (by Leo-Wilson), Honoring the Mont Belvieu Area Chamber of Commerce as it approaches its 40th anniversary in 2024.
HR 2181 (by Reynolds), Congratulating Adam Sanchez on his election to the Stafford Municipal School District Board of Trustees.
HR 2183 (by Reynolds), Congratulating Dexter McCoy on his election as the Fort Bend County commissioner for Precinct 4.
HR 2186 (by Reynolds), Congratulating the boys' track team of Thurgood Marshall High School in Missouri City on winning the 2023 UIL 5A state championship.
HR 2187 (by Reynolds), Congratulating Mike Berezin on his retirement as chief of the Missouri City Police Department.
HR 2188 (by Reynolds), Honoring Tramar Lacel Dillard, known professionally as Flo Rida, for his success as a rapper, singer, songwriter and composer.
HR 2189 (by Reynolds), Recognizing the creation of the Texas Historically Black Colleges and Universities Legislative Caucus.
HR 2191 (by Paul), Commending Jake R. Skelton for his service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Dennis Paul.
HR 2192 (by M. González), Recognizing the cultural and historical significance of the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.
HR 2193 (by Lozano), Congratulating Dr. Frank B. Ashley III on his retirement as senior professor and executive associate dean of the Texas A&M University Bush School of Government and Public Service.
HR 2194 (by K. Bell), Congratulating Robin Dunlap of Terrell on running marathons in all 50 U.S. states.
HR 2195 (by Bumgarner), Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Scouts BSA Troop No. 753 in Carrollton.
HR 2196 (by Bumgarner), Congratulating Officer Peter Fodor on his retirement from the Flower Mound Police Department.
HR 2197 (by Kacal), Congratulating Dr. Karen Campion of Bryan on her election as president of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.
HR 2198 (by Allison), Congratulating Frances Tankersley Messer on her 100th birthday.
HR 2199 (by Allison), Congratulating the Alamo Heights High School girls' blue team on placing first and the gold team on placing fifth at the 2023 UIL Golf State Tournament.
HR 2200 (by Hefner), Commemorating the 75th anniversary of Big Sandy Sand Company.
HR 2201 (by Ordaz), Commending Azul Martinez for her service as a policy aide in the office of State Representative Claudia Ordaz during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2202 (by Neave Criado), Commending the Valle family for its contributions to the city of Garland.
HR 2203 (by Neave Criado), Commending Manaal Shaikh for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
HR 2204 (by Neave Criado), Commending Monserrat Garcia Rodriguez for her service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
HR 2205 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Vita Williams on her success with Vita Credit Queen, LLC.
HR 2211 (by Herrero), Congratulating Eleana Alvarez on graduating as salutatorian of the Class of 2023 at Bishop High School.
HR 2214 (by J.D. Johnson), Congratulating the Klein Forest High School boys' track team on winning the 6A championship at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2215 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Taressa Reid for her service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Jarvis Johnson.
HR 2216 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Katharine Milne for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Jarvis Johnson.
HR 2217 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Destiny Montemayor for her service as a legislative assistant in the office of State Representative Jarvis Johnson.
HR 2218 (by Turner), Congratulating Cheryl Smith on her retirement from Alliance/AFT.
HR 2219 (by Neave Criado), Commending Claire Saldaña for her service as an assistant committee clerk for the County Affairs Committee and its chair, State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
HR 2222 (by Price), Congratulating Tricia Shay on her selection as the 2022-2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year by the Region 16 Education Service Center.
HR 2223 (by Price), Congratulating Karen Lermon of White Deer High School on being named the 2023 High School Advisor of the Year by District 1 of the Texas Association of Student Councils.
HR 2227 (by Turner), Honoring LifeLine Shelter for Families on its 20th annual Freedom Luncheon.
HR 2229 (by Price), Congratulating Amarillo College on its receipt of a 2023 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence from the Aspen Institute.
HR 2230 (by Price), Commemorating the centennial of the Amarillo Symphony.
HR 2231 (by Price), Commemorating the 115th anniversary of Family Support Services of Amarillo.
HR 2232 (by Reynolds), Congratulating Xavier Herrera on his reelection to the Stafford City Council.
HR 2234 (by Turner), Congratulating Gary R. Pedigo on his retirement as chair of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen's Texas State Legislative Board.
HR 2238 (by Geren), Congratulating John Goff on his receipt of the 2023 Golden Deeds Award from the Exchange Club of Fort Worth.
HR 2240 (by Kacal), Congratulating Kaye Boehning on being named the 2023 Houston District Rural Business Owner of the Year by the Small Business Association Houston District Office.
HR 2241 (by A. Johnson), Honoring Houston PetSet for its work to end animal homelessness and animal cruelty.
HR 2242 (by Longoria), Honoring Viva Selena Marie Lopez on the occasion of her final season with the Venom Hype Squad.
HR 2244 (by Vasut), Commemorating the dedication of the Battle of Velasco Memorial Monument.
HR 2245 (by Price), Commemorating Father's Day on June 18, 2023.
HR 2246 (by Price), Commemorating June 14, 2023, as Flag Day.
HR 2247 (by Price), Commemorating the Fourth of July, 2023.
HR 2248 (by Price), Commemorating Patriot Day 2023.
HR 2249 (by Price), Recognizing September 15, 2023, as National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
HR 2250 (by Price), Recognizing September 17, 2023, as Constitution Day.
HR 2251 (by Price), Commemorating Gold Star Mother's Day 2023.
HR 2254 (by Zwiener), Congratulating Michael Tobias of the Travis County Sheriff's Office on being named the 2022 Officer of the Year by the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas.
HR 2255 (by Herrero), Congratulating Becky Moeller of Corpus Christi on her induction into the Texas Labor Hall of Fame.
HR 2256 (by Price), Commemorating Thanksgiving 2023.
HR 2257 (by Price), Commemorating Veterans Day 2023.
HR 2258 (by Price), Commemorating Christmas Day 2023.
HR 2259 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Nicole Williams for her service as principal of Burrus Elementary in the Houston Independent School District.
HR 2260 (by J.D. Johnson), Honoring the Harris County Precinct One Community Emergency Response Team.
HR 2261 (by Price), Congratulating Ryan Lovell of Tascosa High School on receiving the Texas Speech Communication Association Teacher of the Year award.
HR 2262 (by Price), Congratulating the Panhandle FFA Farm Business Management team on its success at the 2023 State Farm and Agribusiness Management Contest.
HR 2263 (by Price), Congratulating the Bushland High School girls' 400-meter relay team on winning a bronze medal at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2264 (by Price), Congratulating the Bushland High School boys' 400-meter relay team on winning a silver medal at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2265 (by Price), Congratulating Oliver Ortiz of Dumas High School on winning the silver medal in the boys' 4A 400-meter dash at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2266 (by Price), Congratulating Cadance Holland of Gruver High School on winning the bronze medal in the girls' 2A pole vault at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2267 (by Price), Congratulating Pratt McLain of Gruver High School on winning a bronze medal in the 2A boys' pole vault at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2268 (by Price), Congratulating the Panhandle High School girls' track team on claiming a share of the 2A championship at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2269 (by Price), Congratulating Bryce Braden of Stratford High School on winning the gold medal in the boys' 2A discus throw at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2270 (by Price), Congratulating Mia Gray of Sunray High School on winning the bronze medal in the girls' 2A shot put at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2271 (by Price), Congratulating Kendra Murray of Tascosa High School in Amarillo on her bronze-medal finish in the girls' shot put wheelchair event at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2272 (by Price), Congratulating Ke'Mauri Pinkard of Tascosa High School in Amarillo on winning the silver medal in the 5A triple jump at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2273 (by Price), Congratulating the Follett High School boys' 1,600-meter relay team on winning the 1A gold medal at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2274 (by Price), Congratulating Julian Barton of Follett High School on winning the silver medal in the boys' 1A 3,200-meter run at the 2023 UIL Track & Field State Meet.
HR 2276 (by Kacal), Congratulating Buddy Schroeder on retiring as president and CEO of the United Heritage Credit Union.
HR 2278 (by Herrero), Congratulating Aaron Rodriguez of Seale Junior High School on his participation in the 2023 Texas Science and Engineering Fair.
HR 2280 (by Bucy), Commending organizations in the area along the Interstate 35 corridor for their contributions to the state's economy.
HR 2282 (by Toth), Congratulating The Woodlands College Park High School JROTC on winning the 2023 National High School Drill Team Championship.
HR 2283 (by Garcia), Recognizing May 2023 as National Cameroonian Heritage and Diaspora Month.
HR 2286 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Tanya Debose of Houston for her work in behalf of the historic African American community of Independence Heights.
HR 2287 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Michelle Dean for her contributions as principal of Frank Black Middle School in Houston ISD.
HR 2288 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Andrew Casler for his service as principal of Oak Forest Elementary School in Houston ISD.
HR 2289 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Dr. Carlos Phillips II for his service as principal of Booker T. Washington High School in Houston ISD.
HR 2290 (by J.D. Johnson), Congratulating the Booker T. Washington High School boys' basketball team on advancing to the 2023 UIL 4A state championship game.
HR 2291 (by J.D. Johnson), Commending Carrie Flores for her contributions as principal of Durham Elementary School in the Houston Independent School District.
HR 2292 (by J.D. Johnson), Commemorating the dedication of a historical marker for the James D. Burrus Elementary School in Houston.
HR 2302 (by Metcalf), Commending House parliamentarians Sharon Carter and Hugh L. Brady, assistant House parliamentarian Thomas G. Samuels, law clerk Kenna Titus, and parliamentary fellows Kirby Cotter and Mara Sherry for their contributions during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2307 (by Walle), Commending the members of the Texas Legislative Study Group for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2310 (by Gervin-Hawkins), Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Alamodome in San Antonio.
HR 2311 (by Gervin-Hawkins), Recognizing the Carver Community Cultural Center in San Antonio for its historical significance and civic contributions.
HR 2312 (by Herrero), Congratulating Elias Vasquez on recording his 300th win as coach of the Robstown High School baseball team.
HR 2313 (by Price), Commemorating Texas Independence Day 2024.
HR 2314 (by Price), Commemorating Easter 2024.
HR 2315 (by Gervin-Hawkins), Commending U.S. Army Colonel (Ret.) William L. Moseley for his exemplary contributions as director of the St. Philip's College Good Samaritan Veterans Outreach and Transition Center.
HR 2316 (by Metcalf), Commending Adam Arnwine for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Will Metcalf.
HR 2317 (by Metcalf), Commending Yvette Mendoza for her service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Will Metcalf.
HR 2318 (by Metcalf), Commending Sarah Henry for her service as district director and deputy chief of staff in the office of State Representative Will Metcalf during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2319 (by Metcalf), Commending Anna Newell for her service as chief committee clerk for the House Administration Committee and its chair, State Representative Will Metcalf, during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2320 (by Metcalf), Commending Daniel Giese for his service as chief of staff in the office of State Representative Will Metcalf during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2321 (by Price), Commemorating Mother's Day 2024.
HR 2322 (by Price), Commemorating June 14, 2024, as Flag Day.
HR 2323 (by Price), Commemorating Father's Day on June 16, 2024.
HR 2324 (by Price), Commemorating the Fourth of July, 2024.
HR 2326 (by Turner), Honoring the Rotary Club of Arlington on its centennial.
HR 2329 (by Price), Commemorating Patriot Day 2024.
HR 2330 (by Price), Recognizing September 17, 2024, as Constitution Day.
HR 2331 (by Price), Recognizing September 20, 2024, as National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
HR 2332 (by Price), Commemorating Gold Star Mother's Day 2024.
HR 2334 (by Price), Commemorating Veterans Day 2024.
HR 2335 (by Price), Commemorating Thanksgiving 2024.
HR 2336 (by Price), Commemorating Christmas Day 2024.
HR 2341 (by Kacal), Honoring Byrleen K. Terry for her 49 years of service to the Marlin Chamber of Commerce.
HR 2355 (by Herrero), Congratulating Hilda Gloria Tagle on her retirement as senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas.
HR 2356 (by Herrero), Congratulating Jimmy and Betty McCain on the dedication of the 2023 Nueces County Junior Livestock Show in their honor.
HR 2357 (by Holland), Congratulating Jack Ingram on his induction into the Texas Songwriters Hall of Fame.
HR 2358 (by Holland), Congratulating Jon Randall on his selection as a 2024 inductee into the Texas Songwriters Hall of Fame.
HR 2359 (by Hinojosa), Congratulating Roosevelt Weeks of the Austin Public Library on being named the 2023 Librarian of the Year by the Texas Library Association.
HR 2360 (by Manuel), Honoring Linda Turner Spears for her contributions to Port Arthur and Southeast Texas.
HR 2361 (by Manuel), Commending Shonte' Leonard for her service to the Beaumont Independent School District.
HR 2365 (by Manuel), Commending Dr. Blas Canedo-González of Lamar State College Port Arthur for his many achievements as a music educator and vocalist.
HR 2366 (by Herrero), Congratulating Robert Rocha on his retirement as chief of the Corpus Christi Fire Department.
HR 2367 (by Bumgarner), Congratulating Officer Paul Boon on his retirement from the Flower Mound Police Department.
HR 2369 (by Allen), Honoring the Houston Assembly of Delphian Chapters on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.
HR 2370 (by C. Bell), Honoring the life of U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Paul Peter Mendes of The Woodlands.
HR 2372 (by Meyer), Congratulating William H. "Bill" Lindley on his retirement as Highland Park town administrator.
HR 2374 (by Kacal), Congratulating Lucchese Bootmaker on its 140th anniversary.
HR 2375 (by Kacal), Congratulating Don and Lyn Brown on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 2376 (by Moody), Commending Jackson Hughes for his service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Joe Moody.
HR 2378 (by Cunningham), Congratulating Catherine Marie Soberon on her retirement from Atascocita High School in Humble ISD.
HR 2380 (by C.J. Harris), Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Innovation Collaborative.
HR 2381 (by Wilson), Honoring Nancy Rister on her 25 years of service as Williamson County Clerk.
HR 2384 (by Anchía), Commending Natalie Villafranca for her service as a PowerHouse Texas Policy Fellow and legislative aide in the office of State Representative Rafael Anchía.
HR 2385 (by Herrero), Congratulating Donato Avila III on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at West Oso High School in West Oso ISD.
HR 2386 (by Herrero), Congratulating Elizabeth Garcia on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at West Oso Elementary School in West Oso ISD.
HR 2387 (by Herrero), Congratulating Marisa Reyes on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at West Oso Junior High School in West Oso ISD.
HR 2388 (by Herrero), Congratulating Monica Pena on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at John F. Kennedy Elementary School in West Oso ISD.
HR 2389 (by Herrero), Congratulating Theresa Morton on being selected as the 2023 Support Staff of the Year at Tuloso-Midway High School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2390 (by Herrero), Congratulating Jenna Serna on being selected as the 2023 Support Staff of the Year at the Tuloso-Midway Academic Career Center in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2391 (by Herrero), Congratulating Michelle Laningham on being selected as the 2023 Support Staff of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Middle School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2392 (by Herrero), Congratulating Jackie Ortiz on being selected as the 2023 Support Staff of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Intermediate School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2393 (by Herrero), Congratulating Samantha Norskow on being selected as the 2023 Support Staff of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Primary School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2394 (by Herrero), Congratulating Ashlen Emard on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of Promise at the Tuloso-Midway Academic Career Center in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2395 (by Herrero), Congratulating Hector Landin on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of Promise at Tuloso-Midway Middle School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2396 (by Herrero), Congratulating Ericka Ledesma on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of Promise at Tuloso-Midway Intermediate School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2397 (by Herrero), Congratulating Argelia Monsibaiz on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of Promise at Tuloso-Midway Primary School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2398 (by Herrero), Congratulating Tiffany Candela on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at the Tuloso-Midway Academic Career Center in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2399 (by Herrero), Congratulating Kimberly Waddle on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at Tuloso-Midway High School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2400 (by Herrero), Congratulating Lanisa Yates on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Middle School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2401 (by Herrero), Congratulating Brenda Cameron on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Intermediate School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2402 (by Ashby), Congratulating the 2023 Texas Commission on the Arts honorees.
HR 2403 (by Ashby), Congratulating the 2024 Texas Commission on the Arts honorees.
HR 2404 (by Collier), Congratulating Dorothy Louise Hatcher of Fort Worth on her 90th birthday.
HR 2405 (by Herrero), Commemorating the 2023 American GI Forum of Texas State Conference.
HR 2407 (by Toth), Congratulating The Woodlands on ranking No. 1 on's list of Best Cities to Live in America for 2022.
HR 2409 (by C. Bell), Congratulating engineering students from Porter High School on winning the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow competition.
HR 2410 (by Anchía), Commending Amor Sheffield for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Rafael Anchía.
HR 2412 (by Turner), Honoring Phillip Martin for his service as executive director of the House Democratic Caucus.
HR 2413 (by Darby), Congratulating Steve Floyd on his retirement as Tom Green County judge.
HR 2414 (by Neave Criado), Honoring Kristina N. Kastl for her service as president of the Dallas Bar Association.
HR 2415 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Oscar Rico on his graduation from North Garland High School in 2023.
HR 2416 (by Neave Criado), Commemorating the 2023 Mesquite NAACP Juneteenth Festival.
HR 2417 (by Neave Criado), Commemorating the Garland 2023 Juneteenth Celebration.
HR 2418 (by Neave Criado), Commending Mercedes Sotelo for her service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
HR 2419 (by Neave Criado), Commending Claire Saldana for her service as an assistant committee clerk for the County Affairs Committee and its chair, State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
HR 2420 (by Jetton), Congratulating Fort Bend ISD students on their success at the 2023 Texas History Day contest.
HR 2421 (by Jetton), Commending Willy Alberto Solis for his 10 years of service as a firefighter in the Fort Bend County area.
HR 2423 (by Moody), Commending Justin Vargas Gonzales on his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Joe Moody.
HR 2425 (by C. Bell), Honoring Magnolia ISD for its service to area youth.
HR 2426 (by C. Bell), Honoring New Caney ISD for its service to area youth.
HR 2427 (by C. Bell), Honoring Conroe ISD for its service to area youth.
HR 2428 (by C. Bell), Honoring Montgomery ISD for its service to area youth.
HR 2429 (by C. Bell), Honoring Tomball ISD for its service to area youth.
HR 2430 (by C. Bell), Honoring the Splendora Independent School District for its service to area youth.
HR 2437 (by Wilson), Honoring Dusty and Sandra Rhodes on their commitment to music education.
HR 2438 (by Meza), Congratulating Jessica Bonilla of Irving on winning the 2023 Big Tex Boot Design Contest hosted by the State Fair of Texas.
HR 2441 (by C. Bell), Honoring Humble ISD for its service to area youth.
HR 2442 (by Garcia), Commending Azrael Mendoza for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2443 (by Garcia), Commending Victor Johnson for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2444 (by Garcia), Commending Summerlyn Nasser for her service as director of communications in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2445 (by Garcia), Commending Janeth Soto Ayoub for her service as special projects coordinator in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2446 (by Anchía), Commending Jonathan Saldana for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Rafael Anchía.
HR 2448 (by Howard), Commending Eva Eloisa DeLuna Castro for her more than 24 years of service to Every Texan.
HR 2449 (by Moody), Commending Sabrina Page for her service as assistant clerk for the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee.
HR 2450 (by Garcia), Commending Julio Mena Bernal for his service as a policy analyst in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2451 (by Garcia), Commending Pharaoh J. Clark for his service as chief of staff in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia during the 88th Legislature.
HR 2452 (by Garcia), Commending Anthony Mendoza for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2453 (by Garcia), Congratulating Nathaniel Hilbrandt for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2454 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Melanie Montoya on graduating as the 2023 salutatorian of Skyline High School in Dallas.
HR 2455 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Jaime Ovalle on graduating as the 2023 salutatorian of H. Grady Spruce High School in Dallas.
HR 2456 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Ana Guel on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Skyline High School in Dallas.
HR 2457 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Mayte Vargas on graduating as salutatorian of the W. W. Samuell High School Class of 2023.
HR 2458 (by Neave Criado), Commemorating the F.L.A.G. Program's 2023 Flag Day Celebration.
HR 2459 (by Neave Criado), Commemorating Dallas Pride 2023.
HR 2460 (by Neave Criado), Commemorating Women Veterans Day on June 12, 2023.
HR 2461 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Justice Dennise Garcia and Pastor Eric Folkerth on their 30th wedding anniversary.
HR 2463 (by Garcia), Commending Clay Cortez for his service as legislative director in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
HR 2464 (by Kuempel), Congratulating Michelle Fratto on her retirement from the Arlington Independent School District.
HR 2465 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Eric Arec on graduating as the 2023 valedictorian of H. Grady Spruce High School in Dallas.
HR 2467 (by Guillen), Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Koepp Chevrolet in La Vernia.
HR 2475 (by Bucy), Commending Valerie Torrealba for her service as a policy analyst in the office of State Representative John H. Bucy III.
HR 2476 (by Bucy), Congratulating Masha Leah Davis of Austin on receiving a 2023 Security Industry Innovator Award.
HR 2480 (by Herrero), Congratulating Miguel Cabrera on his selection as the 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year in the Robstown Independent School District.
HR 2481 (by Herrero), Congratulating Vanessa Alonso on her selection as the 2023 Elementary Teacher of the Year in the Robstown Independent School District.
HR 2486 (by E. Morales), Congratulating Michael and Joan Garcia on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 2487 (by E. Morales), Commending firefighter and paramedic Juan Olivares for his years of service to the City of Eagle Pass.
HR 2489 (by E. Morales), Commending firefighter and EMT-paramedic Michael Morales for his exemplary service to the City of Eagle Pass.
HR 2490 (by E. Morales), Commending Captain Luis Gonzalez for his 25 years of service to the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
HR 2491 (by E. Morales), Honoring Fire Chief Manuel Mello III for his 35 years of service to the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
HR 2492 (by E. Morales), Commending Eleazar Cuevas for his 20 years of service with the City of Eagle Pass.
HR 2493 (by E. Morales), Honoring Captain Manuel Román for his 25 years of service to the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
HR 2494 (by E. Morales), Congratulating Norman Gonzalez of Eagle Pass on his retirement from the United States Border Patrol.
HR 2495 (by E. Morales), Congratulating Lieutenant Federico Salinas on his retirement from the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
HR 2497 (by E. Morales), Congratulating Gustavo and Lucy Rodriguez on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 2498 (by E. Morales), Congratulating Francisco M. Sanchez on his selection as the 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year at Eagle Pass High School.
HR 2499 (by E. Morales), Recognizing the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas.
HR 2500 (by E. Morales), Congratulating the Del Rio High School boys' track and field team on winning the 2023 Border Olympics.
HR 2502 (by E. Morales), Congratulating Eagle Pass High School and UT Austin graduate Glen John Claybrook on his receipt of the 2022 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
HR 2503 (by Neave Criado), Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus.
HR 2504 (by Wilson), Commending the interns in the office of State Representative Terry Wilson for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2508 (by Goodwin), Congratulating Malavika Subramaniam on graduating as a member of the Class of 2023 at Vandegrift High School in Austin.
HR 2510 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Judy McLeod on receiving the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2511 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Writ Baese on his selection as Citizen of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2512 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating East/West Manufacturing Enterprises on its selection as the 2023 Newcomer of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2513 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Alfred's Catering on its selection as the 2023 Big Boy Hester Small Business of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2514 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Tammy Young on her receipt of the Investor of the Year award from the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2515 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Yvonne and Bill Stoetzel on receiving the Innovation in Philanthropy Award from the Central Texas Community Foundation.
HR 2516 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Kalahari Resorts & Conventions on being named the 2023 Business of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce.
HR 2517 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Williamson County Children's Advocacy Center on its selection as the 2023 Best Place to Work by the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2518 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Daniel Hernandez on receiving the 2023 Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2519 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Oscar Rodriguez on receiving the Emerging Leader Award from the Round Rock Chamber.
HR 2520 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Steffanie Bartlett of Community Impact on her selection as the 2022 Ambassador of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce.
HR 2521 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Tom Ramsey on his receipt of the 2022 Philanthropy Award from the Central Texas Community Foundation.
HR 2524 (by C.E. Harris), Congratulating Louie Mueller Barbecue in Taylor on receiving a Texas Treasure Business Award from the Texas Historical Commission.
HR 2525 (by C.E. Harris), Commemorating the 175th anniversary of the founding of Georgetown.
HR 2529 (by C.E. Harris), Honoring Nancy Rister on her 25 years of service as Williamson County Clerk.
HR 2530 (by Herrero), Congratulating Sarah Luis on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Primary School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
HR 2531 (by C.E. Harris), Commemorating the 175th anniversary of the founding of Williamson County.
HR 2533 (by Guillen), Congratulating Roma ISD superintendent Carlos Guzman on his retirement.
HR 2538 (by Smithee), Congratulating Williams Family Farms on its receipt of the 2023 High Cotton Award for the Southwest.
HR 2364 (by Manuel), Commending Christianna Augusta McAfee for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Christian Manuel.
HR 2363 (by Manuel), Honoring Chief Lance Billeaud of the Groves Fire Department for his contributions to his community.
HR 2362 (by Manuel), Commending Norris Batiste Jr. for his distinguished service as U.S. marshal for the Eastern District of Texas.
HR 2540 (by Smithee and Price), Honoring Dr. Walter V. Wendler for his service as president of West Texas A&M University.
HR 2542 (by Neave Criado), Congratulating Emily Espinoza on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at W. W. Samuell High School in Dallas.
HR 2543 (by A. Johnson), Congratulating Reagan Moriarty of Episcopal High School in Bellaire on winning a gold medal in the 2023 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition.
HR 2544 (by A. Johnson), Congratulating Isabelle Massaro of Episcopal High School in Bellaire on winning a gold medal in the 2023 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition.
The following memorial resolutions were submitted for inclusion in the journal and were unanimously adopted by a rising vote:
HR 2051 (by Cunningham), In memory of James L. Johnston of Kingwood.
HR 2052 (by Kacal), In memory of Richard Michael Hempel of Kosse.
HR 2059 (by Dutton), In memory of Flossie Mae Hubbard Johnson of Houston.
HR 2061 (by Leo-Wilson), In memory of Linnie Evelyn Stephenson Standley of Smith Point.
HR 2118 (by Lujan), In memory of Allen Ralph Trejo of San Antonio.
HR 2169 (by Leach), In memory of Ray Cox.
HR 2161 (by Dutton), In memory of Etta Crockett of Houston.
HR 2171 (by Turner), In memory of Eddie Baker Freeman Jr. of Grand Prairie.
HR 2221 (by Herrero), In memory of Michael Winston Flower of Corpus Christi.
HR 2237 (by Geren), In memory of Daniel M. Jensen of Fort Worth.
HR 2277 (by Howard), In memory of Martha Gay Kokernot Ratliff of Austin.
HR 2306 (by Toth), In memory of Mary-Lou Fitch of The Woodlands.
HR 2325 (by Herrero), In memory of Angelita Gutierrez Cruz of Corpus Christi.
HR 2327 (by Kacal), In memory of Jerry L. Hickman.
HR 2333 (by Herrero), In memory of Amber Nicole Barrera Rosales.
HR 2342 (by Herrero), In memory of David De Leon of Corpus Christi.
HR 2343 (by Herrero), In memory of Rachel Cabrera Flores of Robstown.
HR 2344 (by Herrero), In memory of Samuel Loyd Neal Jr. of Corpus Christi.
HR 2345 (by Herrero), In memory of Maria Teresa Olivo of Robstown.
HR 2346 (by Herrero), In memory of Carl Allen Hill Sr. of Bishop.
HR 2347 (by Herrero), In memory of Alma Delia Perez of Corpus Christi.
HR 2348 (by Herrero), In memory of Paula Morales of Robstown.
HR 2349 (by Herrero), In memory of Aida Ramirez Garcia of Robstown.
HR 2350 (by Herrero), In memory of Trinidad Resendez Lopez of Corpus Christi.
HR 2351 (by Herrero), In memory of Carolina Lopez of Robstown.
HR 2352 (by Herrero), In memory of Imelda Villarreal Jimenez of Robstown.
HR 2353 (by Herrero), In memory of John Andrew "Trapper John" Calderon of Robstown.
HR 2354 (by Herrero), In memory of Omar Onofre Solis II of Nueces County.
HR 2368 (by Cole), In memory of music superstar Tina Turner.
HR 2383 (by Allen), In memory of the Reverend Monsignor Patrick Roland Wells of Houston.
HR 2406 (by Guerra), In memory of Jaime L. Capelo Sr. of Corpus Christi.
HR 2408 (by Vasut), In memory of Arch Hartwell Aplin Jr.
HR 2447 (by Muñoz), In memory of former Palmview mayor Jorge G. Garcia.
HR 2468 (by Guillen), In memory of Wayne Michael Lyssy of Falls City.
HR 2469 (by Guillen), In memory of Melicia "Mitzie" Olivarez of Rio Grande City.
HR 2474 (by Walle), In memory of Mary Alice Martin.
HR 2478 (by Muñoz), In memory of former Mission mayor Norberto "Beto" Salinas.
HR 2479 (by J. Lopez), In memory of former Cameron County sheriff Omar Lucio.
HR 2482 (by Herrero), In memory of Richard F. Garrett.
HR 2484 (by Guerra), In memory of Frank Edward Barker of Corpus Christi.
HR 2485 (by E. Morales), In memory of Santos Mijares Jr. of Eagle Pass.
HR 2488 (by E. Morales), In memory of Heriberto Garcia "Eddie" Maldonado.
HR 2496 (by E. Morales), In memory of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Erasmo Palos of Eagle Pass.
HR 2501 (by E. Morales), In memory of Isabel "Chabelo" Rodríguez.
HR 2509 (by M. González), In memory of Edgar "Eddie Rex" Burr of Clint.
HR 2523 (by Guillen), In memory of Ricardo "Ricky" Cruz Gonzalez of Duval County.
HR 2526 (by Herrero), In memory of Richard F. Garrett.
HR 2527 (by Guillen), In memory of Benita T. Martinez of San Diego, Texas.
HR 2528 (by Neave Criado), In memory of Essie Beatrice Thomas Martin.
HR 2532 (by Guillen), In memory of Ramiro G. Perez of Concepcion.
HR 2534 (by Guillen), In memory of Rudolph Martinez Jr. of Rio Grande City.
HR 2535 (by Guillen), In memory of former Jim Hogg County Sheriff Gilberto Saldaña Ybañez.
HR 2536 (by Guillen), In memory of Leonel R. Garza of Freer.
HR 2537 (by Guillen), In memory of Leonel R. Garza of Freer.
HR 2539 (by Longoria), In memory of former Mission mayor Norberto "Beto" Salinas.
HR 2545 (by T. King), In memory of Travis Garcia of Pleasanton.
HR 2546 (by T. King), In memory of Kyle Douglas Bradley, Atascosa County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2.
On motion of Representative Geren, the names of all the members of the house were added to HR 2293 through HR 2303 as signers thereof.
(C.J. Harris in the chair)
(by C. Bell)
Representative C. Bell moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2379.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2379, Commending the staff of State Representative Cecil Bell Jr. for their service.
HR 2379 was adopted.
(by Wilson)
Representative Wilson moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2239.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2239, Congratulating Edna Staudt on her retirement as justice of the peace for Precinct 2 of Williamson County.
HR 2239 was adopted.
(by J. González)
Representative J. González moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2212.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2212, Commending the staff of State Representative Jessica González for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2212 was adopted.
(by Neave Criado)
Representative Neave Criado moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2483.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2483, Commending the fellows of the 2023 Moreno/Rangel Legislative Leadership Program for their service.
HR 2483 was adopted.
(by Martinez Fischer)
Representative Martinez Fischer moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 2541.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2541, Commending Eva Eloisa DeLuna Castro for her more than 24 years of service to Every Texan.
HR 2541 was adopted.
A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 2).
(T. King - House Sponsor)
The following privileged resolution was laid before the house:
SCR 62, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in SJR 75.
SCR 62 was adopted by (Record 2269): 144 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, not voting.
Yeas — Allen; Allison; Anchía; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Bumgarner; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Cunningham; Darby; Davis; Dean; DeAyala; Dorazio; Dutton; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gámez; Garcia; Gates; Gerdes; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Harris, C.E.; Harrison; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Hull; Hunter; Isaac; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J.D.; Johnson, J.E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Lalani; Lambert; Landgraf; Leach; Leo-Wilson; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Moody; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morrison; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Noble; Oliverson; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Paul; Perez; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Slawson; Smith; Smithee; Spiller; Stucky; Swanson; Talarico; Tepper; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Toth; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener.
Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Harris, C.J.(C).
Absent — Hayes; Martinez; Morales Shaw.
When Record No. 2269 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would have voted yes.
When Record No. 2269 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would have voted yes.
A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 3).
Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 39).
The chair recognized Representative Walle who introduced the staff of Special Services.
(Speaker in the chair)
The following bills and resolutions were today signed in the presence of the house by the speaker:
HR 2377
(by Murr)
The following privileged resolution was laid before the house:
HR 2547
BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby create a Board of Managers to present to the Texas Senate articles of impeachment preferred by the house against Warren Kenneth Paxton Jr.; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Board of Managers be composed of 12 members of the house to be appointed by the speaker of the house and that the speaker shall also designate the chair and vice chair of the board; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That for purposes of the house rules of procedure, and except as otherwise provided by this resolution, the Board of Managers shall be treated in the same manner as the Committee on Redistricting; the board is authorized to meet without regard to the notice provisions in the house rules of procedure, to meet in executive session for any quasi-judicial purpose, including preparing for the exhibition of articles of impeachment, without regard to the house rules of procedure, to employ counsel and other staff, and to utilize the services of other members of the house when needed to assist in the discharge of the board's duties; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the members of the Board of Managers and any other members of the house providing assistance to the board are entitled to a per diem as provided by Section 665.006, Government Code, for a member of a house committee meeting for an impeachment proceeding; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the chair of the Board of Managers may cause to be issued and enforced any process necessary for the proper dispatch of the board's work, that the board be granted the investigatory powers of a general investigating committee under the house rules of procedure and Chapter 301, Government Code, and that the board is granted all powers granted to committees by the house rules of procedure and Chapters 301 and 665, Government Code; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Board of Managers shall present the articles of impeachment to the senate for purposes of Section 665.022, Government Code, by delivering to the senate a certified copy of enrolled HR 2377 preferring the articles of impeachment.
HR 2547 was adopted by (Record 2270): 136 Yeas, 4 Nays, 1 Present, not voting.
Yeas — Allen; Allison; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Bumgarner; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Darby; Davis; DeAyala; Dutton; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gámez; Garcia; Gates; Gerdes; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Harris, C.E.; Harris, C.J.; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Hull; Hunter; Isaac; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J.D.; Johnson, J.E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Lalani; Lambert; Landgraf; Leach; Leo-Wilson; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Moody; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morrison; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Noble; Oliverson; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Paul; Perez; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Slawson; Smith; Smithee; Spiller; Stucky; Talarico; Tepper; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener.
Nays — Cunningham; Dorazio; Hayes; Toth.
Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).
Absent — Anchía; Anderson; Dean; Harrison; Martinez; Morales Shaw; Swanson; Tinderholt.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I would have voted yes.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no.
C.E. Harris
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was temporarily out of the house chamber. I would have voted no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would have voted yes.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would have voted yes.
Morales Shaw
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was temporarily out of the house chamber and I was shown voting yes. I would have voted no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would have voted no.
When Record No. 2270 was taken, I was temporarily out of the house chamber. I would have voted no.
Pursuant to HR 2547, the chair announced the appointment of the Board of Managers of the house of representatives:
Murr, chair; A. Johnson, vice-chair; Geren, Moody, Canales, Leach, Longoria, Meyer, Cain, Vasut, Spiller, and Gámez.
At 4:26 p.m., the chair announced that the house would stand at ease pending departure of the Board of Managers to present articles of impeachment to the senate.
The chair called the house to order at 6:13 p.m.
Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, Senate List Nos. 38 and 39).
Representative Geren moved that the House of Representatives of the Regular Session of the Eighty-Eighth Legislature adjourn sine die.
The motion prevailed.
The house accordingly, at 6:14 p.m., adjourned sine die.
The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions were today laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chair today corrected the referral of the following measures:
List No. 1
HCR 125 (By Craddick), Congratulating Dr. Jeff P. Ripley on his retirement as associate director for county operations at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2402 (By Ashby), Congratulating the 2023 Texas Commission on the Arts honorees.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2403 (By Ashby), Congratulating the 2024 Texas Commission on the Arts honorees.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2404 (By Collier), Congratulating Dorothy Louise Hatcher of Fort Worth on her 90th birthday.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2405 (By Herrero), Commemorating the 2023 American GI Forum of Texas State Conference.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2406 (By Guerra), In memory of Jaime L. Capelo Sr. of Corpus Christi.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2407 (By Toth), Congratulating The Woodlands on ranking No. 1 on's list of Best Cities to Live in America for 2022.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2408 (By Vasut), In memory of Arch Hartwell Aplin Jr.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2409 (By C. Bell), Congratulating engineering students from Porter High School on winning the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow competition.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2410 (By Anchía), Commending Amor Sheffield for her service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Rafael Anchía.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2411 (By Kuempel), In memory of Robert Irwin "Bob" Kelly, former House parliamentarian and director of the Texas Legislative Council.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2412 (By Turner), Honoring Phillip Martin for his service as executive director of the House Democratic Caucus.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2413 (By Darby), Congratulating Steve Floyd on his retirement as Tom Green County judge.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2414 (By Neave Criado), Honoring Kristina N. Kastl for her service as president of the Dallas Bar Association.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2415 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Oscar Rico on his graduation from North Garland High School in 2023.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2416 (By Neave Criado), Commemorating the 2023 Mesquite NAACP Juneteenth Festival.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2417 (By Neave Criado), Commemorating the Garland 2023 Juneteenth Celebration.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2418 (By Neave Criado), Commending Mercedes Sotelo for her service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2419 (By Neave Criado), Commending Claire Saldana for her service as an assistant committee clerk for the County Affairs Committee and its chair, State Representative Victoria Neave Criado.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2420 (By Jetton), Congratulating Fort Bend ISD students on their success at the 2023 Texas History Day contest.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2421 (By Jetton), Commending Willy Alberto Solis for his 10 years of service as a firefighter in the Fort Bend County area.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2423 (By Moody), Commending Justin Vargas Gonzales on his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Joe Moody.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2424 (By Dutton), Congratulating C. P. "Buck" Sloan of Houston on his 99th birthday.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2425 (By C. Bell), Honoring Magnolia ISD for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2426 (By C. Bell), Honoring New Caney ISD for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2427 (By C. Bell), Honoring Conroe ISD for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2428 (By C. Bell), Honoring Montgomery ISD for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2429 (By C. Bell), Honoring Tomball ISD for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2430 (By C. Bell), Honoring the Splendora Independent School District for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2437 (By Wilson), Honoring Dusty and Sandra Rhodes on their commitment to music education.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2438 (By Meza), Congratulating Jessica Bonilla of Irving on winning the 2023 Big Tex Boot Design Contest hosted by the State Fair of Texas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2441 (By C. Bell), Honoring Humble ISD for its service to area youth.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2442 (By Garcia), Commending Azrael Mendoza for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2443 (By Garcia), Commending Victor Johnson for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2444 (By Garcia), Commending Summerlyn Nasser for her service as director of communications in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia during the 88th Legislative Session.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2445 (By Garcia), Commending Janeth Soto Ayoub for her service as special projects coordinator in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2446 (By Anchía), Commending Jonathan Saldana for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Rafael Anchía.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2447 (By Muñoz), In memory of former Palmview mayor Jorge G. Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2448 (By Howard), Commending Eva Eloisa DeLuna Castro for her more than 24 years of service to Every Texan.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2449 (By Moody), Commending Sabrina Page for her service as assistant clerk for the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2450 (By Garcia), Commending Julio Mena Bernal for his service as a policy analyst in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2451 (By Garcia), Commending Pharaoh J. Clark for his service as chief of staff in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia during the 88th Legislature.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2452 (By Garcia), Commending Anthony Mendoza for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2453 (By Garcia), Congratulating Nathaniel Hilbrandt for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2454 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Melanie Montoya on graduating as the 2023 salutatorian of Skyline High School in Dallas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2455 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Jaime Ovalle on graduating as the 2023 salutatorian of H. Grady Spruce High School in Dallas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2456 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Ana Guel on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Skyline High School in Dallas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2457 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Mayte Vargas on graduating as salutatorian of the W. W. Samuell High School Class of 2023.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2458 (By Neave Criado), Commemorating the F.L.A.G. Program's 2023 Flag Day Celebration.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2459 (By Neave Criado), Commemorating Dallas Pride 2023.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2460 (By Neave Criado), Commemorating Women Veterans Day on June 12, 2023.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2461 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Justice Dennise Garcia and Pastor Eric Folkerth on their 30th wedding anniversary.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2463 (By Garcia), Commending Clay Cortez for his service as legislative director in the office of State Representative Josey Garcia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2464 (By Kuempel), Congratulating Michelle Fratto on her retirement from the Arlington Independent School District.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2465 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Eric Arec on graduating as the 2023 valedictorian of H. Grady Spruce High School in Dallas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2467 (By Guillen), Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Koepp Chevrolet in La Vernia.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2468 (By Guillen), In memory of Wayne Michael Lyssy of Falls City.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2469 (By Guillen), In memory of Melicia "Mitzie" Olivarez of Rio Grande City.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2474 (By Walle), In memory of Mary Alice Martin.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2475 (By Bucy), Commending Valerie Torrealba for her service as a policy analyst in the office of State Representative John H. Bucy III.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2476 (By Bucy), Congratulating Masha Leah Davis of Austin on receiving a 2023 Security Industry Innovator Award.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2478 (By Muñoz), In memory of former Mission mayor Norberto "Beto" Salinas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2479 (By J. Lopez), In memory of former Cameron County sheriff Omar Lucio.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2480 (By Herrero), Congratulating Miguel Cabrera on his selection as the 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year in the Robstown Independent School District.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2481 (By Herrero), Congratulating Vanessa Alonso on her selection as the 2023 Elementary Teacher of the Year in the Robstown Independent School District.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2482 (By Herrero), In memory of Richard F. Garrett.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2483 (By Neave Criado), Commending the fellows of the 2023 Moreno/Rangel Legislative Leadership Program for their service.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2484 (By Guerra), In memory of Frank Edward Barker of Corpus Christi.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2485 (By E. Morales), In memory of Santos Mijares Jr. of Eagle Pass.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2486 (By E. Morales), Congratulating Michael and Joan Garcia on their 50th wedding anniversary.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2487 (By E. Morales), Commending firefighter and paramedic Juan Olivares for his years of service to the City of Eagle Pass.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2488 (By E. Morales), In memory of Heriberto Garcia "Eddie" Maldonado.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2489 (By E. Morales), Commending firefighter and EMT-paramedic Michael Morales for his exemplary service to the City of Eagle Pass.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2490 (By E. Morales), Commending Captain Luis Gonzalez for his 25 years of service to the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2491 (By E. Morales), Honoring Fire Chief Manuel Mello III for his 35 years of service to the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2492 (By E. Morales), Commending Eleazar Cuevas for his 20 years of service with the City of Eagle Pass.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2493 (By E. Morales), Honoring Captain Manuel Román for his 25 years of service to the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2494 (By E. Morales), Congratulating Norman Gonzalez of Eagle Pass on his retirement from the United States Border Patrol.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2495 (By E. Morales), Congratulating Lieutenant Federico Salinas on his retirement from the Eagle Pass Fire Department.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2496 (By E. Morales), In memory of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Erasmo Palos of Eagle Pass.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2497 (By E. Morales), Congratulating Gustavo and Lucy Rodriguez on their 50th wedding anniversary.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2498 (By E. Morales), Congratulating Francisco M. Sanchez on his selection as the 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year at Eagle Pass High School.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2499 (By E. Morales), Recognizing the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2500 (By E. Morales), Congratulating the Del Rio High School boys' track and field team on winning the 2023 Border Olympics.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2501 (By E. Morales), In memory of Isabel "Chabelo" Rodríguez.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2502 (By E. Morales), Congratulating Eagle Pass High School and UT Austin graduate Glen John Claybrook on his receipt of the 2022 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2503 (By Neave Criado), Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2504 (By Wilson), Commending the interns in the office of State Representative Terry Wilson for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2505 (By Dutton), Commemorating the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker honoring Congressman Mickey Leland.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2508 (By Goodwin), Congratulating Malavika Subramaniam on graduating as a member of the Class of 2023 at Vandegrift High School in Austin.
To Resolutions Calendars.
List No. 2
HR 2509 (By M. González), In memory of Edgar "Eddie Rex" Burr of Clint.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2510 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Judy McLeod on receiving the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2511 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Writ Baese on his selection as Citizen of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2512 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating East/West Manufacturing Enterprises on its selection as the 2023 Newcomer of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2513 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Alfred's Catering on its selection as the 2023 Big Boy Hester Small Business of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2514 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Tammy Young on her receipt of the Investor of the Year award from the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2515 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Yvonne and Bill Stoetzel on receiving the Innovation in Philanthropy Award from the Central Texas Community Foundation.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2516 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Kalahari Resorts & Conventions on being named the 2023 Business of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2517 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Williamson County Children's Advocacy Center on its selection as the 2023 Best Place to Work by the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2518 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Daniel Hernandez on receiving the 2023 Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2519 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Oscar Rodriguez on receiving the Emerging Leader Award from the Round Rock Chamber.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2520 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Steffanie Bartlett of Community Impact on her selection as the 2022 Ambassador of the Year by the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2521 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Tom Ramsey on his receipt of the 2022 Philanthropy Award from the Central Texas Community Foundation.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2523 (By Guillen), In memory of Ricardo "Ricky" Cruz Gonzalez of Duval County.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2524 (By C.E. Harris), Congratulating Louie Mueller Barbecue in Taylor on receiving a Texas Treasure Business Award from the Texas Historical Commission.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2525 (By C.E. Harris), Commemorating the 175th anniversary of the founding of Georgetown.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2526 (By Herrero), In memory of Richard F. Garrett.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2527 (By Guillen), In memory of Benita T. Martinez of San Diego, Texas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2528 (By Neave Criado), In memory of Essie Beatrice Thomas Martin.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2529 (By C.E. Harris), Honoring Nancy Rister on her 25 years of service as Williamson County Clerk.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2530 (By Herrero), Congratulating Sarah Luis on being selected as the 2023 Teacher of the Year at Tuloso-Midway Primary School in the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2531 (By C.E. Harris), Commemorating the 175th anniversary of the founding of Williamson County.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2532 (By Guillen), In memory of Ramiro G. Perez of Concepcion.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2533 (By Guillen), Congratulating Roma ISD superintendent Carlos Guzman on his retirement.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2534 (By Guillen), In memory of Rudolph Martinez Jr. of Rio Grande City.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2535 (By Guillen), In memory of former Jim Hogg County Sheriff Gilberto Saldaña Ybañez.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2536 (By Guillen), In memory of Leonel R. Garza of Freer.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2537 (By Guillen), In memory of Leonel R. Garza of Freer.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2538 (By Smithee), Congratulating Williams Family Farms on its receipt of the 2023 High Cotton Award for the Southwest.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2539 (By Longoria), In memory of former Mission mayor Norberto "Beto" Salinas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2540 (By Smithee and Price), Honoring Dr. Walter V. Wendler for his service as president of West Texas A&M University.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2541 (By Martinez Fischer), Commending Eva Eloisa DeLuna Castro for her more than 24 years of service to Every Texan.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2542 (By Neave Criado), Congratulating Emily Espinoza on graduating as valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at W. W. Samuell High School in Dallas.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2543 (By A. Johnson), Congratulating Reagan Moriarty of Episcopal High School in Bellaire on winning a gold medal in the 2023 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2544 (By A. Johnson), Congratulating Isabelle Massaro of Episcopal High School in Bellaire on winning a gold medal in the 2023 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2545 (By T. King), In memory of Travis Garcia of Pleasanton.
To Resolutions Calendars.
HR 2546 (By T. King), In memory of Kyle Douglas Bradley, Atascosa County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2.
To Resolutions Calendars.
The following bills and resolutions were today signed in the presence of the house by the speaker:
House List No. 37
HB 3, HB 4, HB 9, HB 12, HB 17, HB 18, HB 30, HB 114, HB 357, HB 473, HB 621, HB 915, HB 1058, HB 1243, HB 1277, HB 1500, HB 1595, HB 1605, HB 1620, HB 1848, HB 1998, HB 2026, HB 2121, HB 2484, HB 2559, HB 2727, HB 2729, HB 2815, HB 3033, HB 3059, HB 3297, HB 3372, HB 3440, HB 3447, HB 3453, HB 3456, HB 3461, HB 3466, HB 3474, HB 3550, HB 3672, HB 3699, HB 4123, HB 4227, HB 4443, HB 4500, HB 4635, HB 4696, HB 4759, HB 4888, HB 4990, HB 5012, HB 5105, HB 5180, HB 5183, HB 5344, HB 5405, HCR 123, HCR 126, HJR 3, HJR 125
House List No. 38
HB 5, HB 3697
House List No. 39
HCR 120, HCR 125
Senate List No. 33
SB 55, SB 200, SB 322, SB 335, SB 336, SB 427, SB 469, SB 498, SB 533, SB 643, SB 667, SB 681, SB 813, SB 893, SB 924, SB 956, SB 997, SB 1015, SB 1131, SB 1242, SB 1290, SB 1327, SB 1342, SB 1379, SB 1399, SB 1467, SB 1517, SB 1526, SB 1712, SB 1999, SB 2008, SB 2277, SB 2350, SB 2588, SB 2595, SB 2597, SB 2598, SB 2604, SB 2613, SB 2616, SCR 50, SCR 51, SCR 54
Senate List No. 34
SB 25, SB 158, SB 315, SB 317, SB 386, SB 401, SB 422, SB 459, SB 477, SB 565, SB 627, SB 629, SB 785, SB 796, SB 991, SB 1001, SB 1040, SB 1051, SB 1057, SB 1136, SB 1146, SB 1236, SB 1308, SB 1402, SB 1431, SB 1520, SB 1525, SB 1568, SB 1606, SB 1668, SB 1717, SB 1746, SB 1854, SB 1900, SB 1979, SB 2011, SB 2013, SB 2220, SCR 53
Senate List No. 35
SB 15, SB 18, SB 24, SB 26, SB 133, SB 189, SB 222, SB 232, SB 365, SB 409, SB 532, SB 544, SB 718, SB 719, SB 773, SB 999, SB 1056, SB 1070, SB 1098, SB 1192, SB 1289, SB 1367, SB 1376, SB 1404, SB 1414, SB 1500, SB 1516, SB 1518, SB 1565, SB 1624, SB 1670, SB 1720, SB 1916, SB 1929, SB 1930, SB 1998, SB 2052, SB 2091, SB 2105, SB 2120, SB 2133, SB 2192, SB 2200, SB 2248, SB 2292, SB 2314, SB 2325, SB 2370, SB 2376, SB 2406, SB 2429, SB 2440, SB 2453, SB 2476, SB 2479, SB 2601, SB 2605, SB 2620, SCR 52
Senate List No. 38
SB 10, SB 12, SB 17, SB 22, SB 28, SB 29, SB 30, SB 640, SB 1445, SB 1585, SB 1677, SB 1699, SB 1727, SB 1893, SB 1933, SB 2315, SB 2627, SCR 22, SJR 93
Senate List No. 39
SB 1725, SCR 61, SCR 62, SJR 75
The following messages from the senate were today received by the house:
Message No. 1
Austin, Texas
Monday, May 29, 2023
The Honorable Speaker of the House
House Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken the following action:
HB 3697
(19 Yeas, 12 Nays)
Patsy Spaw
Secretary of the Senate
Message No. 2
Austin, Texas
Monday, May 29, 2023 - 2
The Honorable Speaker of the House
House Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken the following action:
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.J.R. No. 75.
Patsy Spaw
Secretary of the Senate
Message No. 3
Austin, Texas
Monday, May 29, 2023 - 3
The Honorable Speaker of the House
House Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken the following action:
HCR 120
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of The University of Texas Permian Basin on the occasion of UTPB Day at the State Capitol on May 3, 2023.
HCR 125
SPONSOR: Kolkhorst
Congratulating Dr. Jeff P. Ripley on his retirement as associate director for county operations at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
Patsy Spaw
Secretary of the Senate
May 28 - HB 1, HB 3, HB 4, HB 9, HB 12, HB 44, HB 108, HB 114, HB 357, HB 473, HB 621, HB 915, HB 1058, HB 1228, HB 1243, HB 1277, HB 1287, HB 1361, HB 1500, HB 1595, HB 1605, HB 1620, HB 1848, HB 1998, HB 2026, HB 2121, HB 2129, HB 2138, HB 2190, HB 2323, HB 2484, HB 2559, HB 2727, HB 2729, HB 2815, HB 3033, HB 3058, HB 3059, HB 3297, HB 3372, HB 3424, HB 3440, HB 3453, HB 3456, HB 3461, HB 3466, HB 3474, HB 3550, HB 3553, HB 3672, HB 4123, HB 4227, HB 4443, HB 4500, HB 4635, HB 4696, HB 4759, HB 4888, HB 4990, HB 5012, HB 5105, HB 5180, HB 5183, HB 5344, HB 5405, HCR 114, HCR 121, HCR 122, HCR 123, HJR 3, HJR 125
May 29 - HB 5, HB 17, HB 18, HB 30, HB 3447, HB 3697, HB 3699, HCR 120, HCR 125, HCR 126
May 28 - HB 113, HB 1227, HB 1275, HB 1363, HB 1368, HB 1432, HB 1466, HB 1506, HB 1577, HB 1583, HB 1589, HB 2285, HB 2416, HB 2920, HB 2961, HB 3613, HB 3623, HB 3744, HB 3808, HB 3824, HB 3917, HB 3949, HB 3980, HB 3991, HB 4122, HB 4158, HB 4164, HB 4217, HB 4250, HB 4385, HB 4421, HB 4856, HB 5315, HB 5345, HB 5358, HB 5360, HB 5370, HB 5375, HB 5392, HB 5396, HB 5407, HB 5411, HB 5412, HB 5413, HB 5418
May 30 - HB 3, HB 4, HB 5, HB 9, HB 12, HB 17, HB 18, HB 19, HB 33, HB 44, HB 55, HB 64, HB 108, HB 114, HB 139, HB 198, HB 357, HB 409, HB 422, HB 456, HB 461, HB 473, HB 527, HB 611, HB 621, HB 711, HB 718, HB 784, HB 886, HB 915, HB 923, HB 969, HB 1009, HB 1058, HB 1087, HB 1133, HB 1163, HB 1181, HB 1182, HB 1211, HB 1228, HB 1243, HB 1277, HB 1287, HB 1357, HB 1361, HB 1500, HB 1515, HB 1540, HB 1558, HB 1590, HB 1595, HB 1597, HB 1598, HB 1605, HB 1620, HB 1649, HB 1673, HB 1707, HB 1710, HB 1730, HB 1759, HB 1766, HB 1833, HB 1848, HB 1883, HB 1903, HB 1998, HB 2026, HB 2060, HB 2071, HB 2121, HB 2129, HB 2138, HB 2187, HB 2190, HB 2201, HB 2259, HB 2263, HB 2323, HB 2333, HB 2484, HB 2488, HB 2512, HB 2555, HB 2559, HB 2620, HB 2626, HB 2660, HB 2706, HB 2715, HB 2727, HB 2729, HB 2741, HB 2815, HB 2816, HB 2839, HB 2847, HB 2850, HB 2878, HB 2900, HB 2975, HB 3009, HB 3033, HB 3058, HB 3059, HB 3097, HB 3159, HB 3161, HB 3191, HB 3207, HB 3232, HB 3235, HB 3257, HB 3265, HB 3286, HB 3297, HB 3335, HB 3359, HB 3372, HB 3419, HB 3424, HB 3440, HB 3447, HB 3453, HB 3456, HB 3461, HB 3462, HB 3466, HB 3469, HB 3474, HB 3506, HB 3550, HB 3553, HB 3556, HB 3579, HB 3603, HB 3672, HB 3697, HB 3699, HB 3727, HB 3810, HB 3837, HB 3908, HB 3981, HB 4062, HB 4087, HB 4106, HB 4123, HB 4169, HB 4183, HB 4227, HB 4256, HB 4363, HB 4415, HB 4443, HB 4456, HB 4500, HB 4538, HB 4550, HB 4628, HB 4635, HB 4645, HB 4660, HB 4696, HB 4704, HB 4714, HB 4758, HB 4759, HB 4885, HB 4888, HB 4990, HB 5012, HB 5066, HB 5105, HB 5135, HB 5178, HB 5180, HB 5183, HB 5307, HB 5309, HB 5312, HB 5316, HB 5322, HB 5332, HB 5333, HB 5334, HB 5336, HB 5337, HB 5340, HB 5344, HB 5372, HB 5373, HB 5377, HB 5386, HB 5389, HB 5398, HB 5405, HB 5414, HB 5415, HCR 26, HCR 112, HCR 113, HCR 114, HCR 115, HCR 118, HCR 120, HCR 122, HCR 125, HCR 126
June 5 - HB 4041
June 6 - HB 30
June 7 - HB 1
May 30 - HB 1, HB 4041
May 30 - HCR 121, HCR 123, HJR 2, HJR 3, HJR 125
May 29 - HB 5407, HB 5418
June 2 - HB 28, HB 59, HB 162, HB 219, HB 260, HB 393, HB 541, HB 568, HB 591, HB 1040, HB 1212, HB 1225, HB 1285, HB 1297, HB 1382, HB 1455, HB 1575, HB 1706, HB 1745, HB 1750, HB 1789, HB 1859, HB 1959, HB 1989, HB 2059, HB 2209, HB 2306, HB 2373, HB 2708, HB 2899, HB 3301, HB 3390, HB 3526, HB 3643, HB 4018
June 7 - HB 17, HB 1114, HB 1221, HB 1442
June 9 - HB 5, HB 8, HB 9, HB 19, HB 63, HB 73, HB 103, HB 207, HB 282, HB 291, HB 387, HB 433, HB 679, HB 697, HB 730, HB 844, HB 898, HB 907, HB 916, HB 1074, HB 1106, HB 1195, HB 1263, HB 1290, HB 1381, HB 1391, HB 1393, HB 1416, HB 1434, HB 1440, HB 1457, HB 1472, HB 1488, HB 1500, HB 1547, HB 1587, HB 1615, HB 1631, HB 1632, HB 1633, HB 1647, HB 1661, HB 1666, HB 1689, HB 1712, HB 1769, HB 1778, HB 1817, HB 1819, HB 1826, HB 1885, HB 1900, HB 1901, HB 1911, HB 1913, HB 1914, HB 1925, HB 1957, HB 1964, HB 1971, HB 2002, HB 2007, HB 2012, HB 2016, HB 2022, HB 2024, HB 2070, HB 2083, HB 2195, HB 2196, HB 2217, HB 2230, HB 2248, HB 2251, HB 3553, HB 3554, HB 4742, HB 4928, HB 5174, HB 5195, HCR 12, HCR 42, HCR 45, HCR 61, HCR 75, HCR 77, HCR 82, HCR 83, HCR 86
June 10 - HB 165, HB 255, HB 315, HB 430, HB 517, HB 562, HB 584, HB 587, HB 608, HB 616, HB 627, HB 628, HB 639, HB 659, HB 660, HB 671, HB 699, HB 728, HB 767, HB 841, HB 975, HB 995, HB 999, HB 1002, HB 1283, HB 1330, HB 1526, HB 1703, HB 1794, HB 2065, HB 2154, HB 2157, HB 2170, HB 2177, HB 2291, HB 2314, HB 2354, HB 2443, HB 2499, HB 2503, HB 2590, HB 2636, HB 2671, HB 2719, HB 2754, HB 2804, HB 2835, HB 2837, HB 2867, HB 2876, HB 2897, HB 2929, HB 3014, HB 3025, HB 3053, HB 3096, HB 3099, HB 3132, HB 3186, HB 3208, HB 3223, HB 3287, HB 3288, HB 3311, HB 3313, HB 3444, HB 3485, HB 3492, HB 3558, HB 3599, HB 3660, HB 3712, HB 3730, HB 3765, HB 3860, HB 3928, HB 3956, HB 4051, HB 4057, HB 4077, HB 4141, HB 4142, HB 4170, HB 4218, HB 4333, HB 5409
June 11 - HB 2568, HB 2674, HB 2732, HB 2746, HB 2774, HB 2802, HB 2892, HB 2901, HB 2921, HB 2947, HB 2951, HB 2965, HB 2969, HB 3045, HB 3075, HB 3125, HB 3126, HB 3130, HB 3137, HB 3156, HB 3222, HB 3224, HB 3278, HB 3310, HB 3323, HB 3361, HB 3414, HB 3497, HB 3514, HB 3536, HB 3582, HB 3645, HB 3646, HB 3647, HB 3673, HB 3698, HB 3743, HB 3798, HB 3858, HB 3929, HB 3989, HB 4012, HB 4034, HB 4069, HB 4246, HB 4316, HB 4337, HB 4372, HB 4375, HB 4416, HB 4417, HB 4451, HB 4510, HB 4615, HB 4765, HB 4835, HB 4879, HB 4932, HB 4997, HB 5142, HB 5202, HB 5330, HCR 27, HCR 29, HCR 104, HCR 105
June 12 - HB 14, HB 25, HB 44, HB 53, HB 54, HB 55, HB 90, HB 108, HB 400, HB 420, HB 456, HB 471, HB 614, HB 617, HB 718, HB 755, HB 783, HB 852, HB 968, HB 1000, HB 1009, HB 1087, HB 1181, HB 1182, HB 1211, HB 1217, HB 1228, HB 1275, HB 1287, HB 1299, HB 1337, HB 1361, HB 1363, HB 1368, HB 1432, HB 1506, HB 1515, HB 1558, HB 1577, HB 1583, HB 1589, HB 1590, HB 1592, HB 1603, HB 1688, HB 1707, HB 1743, HB 1905, HB 1968, HB 1996, HB 2019, HB 2100, HB 2102, HB 2129, HB 2188, HB 2190, HB 2263, HB 2271, HB 2285, HB 2313, HB 2323, HB 2334, HB 2384, HB 2388, HB 2442, HB 2453, HB 2459, HB 2468, HB 2478, HB 2489, HB 2495, HB 2497, HB 2508, HB 2616, HB 2658, HB 2660, HB 2700, HB 2706, HB 2738, HB 2800, HB 2847, HB 2961, HB 3013, HB 3161, HB 3265, HB 3286, HB 3359, HB 3462, HB 3506, HB 3579, HB 3623, HB 3744, HB 3808, HB 3810, HB 3813, HB 3917, HB 3949, HB 3980, HB 3991, HB 3993, HB 4005, HB 4073, HB 4122, HB 4164, HB 4166, HB 4210, HB 4250, HB 4331, HB 4332, HB 4381, HB 4421, HB 4504, HB 4528, HB 4539, HB 4595, HB 4611, HB 5370
June 13 - HB 18, HB 113, HB 114, HB 139, HB 357, HB 409, HB 422, HB 461, HB 473, HB 527, HB 611, HB 621, HB 886, HB 900, HB 923, HB 969, HB 1058, HB 1133, HB 1163, HB 1243, HB 1277, HB 1357, HB 1597, HB 1605, HB 1649, HB 1673, HB 1710, HB 1730, HB 1833, HB 1848, HB 1903, HB 1926, HB 1998, HB 2060, HB 2121, HB 2187, HB 2201, HB 2259, HB 2484, HB 2488, HB 2512, HB 2555, HB 2559, HB 2626, HB 2715, HB 2727, HB 2729, HB 2741, HB 2839, HB 2850, HB 2878, HB 2975, HB 3033, HB 3191, HB 3207, HB 3257, HB 3297, HB 3335, HB 3372, HB 3419, HB 3440, HB 3447, HB 3456, HB 3461, HB 3466, HB 3469, HB 3474, HB 3550, HB 3556, HB 3603, HB 3672, HB 3697, HB 3803, HB 3824, HB 3837, HB 3981, HB 4123, HB 4169, HB 4183, HB 4227, HB 4233, HB 4256, HB 4363, HB 4385, HB 4415, HB 4443, HB 4500, HB 4538, HB 4550, HB 4628, HB 4635, HB 4645, HB 4696, HB 4714, HB 4885, HB 4888, HB 4990, HB 5066, HB 5135, HB 5180, HB 5309, HCR 26, HCR 112, HCR 113, HCR 114, HCR 115, HCR 118, HCR 122, HCR 126
June 14 - HB 3, HB 33, HB 1696, HB 2127, HB 2166, HB 4906
June 17 - HB 6, HB 2194, HB 2545, HB 3058, HB 3144, HB 3162, HB 3708, HB 3908, HB 4700, HB 4758, HB 4797, HB 5260, HCR 36
June 18 - HB 4, HB 12, HB 64, HB 87, HB 198, HB 246, HB 299, HB 891, HB 1198, HB 1199, HB 1227, HB 1305, HB 1423, HB 1427, HB 1486, HB 1527, HB 1540, HB 1595, HB 1598, HB 1620, HB 1766, HB 2026, HB 2333, HB 2518, HB 2620, HB 2815, HB 2816, HB 2920, HB 3009, HB 3097, HB 3232, HB 3273, HB 3424, HB 3613, HB 3699, HB 4041, HB 4082, HB 4085, HB 4087, HB 4101, HB 4456, HB 4520, HB 4856, HB 5010, HB 5183, HB 5334, HB 5340, HB 5377, HB 5399, HB 5414, HB 5415, HCR 4, HCR 120, HCR 125
June 18 - HB 1
June 2 - HB 2063, HB 2353, HB 2777, HB 5348
June 9 - HB 1699, HB 1912, HB 5303, HB 5310, HB 5311, HB 5394
June 10 - HB 630
June 11 - HB 4494, HB 5304, HB 5314, HB 5318, HB 5320, HB 5339, HB 5343, HB 5347, HB 5349, HB 5350, HB 5355, HB 5357, HB 5362, HB 5365, HB 5367, HB 5369, HB 5374, HB 5379, HB 5384, HB 5385, HB 5390, HB 5391, HB 5393, HB 5395
June 12 - HB 711, HB 784, HB 1034, HB 1825, HB 3727, HB 4559, HB 5315, HB 5345, HB 5375, HB 5392, HB 5396, HB 5407, HB 5411, HB 5412, HB 5413
June 13 - HB 1759, HB 2900, HB 3059, HB 3235, HB 3453, HB 4062, HB 4660, HB 4704, HB 5012, HB 5105, HB 5307, HB 5312, HB 5316, HB 5333, HB 5336, HB 5337, HB 5344, HB 5372, HB 5373, HB 5386, HB 5389, HB 5398, HB 5405, HB 5418
June 14 - HB 915, HB 1184
June 17 - HB 5232, HB 5325, HB 5326, HB 5329
June 18 - HB 30, HB 1193, HB 1553, HB 1883, HB 2071, HB 3574, HB 4217, HB 4446, HB 4844, HB 5178, HB 5322
June 14 - HB 4158
June 15 - HB 2138, HB 2879
June 17 - HB 181, HB 558, HB 729, HB 1466, HB 2416, HB 3159, HB 4128, HB 4759, HB 4779
June 18 - HB 2629, HB 2956, HB 3436, HB 4106, HB 4219, HB 5332, HB 5358, HB 5360, HB 5366