The house met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker.

The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Record 30).

Present - Mr. Speaker; Alexander; Allen; Averitt; Bailey; Berman; Bonnen; Bosse; Brimer; Brown, B.; Brown, F.; Burnam; Callegari; Capelo; Chavez; Christian; Clark; Coleman; Cook; Corte; Counts; Crabb; Craddick; Crownover; Danburg; Davis, J.; Davis, Y.; Delisi; Denny; Deshotel; Driver; Dukes; Dunnam; Dutton; Edwards; Ehrhardt; Eiland; Elkins; Ellis; Farabee; Farrar; Flores; Gallego; Garcia; George; Geren; Giddings; Glaze; Goodman; Goolsby; Gray; Green; Grusendorf; Gutierrez; Haggerty; Hamric; Hardcastle; Hartnett; Hawley; Heflin; Hilderbran; Hill; Hinojosa; Hochberg; Hodge; Homer; Hope; Hopson; Howard; Hunter; Hupp; Isett; Janek; Jones, D.; Jones, E.; Jones, J.; Junell; Keel; Keffer; King, P.; King, T.; Kitchen; Kolkhorst; Krusee; Kuempel; Lewis, G.; Lewis, R.; Longoria; Luna; Madden; Marchant; Martinez Fischer; Maxey; McCall; McClendon; McReynolds; Menendez; Merritt; Miller; Moreno, J.; Moreno, P.; Morrison; Mowery; Naishtat; Najera; Nixon; Noriega; Oliveira; Olivo; Pickett; Pitts; Puente; Ramsay; Rangel; Raymond; Reyna, A.; Ritter; Sadler; Salinas; Seaman; Shields; Smith; Smithee; Solis; Solomons; Swinford; Talton; Telford; Thompson; Tillery; Truitt; Turner, B.; Turner, S.; Uher; Uresti; Villarreal; Walker; West; Williams; Wilson; Wise; Wohlgemuth; Wolens; Woolley; Yarbrough; Zbranek.

Absent, Excused - Carter; Chisum; Hilbert; Reyna, E.

The invocation was offered by Father Alfonso M. Guevara, pastor, Christ the King Church, Brownsville, as follows:

Blessed are you Lord God of all creation. You have given us the goods of this earth so that we may enjoy and be mindful of your goodness towards us. You have also called us to be wise stewards of the gifts of creation. We ask your blessing upon our work. Give us your spirit of wisdom as we go about trying to make the best decisions for the common good. Give us the gift of discernment and dialogue. We pray that as we go about our work today we may be motivated by your vision of compassion and justice. Let us be creative and generous as you are creative and generous. Let us be open to new possibilities and to imagine new ways of being. Let us use our resources wisely. Above all let us remember that the greatest resource is our people. Let the way we treat others, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, be the ultimate test of our work today.

As we work today bless our families and those whom we represent. Lord, hold us close to your heart. We depend on you. I pray in God's holy name. Amen.


The following member was granted leave of absence for today because of illness:

E. Reyna on motion of Denny.

The following member was granted leave of absence for today and the remainder of the week because of illness:

Hilbert on motion of Haggerty.

The following member was granted leave of absence for today to attend an energy conference:

Carter on motion of Mowery.

The following member was granted leave of absence for today because of important business:

Chisum on motion of Swinford.


Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 15).


(by Miller)

Representative Miller moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HCR 188.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HCR 188, In memory of John Pollan of Stephenville.

HCR 188 was read and was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.


(by Miller)

Representative Miller moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 437.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 437, Congratulating Greens Creek Baptist Church in Erath County on its 125th anniversary.

HR 437 was read and was adopted without objection.


(by Miller)

Representative Miller moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 438.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 438, Declaring March 5, 2001, as Erath County Day at the State Capitol.

HR 438 was read and was adopted without objection.


The speaker recognized Representative Morrison who presented Dr. Harold High of Cuero as the "Doctor for the Day."

The house welcomed Dr. High and thanked him for his participation in the Physician of the Day Program sponsored by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.


Messages from the senate were received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message Nos. 1 and 2).


(by West)

Representative West moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 74.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 74, Honoring Hunter Blain on his significant achievements.

HR 74 was read and was adopted without objection.


The speaker recognized Representative West, who introduced Hunter Blain and his parents and younger brother.


(by Ritter, R. Lewis, and Ellis)

Representative Ritter moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HR 378.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 378, Recognizing March 5, 2001, as Leadership Southeast Texas Day at the State Capitol.

HR 378 was read and was adopted without objection.


The speaker recognized Representative Ellis, who introduced a delegation from Leadership Southeast Texas.


The speaker recognized Representative A. Reyna, who introduced the deputy speaker of the parliament in the Netherlands, Dr. J. Peter Rehwinkel, who briefly addressed the house.


The speaker recognized Representative Sadler, who addressed the house, speaking as follows:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am overwhelmed with gratitude this morning and I want to say to each of you that we have heard of the prayers that were lifted for our family and for our son, Sam, over the last month. Those of you who know me, know that I practice law by trade. That is a profession that is grounded in what you can witness, what you can touch and feel. Well, I am witness to what I consider to be an absolute miracle in the life of my son, Sam.

I'll take a few minutes to tell the whole story, as I know so many of you have prayed for our son, and I want you to hear the story of what happened. We went into the intensive care unit, and Sam was in a coma for just over 64 hours. He came out of that state into another state. It's not like on TV when you wake up and go outside and can immediately play baseball. We thought it was, but it's not that way. From ICU, we went onto the neuro floor, and he couldn't walk, he couldn't talk, and he was still very much asleep. He walked three steps in the hospital, some of you saw him.

Then they released us to a place in Dallas called Our Children's House. In Dallas, on a Friday morning in physical therapy, they were trying to make him crawl on his knees and the physical therapist said, "Will you reach the pen?" and Sam said, "That one?" The physical therapist said, "Say it again" and he said, "No." His mother was back in his hospital room, so I grabbed Sam who could barely walk at this stage, we're talking about two weeks ago. We went down the hallway and when he saw his mother he said, "I love you, Mom, where have you been, I missed you." Then he said the truth that you all will recognize, "Dad's mean, I love you better."

We went through a stage over the next three or four days where Sam was not sure whether he was in the real world or a dream world and he fought the world that he was in. He kept crying, "Why is this happening to me, why has this horrible thing happened to me?"

Our routine was that I spent the night at the Baylor Hotel Dallas, Sherri spent the night with Sam, then when I came in she would go to the hotel to shower, and I would help Sam get ready. On Saturday morning, the day after he had spoken his first words, I said to Sam, "Sam, have you prayed about your injury?" and he said, "Yes." I walked over and looked at him and he had his eyes closed, and when he opened his eyes I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I am praying about my injury."

The next morning, Sunday morning, when I got there, they were ready to do his shower. They showered him in a chair and rolled the chair into the shower. He said he didn't want the chair and he stood up and walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. I said, "You're doing better today, Sam," and his words, a ten year old child's, were, "I was touched by Jesus."

Sunday afternoon Sam was still fighting the real world and the dream world and he kept saying to me, "You're a fake dad, you're not the real dad," and he started hitting himself in the head saying, "I have to wake up, I have to wake up." I grabbed his arms and hugged him and he started hitting me in the head saying, "Get away you're not my real dad, you're a fake dad." He laid his head down on the pillow and was crying again and then I noticed he had his eyes closed and his lips were moving. I knelt down next to him, and he was praying this prayer, "God help me wake up, God help me wake up, whatever it takes don't make me hate myself, God help me wake up." This went on for over an hour with him sobbing in his pillow. Within the hour Sam sat up and said these words to me, "Dad, I am ready to go home." I said, "I've been waiting to hear those words, you have to prove it to your therapist, prove it to your doctors."

We were scheduled to be in Our Children's House at Baylor until March 29. We were hoping that he could be back in school some time before the end of the school year. Sam started school last week. The transformation from Friday to Monday was so stark that on Friday afternoon he could sit no more than one minute on a chair and do work, by Monday he was sitting for an hour and a half. That's the Monday after that Sunday. One of his doctors saw him Monday morning walking down the hall, stopped him, and asked him if he was Sam's brother, the transformation was so remarkable.

His doctors call it phenomenal, amazing. I call it a blessing. And you'll never convince me, or him, that it's not the result of prayers that you all prayed, that were offered him in this capitol and around the state, and that were offered by a ten year old child. Absolutely amazing.

There are many other aspects of this story that I would love to share with you, and I hope that I will, but that's the report on Sam. Over the weekend he learned long division, a child who wasn't speaking ten days ago, and is back in school a half day every single day. Preliminary test results indicate that he is above grade level, his occupational therapy is above age appropriateness. We weren't expecting those things. I looked at the MRI myself, and most of the damage from the injury was done in the speech area. The doctors told us they were afraid that he might never speak again, now he talks constantly, and I am hopeful that he'll join me here sometime before the session is over.

For myself and my family, let me again tell you and all those of your staff and those in the senate, that you provided strength to me, strength to my wife, and strength to my family. I will be forever grateful for your thoughts and your prayers because God answered your prayers. There's no question in my mind about that. Thank you.


The speaker directed that remarks by Representative Sadler be printed in the journal.


(by Kitchen, Menendez, et al.)

Representative Kitchen moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HCR 183.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HCR 183, Honoring the National Board Certified Teachers in Texas and school districts that support the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards program.

HCR 183 was read and was adopted without objection.


The speaker recognized Representative Menendez, who introduced members of the National Board Certified Teachers in Texas.




Bills and joint resolutions were at this time laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees. Resolutions were at this time laid before the house and referred to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 1.)


Representative Deshotel moved that the house adjourn until 10 a.m. tomorrow.

The motion prevailed without objection.

The house accordingly, at 11:16 a.m., adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow.





The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions were today laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chair today corrected the referral of the following measures:

List No. 1

HB 7 (By Chisum, Hawley, Walker, B. Turner, and Cook), Relating to creating the Office of Rural Community Affairs.

To Land & Resource Management.

HB 10 (By Telford), Relating to the preservation of state and local historic property.

To County Affairs.

HB 2283 (By Geren), Relating to court fee on dismissal of a charge in connection with motor vehicle financial responsibility.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2284 (By Kitchen), Relating to consideration of assets and resources for purposes of determining eligibility of certain low-income Medicare beneficiaries for Medicaid.

To Public Health.

HB 2285 (By Kitchen), Relating to health benefits coverage for certain children.

To Public Health.

HB 2286 (By Averitt), Relating to the operation of and coverage under small employer health benefit plans.

To Insurance.

HB 2287 (By Edwards), Relating to the authority of a hospital to share with certain attending physicians reimbursements for services provided to patients under the medical assistance program.

To Public Health.

HB 2288 (By Dunnam), Relating to the release of a criminal defendant on bail pending appeal.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2289 (By Talton), Relating to alternative dispute resolution procedures in certain police departments.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2290 (By Talton), Relating to certain nondisciplinary actions against certain police officers and to the records of overturned disciplinary actions or charges of misconduct against certain firefighters and police officers.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2291 (By G. Lewis), Relating to beverage container redemption and recycling; providing penalties.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2292 (By G. Lewis), Relating to tuition assistance for certain students enrolled in counseling degree programs who agree to counsel the criminal justice population of this state.

To Higher Education.

HB 2293 (By Danburg), Relating to the filing deadline for candidacy for the governing body of certain school districts.

To Public Education.

HB 2294 (By Naishtat), Relating to the exemption of certain persons from jury service.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2295 (By Woolley), Relating to the powers of Harris County Improvement District No. 1.

To County Affairs.

HB 2296 (By Hinojosa), Relating to the establishment of high schools for the study of advanced technology by certain school districts.

To Public Education.

HB 2297 (By Thompson), Relating to the payment of municipal fees and fines by electronic means.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2298 (By Thompson), Relating to the training of dental hygienists

To Public Health.

HB 2299 (By Thompson), Relating to communications between courts regarding simultaneous interstate child custody proceedings.

To Juvenile Justice & Family Issues.

HB 2300 (By Thompson), Relating to the salaries of certain judges and to the collection of certain court costs.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2301 (By Craddick), Relating to the liability of a school district for bodily injury to or death of a student.

To Civil Practices.

HB 2302 (By Madden), Relating to certain voter registration information, processes, and procedures.

To Elections.

HB 2303 (By Madden), Relating to requiring the secretary of state to study and report on voting technologies.

To Elections.

HB 2304 (By Madden), Relating to removing the requirement for duplicate political reporting for candidates for federal office.

To Elections.

HB 2305 (By Garcia), Relating to the expunction of certain arrest records and files.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2306 (By Chisum), Relating to the extension of residence homestead ad valorem tax exemptions and protection from forced sale to a homestead owned by a family-owned business.

To Financial Institutions.

HB 2307 (By Clark), Relating to the creation of a county court at law in Cooke County, to the jurisdiction of the County Court of Cooke County, and to an exemption from certain judicial training and instruction for the judge of the county court.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2308 (By T. King), Relating to the basic health care services a county is required to provide to indigent county residents.

To Public Health.

HB 2309 (By Ellis), Relating to the retirement eligibility and benefits of certain custodial officers in the Employees Retirement System of Texas.

To Pensions & Investments.

HB 2310 (By Chisum, Swinford, Walker, and Cook), Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Soil and Water Conservation Board and to the election of directors of local soil and water conservation districts.

To Agriculture & Livestock.

HB 2311 (By Bosse), Relating to certain agreements for the payment of subcontractors.

To Business & Industry.

HB 2312 (By Bosse), Relating to the resolution of certain claims against the state.

To Civil Practices.

HB 2313 (By Bosse), Relating to certain abandoned motor vehicles.

To Transportation.

HB 2314 (By Solomons), Relating to the creation of the County Court at Law No. 2 of Denton County and to the jurisdiction of and certain procedure in that court.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2315 (By Solomons), Relating to the administration and jurisdiction of the statutory county courts in Denton County and to the operation of the statutory probate court in Denton County.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2316 (By McClendon), Relating to the sale of certain state property from the General Services Commission to Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

To Land & Resource Management.

HB 2317 (By Talton), Relating to the right of a defendant to appeal a conviction in a criminal case.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2318 (By Solomons), Relating to the use of electronically transmitted information in county and municipal procedures for the purchase, sale, or lease of items.

To County Affairs.

HB 2319 (By Talton), Relating to the placement of public school students who engage in conduct that contains the elements of certain sexual offenses.

To Public Education.

HB 2320 (By Talton), Relating to the authority of a municipality to dispose of airport property.

To Land & Resource Management.

HB 2321 (By Coleman), Relating to petitioning for candidacy as a member of, and term limits on the members of, certain municipal governing bodies.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2322 (By Coleman), Relating to the authority of a guardian of the person of a ward to consent to the voluntary admission of the ward to an inpatient psychiatric facility.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2323 (By Gallego), Relating to repayment assistance for certain law school loans of persons providing legal services to the indigent.

To Higher Education.

HB 2324 (By Farabee and Kitchen), Relating to discrimination in health care rates and reimbursement; providing administrative penalties.

To Insurance.

HB 2325 (By Solis), Relating to the investment capital fund.

To Public Education.

HB 2326 (By Kitchen), Relating to creating a pilot case management program to provide health-related education, medical, housing, and job training services to homeless people with chronic illnesses.

To Human Services.

HB 2327 (By Solis), Relating to the operation, funding, and assessment of local workforce development boards.

To Economic Development.

HB 2328 (By Solis), Relating to state contracts and enterprise zone opportunities for historically underutilized businesses.

To Economic Development.

HB 2329 (By Solis), Relating to the use of local counsel in connection with public securities issued by a governmental entity.

To Financial Institutions.

HB 2330 (By Uresti and Menendez), Relating to the punishment for certain offenses for providing an alcoholic beverage to a minor.

To Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

HB 2331 (By Uresti and Menendez), Relating to the suspension of certain alcoholic beverage licenses and permits for certain violations relating to minors.

To Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

HB 2332 (By Uresti), Relating to a fee for preserving vital statistics records.

To Public Health.

HB 2333 (By Uresti), Relating to physical education requirements in public schools.

To Public Education.

HB 2334 (By Zbranek), Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 69 as the Big Thicket National Preserve Parkway.

To Transportation.

HB 2335 (By Crownover), Relating to the medication or drug testing of racing animals under the Texas Racing Act.

To Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

HB 2336 (By Danburg), Relating to the distribution of federal funds made available to assist the state in the administration of elections.

To Elections.

HB 2337 (By Goolsby), Relating to the practice of landscape architecture.

To Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

HB 2338 (By S. Turner), Relating to violations of the Clean Air Act.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2339 (By S. Turner), Relating to statutory definitions of terms used in the prosecution of certain environmental crimes.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2340 (By Salinas), Relating to the authority of county governments to regulate subdivision development in the unincorporated areas of a county.

To Land & Resource Management.

HB 2341 (By Noriega), Relating to legislative leave for certain sheriff's department employees.

To County Affairs.

HB 2342 (By Edwards), Relating to the regulation of the location of, and aggregate piles maintained by the operators of, portable rock crushing machines.

To Land & Resource Management.

HB 2343 (By Menendez), Relating to authorizing certain populous counties to recover certain transaction fees for fines and other charges paid by credit card.

To County Affairs.

HB 2344 (By Oliveira), Relating to the number of entering freshmen that may enroll at The University of Texas at Brownsville.

To Higher Education.

HB 2345 (By Naishtat), Relating to the specialized telecommunications assistance program.

To Human Services.

HB 2346 (By Yarbrough), Relating to the minimum size of a container of liquor.

To Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

HB 2347 (By Raymond), Relating to a court fee to be used for courthouse security in Webb County.

To County Affairs.

HB 2348 (By Raymond), Relating to the Texas Diabetes Care Pilot Program.

To Public Health.

HB 2349 (By Hilderbran), Relating to the service areas of certain junior college districts.

To Higher Education.

HB 2350 (By Hinojosa), Relating to reports submitted to the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.

To Public Safety.

HB 2351 (By Hinojosa), Relating to testimony of law enforcement in criminal court.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2352 (By Hinojosa), Relating to evidence of innocence in criminal trials.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2353 (By Hupp), Relating to the application to certain persons of the prohibition against the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of a school.

To Public Safety.

HB 2354 (By Swinford), Relating to collecting and remitting commodity producers board assessments.

To Agriculture & Livestock.

HB 2355 (By Tillery), Relating to eligibility of a newborn child for the state child health plan.

To Public Health.

HB 2356 (By Tillery), Relating to the deposit of a portion of royalties received by institutions of higher education from intellectual property to the credit of the general revenue fund.

To Higher Education.

HB 2357 (By Coleman), Relating to child development activity standards for licensed child-care facilities.

To Human Services.

HB 2358 (By R. Lewis), Relating to the formation of community justice councils and the preparation of community justice plans.

To Corrections.

HB 2359 (By Danburg), Relating to permitting political contributions and expenditures generated from certain funds of certain labor organizations.

To Elections.

HB 2360 (By Isett), Relating to the removal, relocation, or alteration of certain state monuments and memorials.

To State, Federal & International Relations.

HB 2361 (By Wolens), Relating to the abolition of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board and to the transfer of its powers and duties to the Public Utility Commission.

To State Affairs.

HB 2362 (By Hope), Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operation, and financing of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District.

To Natural Resources.

HB 2363 (By R. Lewis), Relating to the control and abatement of illegal dumping; providing penalties.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2364 (By Eiland), Relating to sale of wine by the holder of a winery permit.

To Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

HB 2365 (By Williams), Relating to funding to enable Prairie View A&M University to qualify for agricultural research, extension, and education matching funds, including federal agricultural research and extension formula funds.

To Higher Education.

HB 2366 (By Williams), Relating to the mission of Prairie View A&M University.

To Higher Education.

HB 2367 (By Williams), Relating to the liability of certain nonprofit organizations and their employees and volunteers.

To Civil Practices.

HB 2368 (By George), Relating to the fees assessed by a district court in Dallas County for certain services rendered in juvenile or family law cases.

To Juvenile Justice & Family Issues.

HB 2369 (By George), Relating to state financing of the development and production of Texas biotechnological and biomedical products and small businesses; providing for the issuance of bonds.

To Financial Institutions.

HB 2370 (By Burnam), Relating to techniques for management of low-level radioactive waste.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2371 (By Burnam), Relating to the members of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2372 (By Burnam), Relating to the role of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in economic development of the state.

To Environmental Regulation.

HB 2373 (By Burnam), Relating to life insurance, disability insurance, and pension benefits provided to volunteer firefighters by volunteer fire departments.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2374 (By Burnam), Relating to the operation of volunteer fire departments in certain municipalities or counties.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2375 (By Burnam), Relating to the composition of the governing board of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2376 (By Burnam), Relating to integrated housing for individuals with special needs.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2377 (By Burnam), Relating to accessibility standards for projects that are allocated low income housing tax credits.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2378 (By Kuempel), Relating to the cigarette tax.

To Ways & Means.

HB 2379 (By Junell), Relating to the authority of certain development corporations to undertake water supply or conservation projects.

To Natural Resources.

HB 2380 (By Keffer), Relating to participation of businesses in career and technology education programs.

To Public Education.

HB 2381 (By Thompson), Relating to the appeal of certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship.

To Juvenile Justice & Family Issues.

HB 2382 (By Thompson), Relating to coverage under a health benefit plan for prescription contraceptive drugs and devices and related services.

To Insurance.

HB 2383 (By Allen), Relating to certain grounds for the denial of an application for, the refusal to renew, and the emergency suspension of a license as a licensed chemical dependency counselor.

To Public Health.

HB 2384 (By Carter), Relating to certain fire fighter and police officer employment matters in certain municipalities.

To Urban Affairs.

HB 2385 (By Wilson), Relating to jurisdiction over the Alamo.

To State Recreational Resources.

HB 2386 (By Wilson), Relating to automatic admission to graduate or professional degree programs at institutions of higher education.

To Higher Education.

HB 2387 (By Dunnam), Relating to procedures involved in certain intoxication offenses.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2388 (By Chisum), Relating to the provision of telecommunications services to an area not included in a certificated service area.

To State Affairs.

HB 2389 (By B. Turner), Relating to the authorized investments and transactions of certain stipulated premium insurance companies.

To Insurance.

HB 2390 (By B. Turner), Relating to the sale and distribution of salt cedar; providing a criminal penalty.

To Agriculture & Livestock.

HB 2391 (By B. Turner), Relating to fees and penalties relating to notification of underground excavation.

To Public Safety.

HB 2392 (By B. Turner), Relating to benefits from the Employees Retirement System of Texas for law enforcement officers commissioned by the attorney general.

To Pensions & Investments.

HB 2393 (By Coleman), Relating to health education.

To Public Education.

HB 2394 (By Chavez), Relating to the protection of certain unmarked burials and associated human remains or funerary objects; providing criminal penalties.

To State, Federal & International Relations.

HB 2395 (By Chavez), Relating to the provision of financial assistance to certain legal immigrants.

To Human Services.

HB 2396 (By Chavez), Relating to eligibility for retirement and benefits from the Texas County and District Retirement System.

To Pensions & Investments.

HB 2397 (By Chavez), Relating to a study and report concerning the compensation received by part-time and full-time faculty members at public institutions of higher education.

To Higher Education.

HB 2398 (By Williams), Relating to the location where the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Court of Appeals District transacts business.

To Judicial Affairs.

HB 2399 (By Averitt), Relating to requirements regarding certification that a forensic anthropologist must meet in order to assist a medical examiner.

To Criminal Jurisprudence.

HB 2400 (By Geren), Relating to liability of sponsors of and participants in certain activities involving animals.

To Civil Practices.

HB 2401 (By R. Lewis), Relating to programs and funding methods that promote water conservation among certain state and local entities.

To Natural Resources.

HB 2402 (By R. Lewis), Relating to sales tax exemptions to promote water conservation.

To Ways & Means.

HB 2403 (By R. Lewis), Relating to water and energy saving performance standards and related labeling requirements for clothes-washing machines.

To Natural Resources.

HB 2404 (By R. Lewis), Relating to the submetering of apartments, manufactured home rental communities, and other multiple use facilities.

To Natural Resources.

HB 2405 (By Gray), Relating to regulating mass gatherings on public beaches in coastal counties; providing a penalty.

To County Affairs.

HB 2406 (By Gray), Relating to a supplemental health benefit plan for certain individuals.

To Public Health.

HCR 191 (By Coleman), In honor of the contributions of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Texas.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 417 (By McReynolds), Recognizing March 7, 2001, as Pitser H. Garrison Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 418 (By Glaze), Recognizing March 13, 2001, as Van Zandt County Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 419 (By Glaze), Recognizing April 11, 2001, as Upshur County Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 420 (By Crabb), Honoring Kingwood High School for its achievements during the past two school years.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 421 (By McCall), In memory of William H. L. Wells of Plano.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 422 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Jerome Kay Felps of Burnet.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 423 (By George), In honor of the Lake Highlands Exchange Club's November 2000 Youth of the Month, Jessica Lowe and Colt Segrest of Dallas.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 424 (By George), Honoring Rebecca Brown and Daniel Posada of Dallas, Lake Highlands Exchange Club December 2000 Youth of the Month recipients.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 425 (By George), Honoring Catherine Ringer and Taylor Keep of Dallas as the September 2000 Lake Highlands Exchange Club Youth of the Month.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 426 (By George), Congratulating Mark Allen and Jaini Shah of Dallas on their selection as October 2000 Exchange Club of Lake Highlands Youth of the Month.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 427 (By Chisum), Recognizing March 7, 2001, as Panhandle Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 428 (By Chisum), Honoring the 100th anniversary of the founding of Hutchinson County.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 429 (By Chisum), Congratulating the citizens of Borger on the town's 75th anniversary.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 430 (By Geren), Welcoming the Independent Electrical Contractors of Texas to the State Capitol.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 431 (By Yarbrough), Congratulating Thomas Nathan Jones of Houston on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 432 (By Yarbrough), Congratulating the Notable Trailblazers of Houston for their service to the community.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 433 (By Yarbrough), Congratulating Douglas Anthony Franklin on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 434 (By Yarbrough), Congratulating Brian Salazar of Houston for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 435 (By Hardcastle), Honoring Amanda Coats and her parents, Lynn and Lucrezia Coats of Childress for their contributions in behalf of Rett Syndrome patients.

To Rules & Resolutions.

HR 436 (By Miller), Recognizing the Mitchell Collection of spurs and other memorabilia at the Coryell Museum and Historical Center in Gatesville.

To Rules & Resolutions.

SB 21 to Criminal Jurisprudence.

SB 558 to Public Health.

SB 637 to Transportation.

SB 649 to Natural Resources.

SB 688 to Environmental Regulation.


The following bills and resolutions were today signed in the presence of the house by the speaker:

House List No. 15

HCR 82, HCR 95, HCR 184


The following messages from the senate were today received by the house:

Message No. 1



Austin, Texas

Monday, March 5, 2001

The Honorable Speaker of the House

House Chamber

Austin, Texas

Mr. Speaker:

I am directed by the Senate to inform the House that the Senate has taken the following action:



SB 15 Nelson

Relating to excepting certain information maintained by family violence shelter centers and sexual assault programs from disclosure under the public information law.

SB 45 Zaffirini

Relating to hardship exemptions from federal time limits under the temporary assistance for needy families program.

SB 125 Shapiro

Relating to the preparation and submission of the state low income housing annual report and plan.

SB 148 Shapiro

Relating to the violation of certain traffic laws by a person licensed by the United States Department of State or who claims diplomatic or consular immunity.

SB 175 Lindsay

Relating to parking privileges for vehicles of certain veterans or the surviving spouses of certain veterans.

SB 183 Fraser

Relating to the designation of Farm-to-Market Road 604 as the Atlas ICBM Highway.

SB 188 Lindsay

Relating to paid leave for a state employee who is an emergency medical services volunteer.

SB 189 Lindsay

Relating to the authority of a juvenile justice alternative education program to obtain a waiver regarding required days of operation.

SB 194 Shapiro

Relating to the creation, jurisdiction, and administration of the Probate Court No. 1 of Collin County and to the administration of the county courts at law of Collin County.

SB 258 Barrientos

Relating to the issuance of emergency medical services personnel license plates.

SB 279 Nelson

Relating to sanctions imposed against certain facilities regulated by the Texas Department of Health.

SB 332 Moncrief

Relating to the provision of a drug by a physician to certain indigent patients.

SB 356 Lucio

Relating to performance measures for innovative regulatory programs implemented by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

SB 403 Zaffirini

Relating to trustees of military reservation school districts.

SB 407 Cain

Relating to the authority of a public entity to borrow funds from the state infrastructure bank.

SB 409 Cain

Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the Texas Department of Transportation, including the power of eminent domain.

SB 611 Haywood

Relating to the membership of the board of directors of the Rolling Plains Groundwater Conservation District.

SB 670 Brown, J. E. "Buster"

Relating to the validation of any act, governmental proceeding, official, bond, or obligation of a navigation district or port authority.

SB 689 Brown, J. E. "Buster"

Relating to the definition of hazardous waste.


Betty King

Secretary of the Senate

Message No. 2



Austin, Texas

Monday, March 5, 2001 - 2

The Honorable Speaker of the House

House Chamber

Austin, Texas

Mr. Speaker:

I am directed by the Senate to inform the House that the Senate has taken the following action:


HCR 187 Sadler SPONSOR: Bivins

Declaring March 1, 2001, as Texas Energy Education Development Day at the State Capitol.

SB 186 Truan

Relating to motor vehicle insurance premium discounts for certain individuals on active military duty.

SB 342 Shapiro

Relating to the participation of the Texas Department of Transportation in the acquisition, construction, maintenance, and operation of toll facilities.

SB 370 Ogden

Relating to the performance of an autopsy on an individual injured in one county and dying in another county.

SB 395 Duncan

Relating to the requirement that the Texas Judicial Council conduct a statewide jury service study and report the results of the study to the legislature.

SB 414 Madla

Relating to the regulation of certain insurance agents and to the consolidation of insurance agent licenses; providing penalties.

SB 433 Carona

Relating to the uniform law on secured transactions.

SB 466 Madla

Relating to a specialty insurance agent license for persons who sell certain telecommunications equipment.

SB 484 Duncan

Relating to the review of plans and specifications and the inspection of buildings or facilities for the purpose of eliminating architectural barriers encountered by persons with disabilities.

SB 588 Lindsay

Relating to the functions of a municipal or county cultural education facilities finance corporation.

SCR 10 Shapleigh

Memorializing congress to fund county and municipal inspections of overweight traffic within 20 miles of the border.

SJR 12 Shapiro

Proposing a constitutional amendment in aid of turnpikes, toll roads, and toll bridges.


Betty King

Secretary of the Senate





Favorable reports have been filed by committees as follows:

March 1

Natural Resources - HB 71, HB 1038, HB 1081, HB 1274, HB 1629

Public Safety - HB 334, HB 1115

March 2

Higher Education - HB 234, HB 1576, HB 1641

Human Services - HB 1178, HB 1179, HB 1478, SB 37

Land & Resource Management - HB 377

State Recreational Resources - HB 247


March 1 - HCR 82, HCR 95, HCR 180, HCR 184


March 1 - HCR 180


March 1 - HB 561