The house met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker.
The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Recordi30).
Present — Mr. Speaker; Allen; Alonzo; Anchia; Anderson; Aycock; Berman; Bohac; Bolton; Bonnen; Branch; Brown, B.; Brown, F.; Burnam; Button; Callegari; Castro; Chavez; Chisum; Christian; Cohen; Coleman; Cook; Corte; Crabb; Craddick; Creighton; Crownover; Darby; Davis, J.; Davis, Y.; Deshotel; Driver; Dukes; Dunnam; Dutton; Edwards; Eiland; Eissler; Elkins; England; Farabee; Farias; Farrar; Fletcher; Flores; Flynn; Frost; Gallego; Gattis; Geren; Giddings; Gonzales; Gonzalez Toureilles; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hamilton; Hancock; Hardcastle; Harless; Harper-Brown; Hartnett; Heflin; Hernandez; Herrero; Hilderbran; Hochberg; Hodge; Homer; Hopson; Howard, C.; Howard, D.; Hughes; Hunter; Isett; Jackson; Jones; Keffer; Kent; King, P.; King, S.; King, T.; Kleinschmidt; Kolkhorst; Kuempel; Laubenberg; Legler; Leibowitz; Lewis; Lucio; Madden; Maldonado; Mallory Caraway; Marquez; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; McCall; McClendon; McReynolds; Menendez; Miklos; Miller, D.; Miller, S.; Moody; Morrison; Naishtat; Oliveira; Olivo; Orr; Ortiz; Otto; Parker; Patrick; Paxton; Peña; Phillips; Pickett; Pierson; Pitts; Quintanilla; Raymond; Riddle; Rios Ybarra; Ritter; Rodriguez; Rose; Sheffield; Shelton; Smith, T.; Smith, W.; Smithee; Solomons; Strama; Swinford; Taylor; Thibaut; Thompson; Truitt; Turner, C.; Turner, S.; Vaught; Veasey; Villarreal; Vo; Walle; Weber; Woolley; Zerwas.
Absent, Excused — Alvarado; Merritt.
The invocation was offered by Lynnae Sorensen, pastor, Abiding Love Lutheran Church, Austin, as follows:
God of abundance, we give you thanks for the many gifts that you have so graciously given, especially the gift of land that makes up this great State of Texas. We pray thanks for the rains that fell yesterday and humbly ask for more.
You have called these servants for the honor of representing the people of this state and we pray for your divine guidance to direct and prosper their deliberations for the common good. We ask for your special blessings upon the women and men who protect and defend this state and country. We pray for President Barack Obama, Governor Rick Perry, and all those who serve the people of the United States of America. Direct the work of this session and the people here gathered. Let them ever be restless for your work and your will and not their own. Bless us now to be a blessing. Amen.
The speaker recognized Representative Kuempel who led the house in the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
The speaker recognized Representative Morrison who presented Dr. David Watson of Yoakum as the "Doctor for the Day."
The house welcomed Dr. Watson and thanked him for his participation in the Physician of the Day Program sponsored by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.
A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 1).
(Gallego in the chair)
The following member was granted leave of absence for today because of a death in the family:
Alvarado on motion of Shelton.
The following member was granted leave of absence for today because of a family emergency:
Merritt on motion of Kuempel.
(Speaker in the chair)
(by Straus)
Representative Gallego moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi498.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 498, Congratulating Alan W. Dreeben of San Antonio on his receipt of the Chairman's Award from the Texas State University System.
HR 498 was read and was adopted.
On motion of Representative Rose, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi498 as signers thereof.
The speaker recognized Representative Gallego who introduced Alan W.iDreeben, his wife, Barbara, and representatives of The Texas State University System.
(Orr in the chair)
(by Creighton)
Representative Creighton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi247.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 247, Honoring Daniel Travis Salisbury of Montgomery for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.
HR 247 was adopted.
(by McCall)
Representative McCall moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi495.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 495, Congratulating Sheila Kay Rinehart of Plano on her 60th birthday.
HR 495 was read and was adopted.
On motion of Representatives Raymond and Hardcastle, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi495 as signers thereof.
The chair recognized Representative Raymond who introduced Ramon Garza-Barrios, mayor of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
(Maldonado in the chair)
(by McCall)
Representative McCall moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi463.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 463, Recognizing February 16-20, 2009, as Texas Technology Week.
HR 463 was adopted.
(by Rose)
Representative Rose moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi294.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 294, Recognizing February 18, 2009, as CASA Day at the State Capitol.
HR 294 was adopted.
On motion of Representative Herrero, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi294 as signers thereof.
(by Christian)
Representative Christian moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi444.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 444, Recognizing February 18, 2009, as Stephen F. Austin State University Day at the State Capitol.
HR 444 was adopted.
(Speaker in the chair)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 309
The speaker recognized Representative Christian who introduced representatives of The Stephen F. Austin University System.
(by Christian)
Representative Christian moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi445.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 445, Honoring Ed and Gwen Cole of Nacogdoches for their service to the community and to Stephen F. Austin State University.
HR 445 was read and was adopted.
On motion of Representative McReynolds, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi445 as signers thereof.
The speaker recognized Representative Christian who introduced Ed and Gwen Cole.
(McClendon in the chair)
The chair recognized Representative Harless who introduced representatives of the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce.
(Speaker in the chair)
(by Giddings)
Representative Giddings moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi486.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 486, Recognizing February 18, 2009, as Leadership Southwest Class of 2009 Day at the Capitol.
HR 486 was read and was adopted.
On motion of Representative Y. Davis, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi486 as signers thereof.
The speaker recognized Representative Giddings who introduced members of Leadership Southwest.
(Creighton in the chair)
(Deshotel - House Sponsor)
Representative Deshotel moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time SCRi20.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
SCR 20, Granting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, and ending on Monday, February 23, 2009.
SCR 20 was adopted by (Record 31): 141 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, not voting.
Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Anchia; Anderson; Aycock; Berman; Bohac; Bolton; Bonnen; Branch; Brown, B.; Brown, F.; Burnam; Button; Callegari; Castro; Chavez; Chisum; Christian; Cohen; Coleman; Cook; Corte; Crabb; Craddick; Crownover; Darby; Davis, J.; Davis, Y.; Deshotel; Driver; Dukes; Dunnam; Edwards; Eiland; Eissler; Elkins; England; Farabee; Farias; Farrar; Fletcher; Flores; Flynn; Frost; Gattis; Geren; Giddings; Gonzales; Gonzalez Toureilles; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hamilton; Hancock; Hardcastle; Harless; Harper-Brown; Hartnett; Heflin; Hernandez; Herrero; Hilderbran; Hochberg; Hodge; Homer; Hopson; Howard, C.; Howard, D.; Hunter; Isett; Jackson; Jones; Keffer; King, P.; King, S.; King, T.; Kleinschmidt; Kolkhorst; Kuempel; Laubenberg; Legler; Leibowitz; Lewis; Lucio; Madden; Maldonado; Mallory Caraway; Marquez; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; McCall; McClendon; McReynolds; Menendez; Miklos; Miller, D.; Miller, S.; Moody; Morrison; Naishtat; Oliveira; Olivo; Orr; Ortiz; Otto; Parker; Patrick; Paxton; Peña; Phillips; Pickett; Pierson; Pitts; Raymond; Riddle; Rios Ybarra; Ritter; Rodriguez; Rose; Sheffield; Shelton; Smith, T.; Smith, W.; Smithee; Solomons; Strama; Swinford; Taylor; Thibaut; Thompson; Truitt; Turner, C.; Turner, S.; Vaught; Veasey; Villarreal; Vo; Walle; Weber; Woolley; Zerwas.
Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Creighton(C).
Absent, Excused — Alvarado; Merritt.
Absent — Dutton; Gallego; Hughes; Kent; Quintanilla.
When Record No. 31 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I would have voted yes.
(by Giddings, et al.)
Representative Giddings moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi487.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 487, Recognizing February 2009 as Black History Month.
HR 487 was adopted.
On motion of Representative S. Turner, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi487 as signers thereof.
(Speaker pro tempore in the chair)
(by Pitts)
Representative Pitts moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi503.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 311
HR 503, Recognizing February 18, 2009, as Hill County Day at the State Capitol.
HR 503 was read and was adopted.
The chair recognized Representative Pitts who introduced a delegation from Hill County.
Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, Senate List No. 5).
(by Flynn)
Representative Flynn moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi225.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 225, Congratulating the Commerce Chamber of Commerce on its 100th anniversary.
HR 225 was adopted.
(S. King - House Sponsor)
Representative S. King moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time SCRi19.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
SCR 19, Recognizing February 17, 2009, as Kidney Day at the State Capitol.
SCR 19 was adopted.
(by Creighton)
Representative Creighton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi278.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 278, Congratulating the Conroe High School Tiger Band on its selection as a performer in the 2010 Tournament of Roses Parade.
HR 278 was read and was adopted.
(by S. Turner)
Representative S. Turner moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi456.
The motion prevailed.
The following resolution was laid before the house:
HR 456, Congratulating the Honorable Harold V. Dutton, Jr., on the occasion of his 64th birthday.
HR 456 was read and was adopted.
On motion of Representative Dutton, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi456 as signers thereof.
Representative Dunnam moved to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Select Committee on Federal Economic Stabilization Funding to consider invited testimony at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
The motion prevailed.
The following committee meeting was announced:
Select Committee on Federal Economic Stabilization Funding, 1 p.m. tomorrow, E1.014, for a public hearing, to consider invited testimony.
Representative Giddings moved to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Business and Economic Development, to consider LBB recommendations.
The motion prevailed.
The following committee meeting was announced:
Appropriations, Subcommittee on Business and Economic Development, 8ia.m. tomorrow, E2.030, for a public hearing, to consider LBB recommendations.
Representative Hochberg moved to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Education, to consider LBB recommendations on Article III at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
The motion prevailed.
The following committee meeting was announced:
Appropriations, Subcommittee on Education, 8 a.m. tomorrow, JHR 140, for a public hearing, to consider LBB recommendations.
Representative Zerwas moved to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, to meet at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow.
The motion prevailed.
The following committee meeting was announced:
Appropriations, Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, 7:30 a.m. tomorrow, JHR 120, for a public hearing, to consider LBB recommendations.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 313
Representative Pitts moved to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, to consider LBB recommendations.
The motion prevailed.
The following committee meeting was announced:
Appropriations, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, 8 a.m. tomorrow, E1.026, for a public hearing, to consider LBB recommendations.
Representative J. Davis moved that, at the conclusion of the reading of bills and resolutions on first reading and referral to committees, the house adjourn until 10 a.m. tomorrow in memory of Raul "Rudy" Acosta of Austin.
The motion prevailed.
Bills and joint resolutions were at this time laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees. Resolutions were at this time laid before the house and referred to committees. Pursuant to Rule 1, Section 4 of the House Rules, the chair at this time corrected the referral of measures to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 1.)
(Cook in the chair)
In accordance with a previous motion, the house, at 12:42 p.m., adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow.
The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions were today laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chair today corrected the referral of the following measures:
List No. 1
HB 280 (By Anchia), Relating to electric utility energy efficiency goals.
To Energy Resources.
HB 401 (By Raymond), Relating to the authority of a political subdivision other than a county to change the date of its general election.
To Elections.
HB 402 (By Woolley), Relating to the use of eminent domain authority.
To Land and Resource Management.
HB 404 (By Harless), Relating to the enforcement of state and federal laws governing immigration by certain governmental entities.
To State Affairs.
HB 405 (By Harless), Relating to the authority of an animal control officer to carry a bite prevention stick in the performance of official duties.
To State Affairs.
HB 406 (By Rodriguez), Relating to claims for excess proceeds of a tax sale of real property.
To Ways and Means.
HB 407 (By Kuempel), Relating to participation and credit in, contributions to, benefits from, and administration of the Texas County and District Retirement System.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 408 (By Isett), Relating to the eligibility of a disabled veteran or surviving spouse to pay ad valorem taxes imposed on a residence homestead in installments.
To Ways and Means.
HB 409 (By Isett), Relating to an award of additional periods of possession of or access to a child for certain conservators who have returned from active military deployment.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.
HB 410 (By Isett), Relating to the requirement under certain circumstances that a license holder display their license to carry a concealed handgun.
To Public Safety.
HB 411 (By Isett), Relating to motor vehicle sales and use taxes.
To Ways and Means.
HB 412 (By Isett), Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for certain assessments and fees related to telecommunications services.
To Ways and Means.
HB 414 (By Isett), Relating to the appointment of a municipal judge in the City of Lubbock.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 415 (By Villarreal), Relating to the regulation of employer-based day-care facilities.
To Human Services.
HB 416 (By Leibowitz), Relating to a requirement that a recipient of money from the Texas Enterprise Fund participate in a federal work eligibility verification program.
To Technology, Economic Development, and Workforce.
HB 417 (By Callegari), Relating to the acquisition of and compensation for real property, including blighted property, for public purposes through condemnation or certain other means.
To Land and Resource Management.
HB 418 (By B. Brown), Relating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education.
To Higher Education.
HB 419 (By B. Brown), Relating to the use of certain voting equipment in a city election that is not held jointly with an election in which a federal office appears on the ballot.
To Elections.
HB 420 (By D. Howard), Relating to the nonpartisan election of members to the State Board of Education.
To Elections.
HB 421 (By Dukes), Relating to a mortgage servicer's notice of sale to a debtor and the debtor's subsequent notice to tenant.
To Business and Industry.
HB 422 (By Guillen), Relating to information provided to a person applying for a state tax permit or license.
To Ways and Means.
HB 423 (By Guillen), Relating to authorizing a judge of a municipal court to conduct a marriage ceremony.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 315
HB 424 (By Castro), Relating to exemptions from the sales tax for certain school supplies.
To Ways and Means.
HB 425 (By Christian), Relating to a prohibition against changing the name of a public institution of higher education that is named after a state historical figure.
To Higher Education.
HB 426 (By Christian), Relating to the name of Stephen F. Austin State University.
To Higher Education.
HB 427 (By Hopson), Relating to the authority of physicians to delegate to certain pharmacists the implementation and modification of a patient's drug therapy.
To Public Health.
HB 428 (By Castro), Relating to standing for certain individuals to file a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 429 (By S. King), Relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities in this state.
To Higher Education.
HB 430 (By Castro), Relating to the authority of certain magistrates to issue certain search warrants.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 431 (By Lucio), Relating to design and construction standards for newly constructed or renovated state buildings.
To State Affairs.
HB 432 (By Lucio), Relating to the low-emissions vehicles purchasing requirement for certain state agencies.
To State Affairs.
HB 433 (By Lucio), Relating to the procedures for acting on applications for certain permits under the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
To Environmental Regulation.
HB 435 (By Lucio), Relating to the penalty for theft of a pet.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 436 (By Lucio), Relating to the date on which eligibility for benefits begins under certain programs for governmental employees and retirees.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 437 (By Lucio), Relating to a limitation on the use by state agencies of credit information regarding certain job applicants.
To State Affairs.
HB 438 (By Lucio), Relating to the creation of an offense for certain uses of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle.
To Transportation.
HB 439 (By Lucio), Relating to the eligibility of students who participate in certain internship programs for tuition rebates offered by general academic teaching institutions.
To Higher Education.
HB 440 (By Edwards), Relating to one-time supplemental payments of retirement or death benefits by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 441 (By Edwards), Relating to an emergency power supply for convalescent and nursing homes and related institutions.
To Human Services.
HB 442 (By Edwards), Relating to the rate at which interest accrues in connection with the deferral or abatement of the collection of ad valorem taxes on the residence homestead of an elderly or disabled person.
To Ways and Means.
HB 445 (By Edwards), Relating to installing sound barriers and beautification along certain parts of State Highway 288 in Houston.
To Transportation.
HB 446 (By Villarreal), Relating to the enforcement of unpaid child support.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 447 (By Villarreal), Relating to liability for failure to comply with a child support lien, court order, or notice of levy.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 448 (By Hopson), Relating to requiring the Department of State Health Services to implement a provider choice system.
To Public Health.
HB 449 (By Jackson), Relating to the regulation of laser hair removal facilities.
To Public Health.
HB 450 (By Taylor), Relating to exempting certain hurricane preparation supplies from the sales tax for a limited period.
To Ways and Means.
HB 451 (By Allen), Relating to health benefit plan coverage for autism spectrum disorder.
To Insurance.
HB 452 (By Allen), Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter.
To Elections.
HB 453 (By Gonzalez Toureilles), Relating to the use of auction proceeds from the sale of abandoned motor vehicles, watercraft, or outboard motors to compensate certain property owners.
To Public Safety.
HB 454 (By Gonzalez Toureilles), Relating to the deduction of points or the removal of certain surcharges under the driver responsibility program.
To Public Safety.
HB 455 (By Gonzalez Toureilles), Relating to creating an offense for the trapping of wild deer by a deer breeder and to the civil and criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct associated with deer breeding; providing penalties.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
HB 456 (By Villarreal), Relating to the authority of a dental hygienist to provide services in certain facilities.
To Public Health.
HB 458 (By Leibowitz), Relating to limitations on the number of dogs at a residence in certain counties.
To County Affairs.
HB 459 (By Leibowitz), Relating to county abatement of certain unsafe buildings that are a public nuisance.
To Urban Affairs.
HB 460 (By Leibowitz), Relating to the proximity of a school bus stop to the residence of a sex offender.
To Public Education.
HB 461 (By Eissler), Relating to the regulation of dyslexia practitioners and therapists; providing penalties.
To Public Health.
HB 462 (By Eissler), Relating to the use of personal leave by a public school employee.
To Public Education.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 317
HB 463 (By Eissler), Relating to swimming pool safety; providing a civil penalty.
To State Affairs.
HB 464 (By Paxton), Relating to the preparation by the Legislative Budget Board of a dynamic fiscal impact statement for certain bills and joint resolutions affecting taxes and fees.
To Ways and Means.
HB 465 (By Paxton), Relating to the number of charters the State Board of Education may grant for open-enrollment charter schools.
To Public Education.
HB 466 (By Paxton), Relating to procedures relating to placement of a public school student in a disciplinary alternative education program.
To Public Education.
HB 467 (By Paxton), Relating to authorization for a school district board of trustees to adopt term limits.
To Public Education.
HB 468 (By Paxton), Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for certain telecommunications equipment.
To Ways and Means.
HB 470 (By Hartnett), Relating to the denial, suspension, or revocation of a motor vehicle inspection station certificate or an inspector certificate.
To Transportation.
HB 471 (By Hilderbran), Relating to the designation of a segment of State Highway 158 in Runnels County as the Army Specialist Justin J. Byler Memorial Highway.
To Transportation.
HB 472 (By Hilderbran), Relating to the requirements regarding reporting by a common carrier or pipeline owner or operator of contamination.
To Energy Resources.
HB 473 (By Lewis), Relating to procurement methods of the Ector County Hospital District for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of certain projects.
To County Affairs.
HB 474 (By Allen), Relating to the authority of a school district to implement a monitoring system that records images of vehicles that pass a stopped school bus; providing for the imposition of civil penalties.
To Public Education.
HB 475 (By Allen), Relating to the hours during which the polls are open for early voting by personal appearance.
To Elections.
HB 476 (By Allen), Relating to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 477 (By Geren), Relating to the use of political contributions to pay a civil penalty imposed by the Texas Ethics Commission.
To Elections.
HB 478 (By Heflin), Relating to political advertising; providing civil penalties.
To Elections.
HB 479 (By Heflin), Relating to additional sick leave for certain peace officers and corrections officers who work overtime.
To Corrections.
HB 480 (By Chisum), Relating to marriage education courses for certain couples filing for divorce on the grounds of insupportability.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 481 (By Veasey), Relating to an open document format for electronic state documents.
To State Affairs.
HB 482 (By Rodriguez), Relating to programs to increase the availability of fresh produce to, and the purchase and consumption of fresh produce by, certain low-income individuals.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 483 (By Pierson), Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 484 (By Gonzales), Relating to reports of incidents of bullying at public schools and at public school activities.
To Public Education.
HB 485 (By Gonzales), Relating to ethics training for legislators and certain other state officers and employees.
To State Affairs.
HB 486 (By Menendez), Relating to retaliation against employees of a child-care facility.
To Human Services.
HB 487 (By Menendez), Relating to sheriff's department civil service systems in certain counties; providing penalties.
To County Affairs.
HB 488 (By Bohac), Relating to the eligibility requirements for volunteer deputy registrars.
To Elections.
HB 489 (By Pickett), Relating to the authority of a county or municipality to remove graffiti from private property at the owner's expense.
To County Affairs.
HB 490 (By Jackson), Relating to indigent health care.
To Public Health.
HB 491 (By Zerwas), Relating to allowing customers to opt out of provider of last resort default service.
To State Affairs.
HB 492 (By Zerwas), Relating to the expansion of faith- and community-based health and human services and social services initiatives.
To Human Services.
HB 493 (By Zerwas), Relating to the eligibility for judge-ordered community supervision or for mandatory supervision of a defendant convicted of criminal solicitation of capital murder.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 494 (By Zerwas), Relating to involuntary termination of parental rights based on attempted murder or solicitation of murder of the child's other parent.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 495 (By Zerwas), Relating to the distribution of state agency publications and reports to members of the legislature, the governor, and other state officials.
To State Affairs.
HB 496 (By Zerwas), Relating to the procedure for holding a special election.
To Elections.
HB 497 (By Zerwas), Relating to a study to determine the effect on the health care infrastructure in this state if the state Medicaid program is abolished or a severe reduction in federal matching money under the program occurs.
To Human Services.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 319
HB 498 (By McClendon), Relating to the creation of a commission to investigate and prevent wrongful convictions.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 499 (By Orr), Relating to changing the name of the Railroad Commission of Texas to the Texas Energy Commission.
To Energy Resources.
HB 500 (By Kolkhorst), Relating to a temporary prohibition on increasing the market value of certain parcels of real property for ad valorem tax purposes following determination of a protest or appeal.
To Ways and Means.
HB 501 (By Bonnen), Relating to a person's ability to read and write in English as a qualification for service as a petit juror.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 502 (By England), Relating to funding for the continuing education of certain peace officers.
To Public Safety.
HB 503 (By Geren), Relating to adoption of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.
HB 504 (By Kolkhorst), Relating to the creation of an offense for a parent's contribution to a child's failure to comply with a sentence or court order relating to a disruptive activity or disruption of class on school property.
To Public Education.
HB 505 (By McClendon), Relating to the creation of the health benefit plan innovations program in the Texas Department of Insurance.
To Insurance.
HB 506 (By D. Howard), Relating to the establishment and implementation of a school-based influenza vaccination pilot program.
To Public Health.
HB 507 (By B. Brown), Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for certain funding-raising sales conducted by a nonprofit organization that operates to benefit the patients of a state mental hospital.
To Ways and Means.
HB 508 (By Kolkhorst), Relating to a study of the effect on this state's economy of replacing all state and school district ad valorem tax revenue with revenue from a transaction tax.
To Ways and Means.
HB 509 (By Riddle), Relating to the persons authorized to draw a blood specimen from a vehicle operator to test for alcohol concentration or other intoxicating substances.
To Public Safety.
HB 510 (By Riddle), Relating to the registration of certain assisted living facilities; providing penalties.
To Human Services.
HB 511 (By Patrick), Relating to staff development requirements in public schools.
To Public Education.
HB 512 (By Ortiz), Relating to the hours during which the polls are open for early voting by personal appearance.
To Elections.
HB 513 (By Vo), Relating to allowing a person who will be 18 years of age on the date of the general election for state and county officers to vote in the preceding primary elections.
To Elections.
HB 514 (By Vaught), Relating to recovery of loss of consortium damages by a parent for injury to a child as a result of certain crimes against the child.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 515 (By Vaught), Relating to the expansion of the boundaries of the Dallas County and Tarrant County Hospital Districts.
To County Affairs.
HB 516 (By Strama), Relating to the establishment and funding of a green job skills training program.
To Technology, Economic Development, and Workforce.
HB 517 (By Strama), Relating to annual stipends provided to public school teachers who serve as mentors to other public school teachers.
To Public Education.
HB 518 (By Kolkhorst), Relating to a pilot program to provide student loan repayment assistance to certain correctional officers who graduate from Sam Houston State University or certain other institutions of higher education.
To Corrections.
HB 519 (By Giddings), Relating to the establishment of a school of pharmacy in the city of Dallas by the University of North Texas System.
To Higher Education.
HB 520 (By Giddings), Relating to workers' compensation insurance coverage under certain agreements and to liability of third parties for an injury to an employee.
To Business and Industry.
HB 521 (By Giddings), Relating to the contents of a receipt issued for payment of a good or service; providing a civil penalty.
To Business and Industry.
HB 522 (By Giddings), Relating to intensive preparation academies in certain school districts to prepare public school students to take required end-of-course assessment instruments.
To Public Education.
HB 523 (By Giddings), Relating to the contents of a receipt issued for payment of a good or service; providing a civil penalty.
To Business and Industry.
HB 524 (By Christian), Relating to the appointment of a tenant representative as a commissioner of a municipal housing authority.
To Urban Affairs.
HB 525 (By Eissler), Relating to certain standards for group-administered achievement tests used by school districts.
To Public Education.
HB 526 (By Eissler), Relating to swimming pool safety; providing a civil penalty.
To State Affairs.
HB 527 (By Leibowitz), Relating to the removal of an appointed emergency services district board member by a county commissioners court.
To County Affairs.
HB 528 (By Vaught), Relating to the offense of failing to secure a child passenger in a motor vehicle and to fines for the offense.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 529 (By S. Miller), Relating to operation of a motor vehicle equipped with a blue light.
To Transportation.
HB 530 (By Anchia), Relating to law enforcement training relating to the trafficking of persons.
To Public Safety.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 321
HB 531 (By Anchia), Relating to medical loss ratios of certain health benefit plan issuers.
To Insurance.
HB 532 (By Anchia), Relating to the preexisting condition exclusion period under the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool.
To Insurance.
HB 533 (By Anchia), Relating to civil liability for the trafficking of persons.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 534 (By Anchia), Relating to the liability of certain obligors under a residential lease.
To Business and Industry.
HB 535 (By Anchia), Relating to the provision of a preference in state purchasing decisions for vendors that provide health benefits to employees.
To State Affairs.
HB 536 (By Anchia), Relating to the voter registration of a person who submits a federal postcard application to vote in an election.
To Elections.
HB 537 (By Berman), Relating to the transportation of children in passenger vans; creating an offense.
To Transportation.
HB 538 (By Villarreal), Relating to the prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
To State Affairs.
HB 539 (By Raymond), Relating to a physical and mental examination of a child subject to the juvenile justice system.
To Corrections.
HB 540 (By Raymond), Relating to bullying as a ground for removing a public school student from class and placing the student in a disciplinary alternative education program.
To Public Education.
HB 541 (By Raymond), Relating to assessment of public school students receiving special education services.
To Public Education.
HB 542 (By Raymond), Relating to placement of public school students in Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs as an alternative in certain circumstances to placement in disciplinary or juvenile justice alternative education programs.
To Public Education.
HB 543 (By Raymond), Relating to prohibiting human cloning and other uses of human tissue by institutions of higher education; providing penalties.
To State Affairs.
HB 544 (By Raymond), Relating to the filing of an application for a place on the general primary election ballot.
To Elections.
HB 545 (By Raymond), Relating to requiring courts to report the number of frivolous lawsuits filed each year.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 546 (By Raymond), Relating to the salary paid to certain professional employees of public schools.
To Higher Education.
HB 547 (By Raymond), Relating to certain civil actions against persons who file complaints with governmental agencies or quasi-governmental entities.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 548 (By Pickett), Relating to the impoundment of certain motor vehicles involved in the commission of the offense of racing on a highway.
To Transportation.
HB 549 (By Raymond), Relating to an affirmative defense to prosecution for certain sex offenses.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 550 (By Madden), Relating to annual courses on public school finance offered to the public by regional education service centers.
To Public Education.
HB 551 (By Madden), Relating to the electronic transmission of a federal postcard application used for voting.
To Elections.
HB 552 (By Madden), Relating to the provision of competitive grants to fund programs for certain public school students assigned to disciplinary alternative education programs or in-school suspension.
To Public Education.
HB 553 (By Madden), Relating to the establishment of the office of criminal and juvenile justice ombudsman.
To Corrections.
HB 554 (By Menendez), Relating to the adoption and amendment of model building codes by municipalities.
To Urban Affairs.
HB 555 (By Menendez), Relating to the evaluation of applications for certain financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
To Urban Affairs.
HB 556 (By Kuempel), Relating to payment of attorney's fees in certain actions to recover possession of real property.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 557 (By Hernandez), Relating to the establishment of an air pollutant watch list and associated reports for the purpose of controlling the emissions of air contaminants under the Texas Clean Air Act.
To Environmental Regulation.
HB 558 (By Hernandez), Relating to law enforcement and judicial procedures for, and the prosecution of, children who engage in conduct constituting public intoxication.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 559 (By Hernandez), Relating to the nondisclosure of certain personal information in voter registration records and concealed handgun license records that relates to a justice of the peace.
To Elections.
HB 560 (By Menendez), Relating to injury leave for peace officers injured by an intoxicated driver of a motor vehicle or boat.
To Public Safety.
HB 561 (By Madden), Relating to the authority of county auditors with respect to computer software and data of other local officers or departments.
To County Affairs.
HB 562 (By Madden), Relating to certain employment functions of county government.
To County Affairs.
HB 563 (By Menendez), Relating to the evaluation of applications for certain financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
To Urban Affairs.
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HB 564 (By McClendon), Relating to the allocation to the Texas rail relocation and improvement fund of a portion of the revenue from the motor vehicle sales and use tax.
To Ways and Means.
HB 565 (By McClendon), Relating to the abolition of the Texas Transportation Commission and the creation of the commissioner of transportation as an elected statutory state officer.
To Transportation.
HB 566 (By Christian), Relating to proper venue for certain criminal prosecutions of an elected state officer.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 567 (By S. Miller), Relating to the eligibility of a candidate for a party office to serve as an election judge.
To Elections.
HB 568 (By S. Miller), Relating to the slaughter and processing of livestock for use by certain child-care facilities.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 569 (By S. Miller), Relating to notice of an application for a permit to dispose of oil and gas waste in a commercial disposal well; creating an offense.
To Natural Resources.
HB 570 (By McClendon), Relating to requiring the disclosure of certain information to purchasers and renters of residential property.
To Business and Industry.
HB 571 (By England), Relating to permitting an owner, occupant, or lessee of agricultural land who is a certified prescribed burn manager to conduct a prescribed burn.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 572 (By England), Relating to the imposition by a county or municipality of fees related to certain collection services.
To County Affairs.
HB 573 (By Sheffield), Relating to a person's eligibility for appointment as a volunteer deputy voter registrar.
To Elections.
HB 574 (By Sheffield), Relating to disclosure at a facility performing certain laser cosmetic procedures.
To Public Health.
HB 575 (By Sheffield), Relating to a prohibition on the disclosure and use of certain information recorded or collected by a transponder used to electronically assess or collect a toll.
To Transportation.
HB 576 (By Sheffield), Relating to the electronic distribution of information to legislators by state agencies.
To State Affairs.
HB 577 (By Sheffield), Relating to requiring public institutions of higher education to notify the federal Student Exchange and Visitor Information System (SEVIS) regarding the withdrawal or nonattendance of certain foreign students.
To Higher Education.
HB 578 (By McClendon), Relating to the filing of a death certificate with a pending cause of death.
To Public Health.
HB 579 (By Gutierrez), Relating to certain costs on conviction in certain intoxication and drug cases.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 580 (By Gutierrez), Relating to signs posted under the memorial sign program for victims of certain vehicle accidents.
To Transportation.
HB 581 (By Dukes), Relating to outsourcing a service performed by a state agency to a private commercial contractor.
To State Affairs.
HB 582 (By Dukes), Relating to informing the parents and guardians of certain children about the availability of the child health plan and medical assistance programs.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 583 (By Dukes), Relating to expansion of the electronic eligibility information pilot project operated by the Health and Human Services Commission.
To Human Services.
HB 584 (By Dukes), Relating to health benefits coverage for certain persons under the child health plan, medical assistance, and other programs.
To Human Services.
HB 585 (By Naishtat), Relating to records related to an estate of a decedent or incapacitated person.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 586 (By Naishtat), Relating to the evidence required for the release of a motor vehicle after impoundment of the vehicle for failure to maintain evidence of financial responsibility.
To Insurance.
HB 587 (By Naishtat), Relating to the payment of attorney's fees to an attorney representing an applicant for the appointment of a guardian.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 588 (By Naishtat), Relating to fees charged by a justice of the peace for certain documents in a criminal case.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 589 (By Naishtat), Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property used by a charitable organization operating certain radio stations.
To Ways and Means.
HB 590 (By Crownover), Relating to the name of and eligibility criteria for appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council.
To Public Safety.
HB 591 (By D. Howard), Relating to staffing, overtime, and other employment protections for nurses.
To Public Health.
HB 592 (By Cook), Relating to the election, and validation of acts, of members of the board of directors of Anderson County Underground Water Conservation District.
To Natural Resources.
HB 593 (By Zerwas), Relating to the creation of the Waller County Municipal Utility District No. 9; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting a limited power of eminent domain.
To Natural Resources.
HB 594 (By T. King), Relating to the licensing and regulation of hearing instrument fitters and dispensers.
To Public Health.
HB 595 (By Leibowitz), Relating to a restriction on permits authorizing discharges of sewage effluent into any water in the contributing or recharge zone of the San Antonio or Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer.
To Natural Resources.
HB 596 (By Berman), Relating to the creation of an additional judicial district composed of Smith County.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
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HB 597 (By Hughes), Relating to the admissibility in certain proceedings of certain hearsay statements made by a young child or disabled individual.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 598 (By Hughes), Relating to the address displayed on the driver's licenses of certain federal and state judges and their spouses.
To Public Safety.
HB 599 (By Hughes), Relating to the sale of fireworks on and before Texas Independence Day.
To County Affairs.
HB 600 (By Hughes), Relating to appeals from small claims courts.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 601 (By Villarreal), Relating to licensing requirements of the Department of Family and Protective Services for certain facilities and homes providing child care.
To Human Services.
HB 602 (By Farabee), Relating to designation of Midwestern State University as a public liberal arts university.
To Higher Education.
HB 603 (By Farabee), Relating to an intercollegiate athletics fee at Midwestern State University.
To Higher Education.
HB 604 (By Farabee), Relating to projects that may be undertaken by certain development corporations in connection with water conservation programs.
To Natural Resources.
HB 605 (By Farabee), Relating to state employees mileage reimbursement.
To State Affairs.
HB 606 (By Farabee), Relating to the exemption of volunteer fire departments from certain motor fuel taxes.
To Ways and Means.
HB 607 (By Farabee), Relating to certain treatment by a physical therapist.
To Public Health.
HB 608 (By Castro), Relating to posttrial psychological counseling for jurors in a criminal trial or juvenile adjudication hearing involving graphic evidence or testimony.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 609 (By Castro), Relating to the composition of the jury in certain adjudication hearings in juvenile court.
To Corrections.
HB 610 (By Naishtat), Relating to the establishment of the Legislative Committee on Aging.
To Human Services.
HB 611 (By Naishtat), Relating to requirements applicable to an attorney ad litem appointed to represent a parent in a child protective services case.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 612 (By Naishtat), Relating to the eligibility of certain persons for the food stamp program.
To Human Services.
HB 613 (By Naishtat), Relating to periodic food stamp eligibility recertification requirements.
To Human Services.
HB 614 (By Naishtat), Relating to administrative and judicial review of certain decisions about financial assistance benefits.
To Human Services.
HB 615 (By S. Turner), Relating to the right of an employee who is a parent of a child enrolled in a special education program to time off from work to meet with certain persons affecting the education of the child.
To Business and Industry.
HB 616 (By Veasey), Relating to a study regarding the effectiveness of the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 617 (By Isett), Relating to the possession of certain quantities of alcoholic beverages in a dry area.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 618 (By Corte), Relating to privileged parking for certain veterans.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.
HB 619 (By Leibowitz), Relating to state acknowledgment of Native American tribes.
To Border and Intergovernmental Affairs.
HB 620 (By J. Davis), Relating to behavioral health services for children and establishment of the Children's Behavioral Health Council.
To Human Services.
HB 621 (By Elkins), Relating to public improvement districts designated by a county or municipality.
To County Affairs.
HB 622 (By Harless), Relating to the suspension of certain licenses held by employers for the knowing employment of persons not lawfully present in the United States.
To State Affairs.
HB 623 (By Harless), Relating to the regulation of massage establishments.
To State Affairs.
HB 624 (By Flores), Relating to state funding for school districts for transportation of students who would be subject to hazardous traffic conditions while walking.
To Public Education.
HB 625 (By Flores), Relating to the transportation allotment provided under the public school finance system.
To Appropriations.
HB 626 (By Allen), Relating to an educational involvement agreement setting forth the respective responsibilities of students, parents, teachers, and principals in public schools.
To Public Education.
HB 627 (By Anchia), Relating to the registration of voters at a polling place during early voting by personal appearance and related procedures.
To Elections.
HB 628 (By Anchia), Relating to the establishment of a human trafficking prevention task force and the creation of a trafficking victim database.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 629 (By Anchia), Relating to the purchase of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles by state agencies.
To Energy Resources.
HB 630 (By S. Turner), Relating to the regulation and governing bodies of independent organizations that govern power regions.
To State Affairs.
HB 631 (By S. Turner), Relating to the regulation of retail electric providers.
To State Affairs.
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HB 632 (By S. Turner), Relating to the requirement that retail water and utility services maintain auxiliary generators for use during a local power outage; providing an administrative penalty.
To State Affairs.
HB 633 (By Chavez), Relating to the El Paso County Hospital District.
To County Affairs.
HB 634 (By Hernandez), Relating to establishing a carbon dioxide "cap and trade" program to enable participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
To Environmental Regulation.
HB 635 (By Guillen), Relating to the authority of the Texas Education Agency to seek, accept, and distribute grants available for the benefit of public elementary and secondary education.
To Public Education.
HB 636 (By Guillen), Relating to allocation of state and federal funds for adult basic education.
To Public Education.
HB 637 (By Guillen), Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit to adopt a local option residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation of not less than $5,000 or more than $30,000.
To Ways and Means.
HB 638 (By Leibowitz), Relating to the use of direct recording electronic voting machines.
To Elections.
HB 639 (By Thompson), Relating to the prosecution, punishment, and prevention of offenses involving trafficking of persons or certain forced or sex-based labor or services, law enforcement training relating to the trafficking of persons, and the creation of the trafficking of persons investigation and prosecution account in the general revenue fund.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 640 (By Zerwas), Relating to personnel records of a deputy sheriff in certain counties.
To County Affairs.
HB 641 (By Zerwas), Relating to the abolition of the Texas Transportation Commission and the creation of a commissioner of transportation as an elected statutory state officer.
To Transportation.
HB 642 (By Zerwas), Relating to requiring the Texas Education Agency to prepare a report regarding public education mandates.
To Public Education.
HB 643 (By Zerwas), Relating to the qualifications of surgical technologists; imposing penalties.
To Public Health.
HB 644 (By Zerwas), Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund.
To Appropriations.
HB 645 (By Veasey), Relating to safety regulations for certain contract carriers.
To Transportation.
HB 646 (By Hughes), Relating to the participation of this state in the Southern High-Speed Rail Compact.
To Transportation.
HB 647 (By Dukes), Relating to the period of continuous eligibility for the medical assistance program.
To Human Services.
HB 648 (By Y. Davis), Relating to the selection of certain members of the board of trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 649 (By Y. Davis), Relating to a prohibition on the posting of certain tax appraisal record information on the Internet.
To Ways and Means.
HB 650 (By Rodriguez), Relating to the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program.
To Environmental Regulation.
HB 651 (By Darby), Relating to compensation of certain persons by a domestic insurance company.
To Insurance.
HB 652 (By Darby), Relating to licensing of certain residents of a state as escrow officers.
To Insurance.
HB 653 (By Bonnen), Relating to the inclusion on the exterior of an ad valorem tax bill of a statement directing the United States Postal Service to return the bill if it is not deliverable as addressed.
To Ways and Means.
HB 654 (By F. Brown), Relating to the prices of certain consumer goods and services during a declared state of disaster.
To Business and Industry.
HB 655 (By Solomons), Relating to payment to a trustee or substitute trustee after public sale of foreclosed property.
To Business and Industry.
HB 656 (By Rios Ybarra), Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes for ecological tourism events.
To Ways and Means.
HB 657 (By Villarreal), Relating to the requirement that state agencies purchase low-emissions vehicles as a minimum percentage of their purchased vehicles.
To Environmental Regulation.
HB 658 (By Jackson), Relating to requiring governmental entities to participate in the federal electronic verification of work authorization program.
To State Affairs.
HB 659 (By Jackson), Relating to the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 660 (By Edwards), Relating to the salary paid to certain professional employees of public schools.
To Public Education.
HB 661 (By Herrero), Relating to creating a recognition day in honor of Dr. Hector P. Garcia.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
HB 662 (By Ortiz), Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle by a person under 18 years of age while using a wireless communications device.
To Transportation.
HB 663 (By S. King), Relating to participation by single-employee businesses in private purchasing cooperatives or health group cooperatives.
To Insurance.
HB 664 (By S. King), Relating to designating June as Juneteenth/Frontier Cowboy Month.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
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HB 665 (By S. King), Relating to designating August as American Indian Scouts Month.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
HB 666 (By Gutierrez), Relating to certain court costs used to fund drug court programs.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 667 (By Callegari), Relating to the procurement methods authorized for public projects by certain local governments.
To County Affairs.
HB 668 (By Hopson), Relating to increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district to $30,000, providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect the increased exemption amount, and protecting school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
To Ways and Means.
HB 669 (By Solomons), Relating to liability arising out of the filing of a mechanic's, contractor's, or materialman's lien.
To Business and Industry.
HB 670 (By Martinez Fischer), Relating to a qualified privilege of a journalist not to testify.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 671 (By Darby), Relating to the penalty for theft from a nonprofit organization.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 672 (By Hodge), Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
To Redistricting.
HB 673 (By Solomons), Relating to certain services provided by the office of injured employee counsel under the workers' compensation program of this state.
To Business and Industry.
HB 674 (By Villarreal), Relating to creating a county task force to study collaborative methods for public education cost savings in certain counties.
To Public Education.
HB 675 (By Bonnen), Relating to a retired status license for an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist practicing voluntary charity care.
To Public Health.
HB 676 (By Eiland), Relating to eligibility for the child health plan.
To Human Services.
HB 677 (By Hartnett), Relating to liability for a respondent's attorney's fees and costs incurred in defending against a sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 678 (By Farrar), Relating to health benefit plan coverage for reconstructive surgery following mastectomy.
To Insurance.
HB 679 (By Farrar), Relating to testing and warnings related to mercury levels in certain fish.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 680 (By Farrar), Relating to an abortion for a victim of incest or sexual assault.
To State Affairs.
HB 681 (By Farrar), Relating to requiring warning signs regarding mercury levels in certain fish.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
HB 682 (By Farrar), Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
To Criminal Jurisprudence.
HB 683 (By Farrar), Relating to contact between a public school student who assaults another student and the student victim.
To Public Education.
HB 684 (By Farrar), Relating to an abortion when a fetal abnormality is detected.
To State Affairs.
HB 685 (By Herrero), Relating to a fixed tuition rate provided by general academic teaching institutions and public junior colleges to certain undergraduate students.
To Higher Education.
HB 686 (By Herrero), Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 687 (By Herrero), Relating to long-term funding of benefits for retired teachers.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 688 (By Herrero), Relating to the election of certain members of the board of trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 689 (By Herrero), Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 690 (By Solomons), Relating to the right of a tenant to hold a landlord liable for falsely advertised square footage or amenities.
To Business and Industry.
HB 691 (By Ortiz), Relating to ownership restrictions on the holders of permits and licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 692 (By Solomons), Relating to the jurisdiction of statutory county courts.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HB 693 (By Truitt), Relating to an exemption from the structural pest control license requirement for certain falconers.
To Licensing and Administrative Procedures.
HB 694 (By Kuempel), Relating to Gonzales Healthcare Systems.
To County Affairs.
HB 695 (By Anchia), Relating to the establishment of a loan incentive program to promote energy efficiency in apartment buildings.
To Energy Resources.
HB 696 (By Orr), Relating to a physician's authority to delegate prescribing acts to advanced practice nurses or physician assistants.
To Public Health.
HB 697 (By Zerwas), Relating to a study of the feasibility of creating a job training program for certain individuals discharged from the Texas National Guard.
To Defense and Veterans' Affairs.
HB 698 (By Zerwas), Relating to the designated doctor's examination under the workers' compensation system.
To Business and Industry.
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HB 699 (By Zerwas), Relating to the appointment of an attorney for a workers' compensation claimant in certain judicial review proceedings initiated by a workers' compensation insurance carrier.
To Business and Industry.
HB 700 (By Zerwas), Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
To Ways and Means.
HCR 11 (By Branch), Congratulating Nastia Liukin of Parker for her medal-winning performances in the 2008 Olympic Games.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HCR 12 (By Kuempel), In memory of Texas game warden Teyran "Ty" Patterson of Seguin.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HCR 13 (By Berman), Requesting that the president of the United States commute the sentences of United States Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean and grant a full pardon to both agents.
To Border and Intergovernmental Affairs.
HCR 16 (By Geren), Designating Paluxysaurus jonesi as the official Lone Star State Dinosaur, replacing Brachiosaur Sauropod, Pleurocoelus.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
HCR 18 (By Bonnen), Designating the Texas toad as the official State Amphibian of Texas.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
HCR 22 (By Burnam), Granting the Chishty family permission to sue the State of Texas, the Department of Aging and Disability Services, and the Denton State School.
To Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.
HCR 23 (By Craddick), Congratulating Ted Collins, Jr., on his receipt of the 2008 Top Hand Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HCR 26 (By Dutton), Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.
To Higher Education.
HCR 27 (By Dutton), Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to study the effectiveness of the Texas Education Agency in dealing with low-performing students and other matters.
To Higher Education.
HCR 28 (By Berman), Designating March 2 to March 3, 2009, as Tyler Days at the State Capitol.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HCR 29 (By Pickett), Expressing the intent of the Texas Legislature that the state accept federal economic stimulus funds appropriated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 or any similar legislation.
To Appropriations.
HCR 30 (By C. Howard), Declaring February 6, 2009, as Ronald Reagan Day.
To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.
HCR 34 (By Berman), Requesting that the president of the United States grant a full pardon to United States Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.
To Border and Intergovernmental Affairs.
HCR 35 (By Paxton), Urging the institution of a playoff system to decide the NCAA football national championship in place of the current Bowl Championship Series.
To Higher Education.
HCR 36 (By Solomons), Commending all those in Denton County who participated in the emergency response to Hurricane Ike.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HJR 34 (By Vo), Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing certain persons under the age of 18 to vote in a primary election.
To Elections.
HJR 35 (By Vaught), Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the Dallas County and Tarrant County Hospital Districts to expand their boundaries.
To County Affairs.
HJR 40 (By Guillen), Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision to adopt a local option residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation of not less than $5,000 or more than $30,000.
To Ways and Means.
HJR 41 (By Hopson), Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes to $30,000 and providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of taxes that may be imposed for those purposes on the homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect the increased exemption amount.
To Ways and Means.
HJR 42 (By Zerwas), Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
To Ways and Means.
HR 12 (By Hilderbran), Congratulating Dan Troxell of the Kerrville Independent School District on being named the 2008 Superintendent of the Year.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 13 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Alexander "Jack" Brough of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 14 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Emil Habecker III of Comfort.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 15 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Leona Marie Brock of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 16 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Roberta Pittman Rice Brown of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 17 (By Hilderbran), In memory of James Sparks, Jr., of Beaumont.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 18 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Wesley W. Kyle of Bandera County.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 19 (By Hilderbran), In tribute to the life of Karon Diane Dworak Risher of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 20 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Erwin Louis "Boots" Gaubatz of Fair Oaks Ranch.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 21 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Sally Taylor of Mason County.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 22 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Oscar Neunhoffer of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 23 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Jack Dell Stone, Sr., of Hunt.
To Rules and Resolutions.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 333
HR 24 (By Hilderbran), Commemorating the 2008 sesquicentennial of the founding of Mason County.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 25 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Tex Julian Robertson.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 26 (By Hilderbran), In memory of longtime Brady resident Gilbert Currie.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 27 (By Hilderbran), Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Sonora Chamber of Commerce.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 28 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Kathleen Cox Cailloux of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 29 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Lieutenant Colonel Fred F. Eubanks, Jr., (Ret.) of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 30 (By Hilderbran), Honoring the life of Lester Booth Whitton of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 31 (By Hilderbran), Honoring the life of Paul Derald Meek of Fredericksburg.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 32 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Mary Finch Ridout of Austin.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 33 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Shirley-Mae Jane King of Ingram.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 34 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Joe H. Foy of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 35 (By Hilderbran), Commemorating the sesquicentennial of Coleman County.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 36 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Ruth Slayton Hyde of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 37 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Brigadier General William Corinth Bacon of Comfort.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 38 (By Hilderbran), Commemorating the 2008 sesquicentennial of the founding of Kimble County.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 39 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Jim Reno of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 40 (By Hilderbran), In memory of Dr. Gene Atkinson of Kerrville.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 44 (By Callegari), Congratulating Cy-Fair Magazine on its receipt of five Best of Texas Awards from the Texas Community Newspapers Association.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 45 (By Callegari), Congratulating Katy Magazine on its receipt of eight Best of Texas Awards from the Texas Community Newspapers Association.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 46 (By Callegari), In memory of U.S. Army Master Sergeant James Curtis Coons.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 47 (By Callegari), Congratulating Eunice A. Cooksey of Clifton on her 90th birthday.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 49 (By Callegari), Congratulating James and Ellen Box on their 50th wedding anniversary.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 51 (By Callegari), Congratulating Elvina Caroline Petrosky Thompson on her 91st birthday.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 52 (By Callegari), Congratulating Robert L. Frazier on his retirement from the Katy Police Department.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 53 (By Callegari), In memory of Sergeant Charles Bernard Kitowski III of Katy.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 54 (By Callegari), Congratulating Dr. Zachary R. Hodges on his 61st birthday.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 56 (By Callegari), Honoring the memory of Hugh M. Hodges of Dallas.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 57 (By Madden), Honoring the UT Dallas Chess Team for winning the 2008 President's Cup chess championship.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 58 (By Madden), Honoring Richardson Assistant City Manager Michelle Thames for her civic service.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 60 (By Madden), Recognizing Allen D. Sapp, Jr., for his service to the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 66 (By P. King), Honoring Pastor Jon Sherman on his 10th pastoral anniversary at Trinity Bible Church in Willow Park.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 72 (By Hilderbran), In memory of David Van Bibber of San Antonio.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 73 (By Callegari), Honoring Jason M. Roper of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 74 (By Callegari), Honoring Samar Nassar of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 75 (By Callegari), Honoring Allwyn Barziza Pesek of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 76 (By Callegari), Honoring Marsha E. Asplin of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 77 (By Callegari), Honoring Burton Greenfield of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 78 (By Callegari), Honoring Pete O'Hare of Cypress for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 335
HR 79 (By Callegari), Honoring Earnest Goodrich of Cypress for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 80 (By Callegari), Honoring Treonne Williams of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 81 (By Callegari), Honoring Robert L. Van Pelt of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 82 (By Callegari), Honoring Ruthie Thomas of Cypress for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 83 (By Callegari), Honoring Carol Wheeler of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 84 (By Callegari), Honoring Bruce H. Campbell of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 85 (By Callegari), Honoring Aslam Hasnain of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 86 (By Callegari), Honoring John McDonald of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 87 (By Callegari), Honoring David Frishman of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 88 (By Callegari), Honoring Felicia Cravens of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 89 (By Callegari), Honoring Joseph Irven Brown of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 90 (By Callegari), Honoring Francis McAnear of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 91 (By Callegari), Honoring Belinda Castro of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 92 (By Callegari), Honoring Robert H. Cunningham of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 93 (By Callegari), Honoring Khan Farhat Husain of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 94 (By Callegari), Honoring Gertrude Pierre of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 95 (By Callegari), Honoring John W. Ulrey of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 96 (By Callegari), Honoring Carla Johnson of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 97 (By Callegari), Honoring Olaf Schroeder of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 98 (By Callegari), Honoring Oliver Underwood of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 99 (By Callegari), Honoring Ed Sarlls III of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 100 (By Callegari), Honoring Glenn Sommers of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 101 (By Callegari), Honoring Herbert Charles Whalley of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 102 (By Callegari), Honoring Marie A. Gilliam of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 103 (By Callegari), Honoring Gregory May of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 104 (By Callegari), Honoring Charles Waldie of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 105 (By Callegari), Honoring Chad Degges of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 106 (By Callegari), Honoring Steven Witham of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 107 (By Callegari), Honoring Manish Vyas of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 108 (By Callegari), Honoring LaDawn Weeks of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 109 (By Callegari), Honoring Kenneth Bielicki of Houston for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 110 (By Callegari), Honoring Karena Beatty of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 111 (By Callegari), Honoring Khurshid A. Qureshi of Katy for serving as a precinct chair.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 113 (By Farabee), Honoring Sherry Cannedy of Wichita Falls for winning the 2008 Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History Award.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 114 (By Callegari), Congratulating Judy Whitaker on her selection as the 2008 Teacher of the Year by the Texas Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Region IV.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 115 (By Callegari), In memory of James Gaultney Chancellor, Jr.
To Rules and Resolutions.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 337
HR 116 (By Callegari), In memory of Harold Spencer Stone of Katy.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 117 (By Callegari), In memory of George Hammon Cardiff of Katy.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 118 (By Callegari), In memory of Donald David Baker of Barker.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 119 (By Hochberg), In memory of Dr. Harb S. Hayre of Houston.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 120 (By C. Howard), Honoring Missouri City Police Chief Ron R. Echols on his retirement.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 125 (By Woolley), In memory of Lee Price Moncrief of Houston.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 126 (By Woolley), In memory of Mayor William Harbert Marshall, Sr., of Bunker Hill Village.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 128 (By Morrison), Honoring the contributions of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants and its members.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 129 (By F. Brown), Congratulating members of the Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership X and XI classes on their selection for participation in the program.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 141 (By P. King), In memory of Lawrence F. "Larry" Blais of Weatherford.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 142 (By Elkins), Honoring Eric Davis of Houston for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 143 (By Zerwas), Honoring Dr. William C. Yankowsky of Wharton on his retirement.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 144 (By Heflin), In memory of NFL legend Samuel Adrian "Slingin' Sammy" Baugh of Rotan.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 147 (By Pierson), Honoring Ron Hall and Denver Moore for their efforts in behalf of the homeless community in Fort Worth and across the country.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 151 (By Ortiz), Honoring Rose Shaw Special Emphasis School of Corpus Christi on its selection as a 2008 No Child Left Behind–Blue Ribbon School.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 152 (By Ortiz), Honoring Club Estates Elementary School of Corpus Christi on its selection as a 2008 No Child Left Behind–Blue Ribbon School.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 161 (By Gattis), Granting permission to Texas Aggie Muster to use the chamber of the Texas House of Representatives on April 21, 2009.
To House Administration.
HR 162 (By McClendon), Recognizing February 24, 2009, as Multiple Sclerosis Day at the State Capitol and March 2 through 9, 2009, as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week in Texas.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 165 (By Jackson), Congratulating J. Allen Clemson of Arlington on his retirement as administrator of the Dallas County Commissioners Court.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 166 (By Jackson), Congratulating Daniel M. Savage, Jr., on his retirement from the Dallas County Commissioners Court.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 169 (By Crownover), Congratulating Bill Roebken on his selection as the 2008 Citizen of the Year in Little Elm.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 174 (By Madden), In memory of Collin County Commissioner Jack Hatchell.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 176 (By Dutton), Honoring Dr. Louis C. Sidney, Sr., on his 25th pastoral anniversary and commending Dr. Sidney and his wife, Darlene, for their service to St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 177 (By Dutton), In memory of Ronald Charles McPherson of Houston.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 182 (By P. King), In memory of U.S. Army Sergeant John Jared Savage of Mineral Wells.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 183 (By P. King), Honoring Matthew Thomas of Weatherford for competing in the 2008 National Geographic Bee in Washington, D.C.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 190 (By T. King), Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the founding of the First United Methodist Church of Crystal City.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 192 (By Flynn), Honoring Margaret and Robert Parrish of Emory on their 50th wedding anniversary.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 197 (By Dutton), Recognizing the Missouri City/Houston Metro chapter of the National Women of Achievement, Incorporated, and its 2009 Unsung Heroes.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 199 (By S. Miller), Recognizing January 30, 2009, as Fort Hood Day and honoring the Fort Hood troops and veterans of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 200 (By Ortiz), Honoring Bishop Edmond Carmody for his service to the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
To Rules and Resolutions.
HR 207 (By Craddick), Commemorating the dedication of the Viola M. Coleman Family Medicine Clinic in Midland on August 15, 2008.
To Rules and Resolutions.
Pursuant to Rule 1, Section 4 of the House Rules, the chair corrects the referral of the following bills and resolutions:
HB 10 (By Solomons), Relating to the regulation of mortgage loan originators; providing a penalty.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 77 (By Flynn), Relating to the collateralization of certain public funds; providing administrative penalties.
To Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services.
HB 255 (By Berman), Relating to prohibiting admission by public institutions of higher education of applicants who are not lawfully authorized to be present in the United States.
To Higher Education.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 18th Day 339
HB 377 (By S. Miller), Relating to the creation and funding of the Texas Rural Job Development Fund.
To Agriculture and Livestock.
The following bills and resolutions were today signed in the presence of the house by the speaker:
Senate List No. 5
SCRi14, SCRi16
The following messages from the senate were today received by the house:
Message No. 1
Austin, Texas
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Honorable Speaker of the House
House Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken the following action:
HCR 33 | Hilderbran | SPONSOR: Fraser |
Welcoming Leadership Kerr County to the State Capitol.
HCR 42 | Taylor | SPONSOR: Jackson |
Welcoming the League City Chamber of Commerce and its legislative committee on their visit to the State Capitol.
HCR 48 | Isett | SPONSOR: Duncan |
Recognizing February 17, 2009, as Texas Tech University System Day at the State Capitol.
SCR 17 | Fraser |
Recognizing First Baptist Church in Blanco on the occasion of its 150th anniversary.
SCR 20 | Whitmire | SPONSOR: Deshotel |
Granting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, and ending on Monday, February 23, 2009.
Patsy Spaw
Secretary of the Senate