The house met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker.

The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Recordi148).

Present — Mr. Speaker; Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson; Aycock; Berman; Bohac; Bolton; Bonnen; Branch; Brown, B.; Brown, F.; Burnam; Button; Callegari; Castro; Chavez; Chisum; Christian; Cohen; Coleman; Cook; Crabb; Craddick; Creighton; Crownover; Darby; Davis, J.; Davis, Y.; Deshotel; Driver; Dukes; Dunnam; Dutton; Edwards; Eiland; Eissler; Elkins; England; Farabee; Farias; Farrar; Fletcher; Flores; Flynn; Frost; Gallego; Gattis; Geren; Giddings; Gonzales; Gonzalez Toureilles; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hamilton; Hancock; Hardcastle; Harless; Harper-Brown; Hartnett; Heflin; Hernandez; Herrero; Hilderbran; Hochberg; Hodge; Homer; Hopson; Howard, C.; Howard, D.; Hughes; Hunter; Isett; Jackson; Jones; Keffer; Kent; King, P.; King, S.; King, T.; Kleinschmidt; Kolkhorst; Kuempel; Laubenberg; Legler; Leibowitz; Lewis; Lucio; Madden; Maldonado; Mallory Caraway; Marquez; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; McCall; McClendon; McReynolds; Menendez; Merritt; Miklos; Miller, D.; Miller, S.; Moody; Morrison; Naishtat; Oliveira; Olivo; Orr; Ortiz; Otto; Parker; Patrick; Paxton; Peña; Phillips; Pickett; Pitts; Quintanilla; Raymond; Riddle; Rios Ybarra; Ritter; Rodriguez; Rose; Sheffield; Shelton; Smith, T.; Smith, W.; Smithee; Solomons; Strama; Swinford; Taylor; Thibaut; Thompson; Truitt; Turner, C.; Turner, S.; Vaught; Veasey; Villarreal; Vo; Walle; Weber; Zerwas.

Absent — Corte; Pierson; Woolley.

The invocation was offered by Reverend Owen Ross, pastor, Christ's Foundry of the United Methodist Church, Dallas, as follows:

Our God of all creation, maker of heaven and earth, to you who sustain and fulfill us, you who give purpose to our labor, we humbly ask of your assistance today in the Texas House of Representatives. These representatives of the people of Texas have gathered here from diverse districts, constituents, backgrounds, and interests. I pray that you give them unity of purpose, for surely you have dreams for Texas: for our government to be a blessing to all the inhabitants of this state, for Texas to be a blessing to the United States, and for Texas to bless your world.

Many voices, interests, and influences have assembled in this place to promote causes, programs, projects, and points of view, but we stand before you at this time this morning asking you to be for us as the prophet Isaiah called you. We ask you to be our "wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and

Prince of Peace." Counsel our representatives, O God. Help them to seek first your will, your justice, and your righteousness. As Isaiah pled, "Teach us [your] ways so that we may walk in [your] paths."

In seeking your ways, we may read how your prophets, your scripture, and the one I call Lord continually call the people's attention to the orphans, the widows, the poor, and the foreigners among us, judging our morality as individuals and as a collective by how we treat them. We confess that we often forget, misunderstand, ignore, and discount their needs and voices, but it is you, Mighty God, who call our attention to them. You have served as their voice to the kings, leaders, and governments of the past, and in this moment today, we seek once again to hear from you.

May this government be on your shoulders and may these representatives seek your will for the benefit of all people of all faiths, of all walks of life, not just in Texas, but everywhere that is affected by the decisions of this body. We humbly request your help, in the name of the one who brought me to faith, whose name is Jesus. Amen.

The speaker recognized Representative Anchia who led the house in the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.


The speaker recognized Representative B. Brown who presented Dr. Paul Guttuso of Maybank as the "Doctor for the Day."

The house welcomed Dr. Guttuso and thanked him for his participation in the Physician of the Day Program sponsored by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.

(Pierson now present)

(Moody in the chair)


Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 16).

(by Maldonado)

Representative Maldonado moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi1254.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 1254, In memory of Edmund G. Peterson of Irving.

HR 1254 was read and was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.


(by Hodge)

Representative Hodge moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi1276.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 1276, In memory of Frederick Martin Baron of Dallas.

HR 1276 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

On motion of Representative Hodge, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi1276 as signers thereof.

(by Taylor and Eiland)

Representative Hamilton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi1217.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 1217, In memory of Therese Fitzgerald Deats of Dickinson.

HR 1217 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

(by Flynn)

The chair laid out the following previously adopted resolution:

HR 564,iCongratulating country singer Tony Douglas of Athens on his 80th birthday.

On motion of Representative B. Brown, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi564 as signers thereof.


The chair recognized Representative Flynn who introduced Tony Douglas.

(Sheffield in the chair)

(by Anderson)

The chair laid out the following previously adopted resolution:

HR 1073,iCongratulating the girls' basketball team from Midway High School in Waco on winning the 2009 UIL 4A state championship.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1191

(by Bolton)

Representative Bolton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi992.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 992, Honoring school bus driver Margaret Bloomfield of Austin for coming to the aid of an injured man.

HR 992 was adopted.


The chair recognized Representative Bolton who introduced Margaret Bloomfield, Berke Lee Haver-Healy, Barbara Birrell, Marco Alvarado, and Rick Waltersheid.

(Corte and Woolley now present)

(by Lucio)

Representative Lucio moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi1310.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:

HR 1310, Commending the Zonta Club of Brownsville on its 50th anniversary.

HR 1310 was adopted.


The chair recognized Representative Lucio who introduced members of the Zonta Club of Brownsville.


The following member was granted leave of absence for the remainder of today because of important business in the district:

Farias on motion of Ortiz.

(by Martinez Fischer)

Representative Martinez moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi1318.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolution was laid before the house:


HR 1318, Recognizing April 29, 2009, as The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Day at the State Capitol.

HR 1318 was adopted.

On motion of Representative Martinez, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi1318 as signers thereof.

(P. King in the chair)


The following bills were laid before the house as postponed business:

(by Naishtat and Lucio)

HB 1454, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the establishment of a volunteer-supported decision-making advocate pilot program for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and persons with other cognitive disabilities.

HB 1454 was read second time on April 6, postponed until April 7, postponed until April 8, postponed until April 9, and was again postponed until 10 a.m. today.

Amendment No. 1

Representatives Naishtat, Cook, Crownover, S. King, McReynolds, Kolkhorst, and Flynn offered the following amendment to HBi1454:

Amend HB 1454 as follows:

(1)iiOn page 1, line 13, between "disabilities" and "on", insert "who live in the community".

(2)iiOn page 1, strike lines 22 and 23.

(3)iiOn page 1, line 24, strike "(5)" and substitute "(4)".

(4)iiOn page 2, line 3, between "disabilities" and "to", insert "who lives in the community".

(5)iiOn page 2, line 10, between "disabilities" and the period, insert "who live in the community".

(6)iiOn page 3, strike lines 18-21, and substitute "the community. The pilot program may not serve residents of a state school."

(7)iiAdd the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

SECTIONi____.iiThis Act may be cited as "Amy Young's Law" in memory of Amy Young, who dedicated her life to serving disabled persons and died unexpectedly in September 2008, at the young age of 38.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

HB 1454, as amended, was passed to engrossment. (Aycock, Darby, Harless, and Patrick recorded voting no.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1193

(by Bonnen, Lucio, and Leibowitz)

HB 2074, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the designation by the commissioner of the General Land Office of critical coastal erosion areas for purposes of the coastal erosion response plan.

HB 2074 was read second time on April 8, postponed until April 9, and was again postponed until 10 a.m. today.

HBi2074 was passed to engrossment.

(by Bonnen, Lucio, and Leibowitz)

CSHB 2387, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the authority of the General Land Office to undertake coastal erosion studies and projects in conjunction with qualified project partners.

CSHB 2387 was read second time on April 8, postponed until April 9, and was again postponed until 10 a.m. today.

CSHBi2387 was passed to engrossment.


The following bills were laid before the house and read second time:

(by Creighton)

HB 987, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to competitive procurement and change order requirements for local governments.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Eiland offered the following amendment to HBi987:

Amend HB 987 (committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

SECTION ____. Section 54.054(a), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:

Sec. 54.054. COMPETITIVE BIDDING. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the board may award a contract involving the expenditure of funds in excess of the amount applicable to an expenditure of funds by a municipality under Section 252.021(a), Local Government Code, [more than $25,000] only by competitive bidding.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

Amendment No. 2

Representative Coleman offered the following amendment to HBi987:


Amend HB 987 on page 7, between lines 23 and 24, by inserting the following:

(c)iiThe board of a district created by special law may by resolution elect to contract, in accordance with the resolution, for services for the construction of improvements or for the purchase of equipment, materials, machinery, supplies, and components of plants, works, facilities, or improvements of the district, notwithstanding a conflicting provision in the district's special law.

Amendment No. 2 was adopted.

Amendment No. 3

Representative Isett offered the following amendment to HBi987:

Amend HB 987 by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

SECTIONi____.iiSection 271.9051(b), Local Government Code, is amended to read as follows:

(b)iiIn purchasing under this title any real property, personal property that is not affixed to real property, or services, if a municipality receives one or more competitive sealed bids from a bidder whose principal place of business is in the municipality and whose bid is within five percent of the lowest bid price received by the municipality from a bidder who is not a resident of the municipality, the municipality may enter into a contract for an expenditure of less than $100,000 with:

(1)iithe lowest bidder; or

(2)iithe bidder whose principal place of business is in the municipality if the governing body of the municipality determines, in writing, that the local bidder offers the municipality the best combination of contract price and additional economic development opportunities for the municipality created by the contract award, including the employment of residents of the municipality and increased tax revenues to the municipality.

(Truitt in the chair)

Amendment No. 3 was adopted.

HB 987, as amended, was passed to engrossment. (Kolkhorst recorded voting no.)

(by Castro)

HB 609, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the composition of the jury in certain adjudication hearings in juvenile court.

HBi609 was passed to engrossment.

(Speaker in the chair)

(by McReynolds and Gonzalez Toureilles)

CSHB 2914, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the establishment of a fuel mitigation pilot grant program for fire departments.

CSHBi2914 was passed to engrossment.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1195

(by Eissler)

HB 2542, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to excused absences in public schools for students visiting institutions of higher education.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Eissler offered the following amendment to HBi2542:

Amend HB 2542 as follows:

(1)iiOn page 1, line 10, strike "senior year" and substitute "junior and senior years".

(2)iiOn page 1, strike lines 13 and 14 and substitute the following:

(1)iithe district may not excuse for this purpose more than two days during the student's junior year and two days during the student's senior year; and

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

HB 2542, as amended, was passed to engrossment.

(by Kuempel)

CSHB 1615, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the practice of veterinarians in certain mercantile establishments.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Kuempel offered the following amendment to CSHBi1615:

Amend CSHB 1615 (House Committee Report) by striking all below the enacting clause and substituting the following:

SECTIONi1.iiSection 801.356(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows:

(a)iiSection 801.355(c) does not apply to the practice of a veterinarian, or the legal successor of the practice, if the practice is operating in space that was opened, designed, or engineered in accordance with plans for a specific facility submitted to the board [open and operating] before December 31, 2009 [January 1, 1993].

SECTIONi2.iiThis Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

CSHB 1615, as amended, was passed to engrossment.

(by Rose and Guillen)

HB 709, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the award of stipends to nationally certified classroom teachers under the educator excellence awards program.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Rose offered the following amendment to HBi709:


Amend HB 709 on page 2, lines 2-4, by striking "have obtained national board certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards" and substituting "hold advanced certification from an organization that certifies at least 2,500 teachers in the United States each year based on the teachers' satisfaction, through study, expert evaluation, self-assessment, and peer review, of high and rigorous standards for accomplished teaching".

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

HB 709, as amended, was passed to engrossment.



Representative McClendon moved to suspend all necessary rules to set a congratulatory and memorial calendar for 10 a.m. Thursday, April 16.

The motion prevailed.


Representative Pickett requested permission for the Committee on Transportation to meet while the house is in session, during bill referral today, in E2.014.

Permission to meet was granted.

Representative Ritter requested permission for the Committee on Natural Resources to meet while the house is in session, during bill referral today, in E2.010, for a public hearing, to consider posted business.

Permission to meet was granted.

Representative Gonzalez Toureilles requested permission for the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock to meet while the house is in session, during bill referral today, in 3W.9, for a formal meeting, to consider pending business.

Permission to meet was granted.

Representative Moody requested permission for the Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, Subcommittee on Criminal Procedure, to meet while the house is in session, during bill referral today, in JHR 110, to continue the public hearing.

Permission to meet was granted.


Representative Eissler moved to suspend the five-day posting rule and all necessary rules to allow the Committee on Public Education to consider HBi2812, HBi4111, and previously posted bills on Thursday, April 16.

The motion prevailed.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Public Education, upon final adjournment/recess Thursday, April 16, E2.014, for a public hearing, to consider HB 2812, HB 4111, and previously posted bills.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1197


Representative McClendon requested permission for the Committee on Rules and Resolutions to meet while the house is in session, during bill referral today, in 1W.14, to consider the calendar.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Technology, Economic Development, and Workforce, 1 p.m. today, E1.026.


Representative Flores moved that, at the conclusion of the reading of bills and resolutions on first reading and referral to committees, the house recess until 10 a.m. tomorrow in memory of Bill Pison of McAllen.

The motion prevailed.



Bills and joint resolutions were at this time laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees. Resolutions were at this time laid before the house and referred to committees. (See the addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List No. 1.)

(Hughes in the chair)


In accordance with a previous motion, the house, at 11:57 a.m., recessed until 10 a.m. tomorrow.



The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house, read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions were today laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chair today corrected the referral of the following measures:

List No. 1

HB 4776 (By T. King), Relating to certain rights of a person who holds an irrigation permit issued by the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4777 (By Edwards), Relating to the creation of the Harris County Improvement District No. 12; providing authority to impose an assessment, impose a tax, and issue bonds.

To County Affairs.


HB 4778 (By Gattis), Relating to the creation of the Northwest Williamson County Municipal Utility District No. 1; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4779 (By Gattis), Relating to the powers and duties of the 3 B&J Municipal Utility District; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds.

To Transportation.

HB 4780 (By Heflin), Relating to election and qualifications of members of the board of directors of the Santa Rita Underground Water Conservation District.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4781 (By Gallego), Relating to the authority to impose a county hotel occupancy tax.

To Ways and Means.

HB 4782 (By Eissler), Relating to the administration, powers and duties, operations, and financing of The Woodlands Township.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4783 (By T. King), Relating to an election of the board of directors of the Frio Hospital District.

To County Affairs.

HB 4784 (By Fletcher), Relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 524; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting a limited power of eminent domain.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4785 (By Weber), Relating to the powers and financing of the Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4786 (By Weber), Relating to the creation of the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 63; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting a limited power of eminent domain.

To Natural Resources.

HB 4787 (By Riddle), Relating to the creation of the Harris County Improvement District No. 18; providing authority to impose an assessment, impose a tax, and issue bonds.

To County Affairs.

HB 4788 (By Coleman), Relating to the authority of the Harris County Improvement District No. 6 to impose an impact fee or assessment on certain service providers.

To County Affairs.

HCR 151 (By Naishtat), Directing the State Preservation Board to reserve the Capitol Rotunda for an organized Texas Independence Day celebration on March 2 of each year.

To House Administration.

HCR 152 (By Hunter), Requesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to provide for a joint interim legislative study on the availability of medical treatment for patients with Lyme diseases in Texas.

To Public Health.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1199

HCR 167 (By Homer), In memory of Robert Brownfield of Paris, Texas.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HCR 169 (By Homer), In memory of Patsy Bell Rosson of Paris, Texas.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HCR 170 (By Homer), In memory of Jimmy E. Upton of Blossom.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HCR 172 (By Legler), Congratulating Michelle Jackson on her selection as the 2009 Cherry Blossom Princess for the State of Texas.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1244 (By Gonzales), Congratulating the Honorable Mario E. Ramirez, Jr., on his receipt of the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hidalgo County Bar Association.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1246 (By Corte), Congratulating legislative employee Loretta Class on her 26th birthday.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1248 (By Farabee), Congratulating the winners of the 2008 John Ben Shepperd Texas Leadership Forum Search for Solutions competition.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1249 (By Farabee), Honoring the life of auto racing legend Lloyd Ruby of Wichita Falls.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1250 (By Weber), In memory of U.S. Army Sergeant Joshua Allen Ward, Sr., of Killeen.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1251 (By Peña), In memory of Albert "Beto" Garza, Jr.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1252 (By Peña), In memory of Alfredo R. Longoria of Edinburg.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1253 (By Peña), In memory of Armando and Francisca Salinas of Elsa.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1256 (By Morrison), Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the K. Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1257 (By Morrison), Congratulating John M. Roberts of the Victoria Advocate on his receipt of the 2008 Frank W. Mayborn Award for Community Leadership from the Texas Daily Newspaper Association.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1258 (By Veasey), In memory of the Reverend Dr. Cedric Deon Britt of Mount Gilead Baptist Church in Fort Worth.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1259 (By Veasey), Congratulating Victor C. Pilot and Kasha Hunt on the grand opening of 820 Auto Sales in Fort Worth on April 24, 2009.

To Rules and Resolutions.


HR 1260 (By Veasey), In memory of Sammie Lee Sims of Fort Worth.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1261 (By Bohac), In memory of Martha Lynn Korioth of Houston.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1262 (By Bohac), In memory of Mary Ellen Hayman Lewis of Houston.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1263 (By Bohac), Congratulating Jonathon Naranjo of Houston on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1264 (By Bohac), Congratulating Ethan Louis Van Antwerp of Houston on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1265 (By Bohac), Congratulating Christopher Anthony Arcos of Houston on becoming an Eagle Scout.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1266 (By Bohac), In memory of Darrell Bayer of Brenham.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1267 (By Bohac), Honoring the life of Beverly Evans of Houston.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1268 (By Bohac), Congratulating Second Lieutenant Ryan Andrew Kemnitz on his graduation from the U.S. Air Force Academy.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1269 (By Leibowitz), Congratulating Steven Shigeo Otake of San Antonio on becoming an Eagle Scout.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1272 (By Weber), In memory of U.S. Army Lieutenant Timothy Wayne Cunningham.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1275 (By S. King), In memory of Dwain "Duby" English of Abilene.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1277 (By Edwards), In memory of Shirley Joiner of Houston.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1278 (By Leibowitz), Honoring Troy Thienpont of Helotes on being selected to participate in the 2009 Lone Star Leadership Academy.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1279 (By Straus), Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille and recognizing the Braille Revival League of Texas.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1280 (By Maldonado), Honoring State Representative Senfronia Thompson on her receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Award from Annie's List.

To Rules and Resolutions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1201

HR 1281 (By Maldonado), Congratulating the Williamson County and Cities Health District on its selection for the Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and EnVironmental ChangE initiative of the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1282 (By T. Smith), Commending Pastor J. C. Benson and Sherry Benson on 40 years of service to the First United Pentecostal Church of Euless.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1283 (By T. Smith), Congratulating Charles and Gwen Swearengen of Hurst on their 50th wedding anniversary.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1284 (By P. King), Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Texas Pythian Home in Weatherford.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1285 (By Legler), Honoring the Houston Shifa Services Foundation on the occasion of the opening of the Shifa Abu Bakr Clinic.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1287 (By Shelton), Congratulating Katie Dyslin of Fort Worth on her receipt of the 2009 June Bratcher Award from the Texas Medical Association Political Action Committee.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1288 (By Shelton), In memory of Harry J. Hillaker of Fort Worth.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1289 (By Shelton), Honoring Harmony Science Academy-Fort Worth on achieving an "Exemplary" rating from the Texas Education Agency in 2008.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1290 (By Shelton), Honoring Ronnie Scrima on his receipt of the Boy Scouts' Heroism Award for saving a man's life with CPR.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1291 (By Shelton), Honoring Tanglewood Elementary School in Fort Worth on its selection as a 2008 Just for the Kids–Higher Performing School by the National Center for Educational Achievement.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1292 (By Parker), Commending art students from Downing Middle School in Flower Mound for participating in the Empty Bowls event to benefit the North Texas Food Bank.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1293 (By Parker), Honoring Caitlin Magill, captain of the Marquettes drill team of Marcus High School in Flower Mound, for her showing at the Crowd Pleasers Fossil Ridge dance team competition.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1294 (By Parker), Congratulating Garrett Ash of Flower Mound on becoming an Eagle Scout.

To Rules and Resolutions.


HR 1295 (By Gattis), Commemorating the 2009 Memorial Day observance sponsored by the Sun City Texas Community Association.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1296 (By Creighton), Congratulating Hunter Fields on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1297 (By Craddick), Congratulating Novert and Mary Merino on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1298 (By Craddick), Congratulating Bob and Juanita Stokes on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1299 (By Craddick), In memory of Danny Ray Robertson of Midland.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1300 (By Miklos), Congratulating the mock trial team of Skyline High School in Dallas for winning the state championship at the 2009 Texas High School Mock Trial Competition.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1301 (By Miklos), In memory of Paula Sue Lawson of Balch Springs.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1302 (By Miklos), In memory of Justin M. Lynch of Mesquite.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1303 (By Miklos), In memory of U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Raymond Munden.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1304 (By Marquez), In memory of Officer Cesar Arreola of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1305 (By Marquez), Congratulating Paul Strelzin on his induction into the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1306 (By Hopson), In memory of Susan Irene Thompson of Jacksonville.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1307 (By Kent), Honoring Terry Kaufman Levinger of Dallas on her 50th birthday.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1308 (By Gallego), Recognizing April 15, 2009, as Reeves County Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1309 (By Gallego), Recognizing April 15, 2009, as Ward County Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules and Resolutions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1203

HR 1311 (By Hunter), Honoring Dr. George Benavidez of Corpus Christi for his professional accomplishments.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1312 (By Hodge), Honoring Don R. Carter, Sr., of Dallas on his retirement from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1313 (By Olivo), Commemorating the 2009 Carolyn Garrett Legislative Leadership Conference in Austin.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1314 (By Olivo), Honoring the life of Carolyn Marie Garrett of Houston.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1315 (By Legler), Honoring the San Jacinto Republican Women.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1316 (By Lewis), Recognizing April 15, 2009, as Winkler County Day at the State Capitol.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1317 (By Martinez Fischer), Honoring the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa in San Antonio.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 1319 (By Martinez Fischer), Honoring the life of noted restaurateur Viola B. Barrios of San Antonio.

To Rules and Resolutions.

SB 6 to Insurance.

SB 66 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 76 to Insurance.

SB 78 to Insurance.

SB 79 to Insurance.

SB 95 to State Affairs.

SB 98 to Higher Education.

SB 129 to Transportation.

SB 161 to Transportation.

SB 184 to Environmental Regulation.

SB 205 to Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

SB 408 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 417 to Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

SB 431 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 432 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 448 to Transportation.

SB 451 to Public Education.

SB 461 to Urban Affairs.


SB 478 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 480 to Transportation.

SB 491 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 502 to Transportation.

SB 518 to Corrections.

SB 519 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 520 to Transportation.

SB 529 to Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

SB 538 to Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

SB 540 to Energy Resources.

SB 543 to Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

SB 547 to State Affairs.

SB 554 to Criminal Jurisprudence.

SB 596 to Higher Education.

SB 635 to Public Education.

SB 637 to Natural Resources.

SB 658 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 659 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 663 to Natural Resources.

SB 698 to Insurance.

SB 705 to Public Health.

SB 711 to Licensing and Administrative Procedures.

SB 713 to Transportation.

SB 715 to Natural Resources.

SB 741 to Technology, Economic Development, and Workforce.

SB 742 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 764 to Urban Affairs.

SB 776 to Business and Industry.

SB 786 to Human Services.

SB 788 to Human Services.

SB 799 to Natural Resources.

SB 803 to Land and Resource Management.

SB 806 to Human Services.

SB 811 to Higher Education.

SB 812 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 828 to Criminal Jurisprudence.

SB 833 to Defense and Veterans' Affairs.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1205

SB 843 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 847 to Defense and Veterans' Affairs.

SB 848 to Natural Resources.

SB 859 to Business and Industry.

SB 870 to Public Health.

SB 899 to Transportation.

SB 914 to Natural Resources.

SB 927 to Elections.

SB 941 to State Affairs.

SB 948 to Agriculture and Livestock.

SB 1001 to Insurance.

SB 1005 to Public Safety.

SB 1033 to County Affairs.

SB 1047 to Natural Resources.

SB 1081 to Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

SB 1140 to Public Education.

SB 1142 to Elections.

SB 1143 to Insurance.

SB 1149 to Land and Resource Management.

SB 1247 to Ways and Means.

SB 1278 to Corrections.

SB 1332 to Human Services.

SB 1526 to Border and Intergovernmental Affairs.

SCR 53 to Rules and Resolutions.


The following bills and resolutions were today signed in the presence of the house by the speaker:

House List No. 16

HCRi123, HCRi138, HCRi163



Favorable reports have been filed by committees as follows:

April 9

Agriculture and Livestock - HBi865, HBi3429, HBi4002


Border and Intergovernmental Affairs - HBi4185, HJRi142

Business and Industry - HBi1471

Criminal Jurisprudence - HBi2236

Culture, Recreation, and Tourism - HBi1965, HBi2553, HBi2680, HCRi16

Defense and Veterans' Affairs - HBi618, HBi2532, HJRi116

Higher Education - HBi1056, HBi2304

House Administration - HBi4114, HCRi57, HCRi81, HRi161, HRi563

Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence - HBi108, HBi692, HBi853, HBi1551, HBi1804, HBi1833, HBi2435

Land and Resource Management - HJRi114

Natural Resources - HBi1367, HBi1922, HBi2178

Public Education - HBi136, HBi339, HBi636, HBi829, HBi2018, HBi2491

Public Safety - HBi2626

State Affairs - HBi217, HBi432, HBi1485, HBi1705, HBi3309

Technology, Economic Development, and Workforce - HBi2397

Transportation - HBi985

Urban Affairs - HBi459, HBi554

Ways and Means - HBi653, HBi656, HBi1139, HBi1203, HBi1275, HBi1407, HBi2032, HBi2555, HBi3613, HJRi36


April 9 - HBi161, HBi205, HBi374, HBi401, HBi536, HBi559, HBi602, HBi651, HBi652, HBi675, HBi763, HBi962, HBi1145, HBi1178, HBi1213, HBi1215, HBi1232, HBi1265, HBi1300, HBi1345, HBi1382, HBi1406, HBi1409, HBi1530, HBi1622, HBi1785, HBi1786, HBi1805, HBi1809, HBi1908, HBi1974, HBi2055, HBi2101, HBi2102, HBi2104, HBi2169, HBi2196, HBi2238, HBi2263, HBi2310, HBi2330, HBi2449, HBi2457, HBi2483, HBi2509, HBi2512, HBi2594, HBi2752, HBi2763, HBi2765, HCRi53, HCRi79, HCRi94, HBi396

April 13 - HBi1363, HBi1759


April 13 - HCRi138, HCRi163

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 HOUSE JOURNAL — 48th Day 1207
