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Basic Searching

Operator Syntax Description
AND health AND care Journals with both words are returned.
OR business OR economic Journals with either business or economic are returned.
NEAR 36 NEAR people Journals with 36 or people within 5 words of each other are returned.
NEARN employment NEAR10 municipality Journals with employment within 10 words of municipality are returned. N can be any number.
BEFORE texas BEFORE university Journals with texas before university are returned.
AFTER district AFTER college Journals with district after college are returned.
NOT health NOT safety Journals with health but not safety are returned.
Exact phrase "pledge of allegiance" Journals with the exact phrase pledge of allegiance are returned.
Wildcard: asterisk (*) Educat* Journals with words that begin with educat are returned. E.g., educator, education, educate.
Wildcard: question mark (?) 5?5 Journals with 525, 535, 545, etc. are returned.

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